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About ZJeb67

  • Birthday September 7

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  • Gender
  • Location
    : SE Michigan

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
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  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Hoping to get some golf spikes with a wide toe box. The dogs are barking after the last 36 holes with the current shoes
  2. Happy Saturday all! Happy labor day to the U.S. Got out for the 2nd round of the stay at home golf weekend. Tight course but the Driver was very accurate and the fairway woods were golden. We won't mention the short game. Got cocky on the 14th and hit a 210 yard 7 wood pin high and 7 yards left, right into the pond. Still not practicing good course management and risking going full Tin Cup, I hit again and landed on the green. Was it a sound decision, absolutely not despite a good result. Will it encourage me to make risky unsound choices in the future, yes it certainly will against my better judgement. Followed up the day with homemade pulled pork nachos and conversations with the golf partners of when we were kids and did stupid things. We've grown out that, we're not kids anymore (but we still do the occasional stupid things )
  3. Yesterday's round I hit (or just missed by less than 1-2 yards) 13 of 14 fairways with the Stix Compete driver. I hadn't noticed until late in the round when one in the foursome kept saying "you hit another fairway" That driver continues as my gamer with no complaints.
  4. Happy Friday All! Didn't get to post yesterday as I was up at oh dark 30 on my way for the first round of the stay at home golf weekend. Good amount of rain Wednesday night and the course was walking only. Muggy weather and a hilly course led to copious amounts of sweat. I did get my PB for that course (with the obligatory ball donation to the 18th pond. Had to try the hero shot) 2nd round today, going to wear a more breathable shirt, and probably get some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on board. Toss up between Tylenol and Aleve.
  5. Happy Wednesday All! Out and about early for an Dr appt. As the joke goes, he told me I'm too fat. I said I'd like a second opinion. He said, OK, you're ugly too. Hope golf is in the day
  6. Happy Tuesday All! got to swing a club or two at lunch and that always improves the day. Nothing like an occasional pure strike to feed the addiction, er, I mean, uh, keep one coming back golfing
  7. @TSauer and @Swood1994 hope you guys have a great time doing the testing. So many virtual courses right at home.
  8. Happy Monday All! Late getting to post, short (busy) workweek for me then Thursday and Friday morning tee times. I may have been counting the days to this weekend since June. Mallet putter is having great distance control. Just can't seem to get them to drop in the cup. So, so many lip-outs. Keeping the positive attitude going that I'm well overdue for many to drop. (and there will be much rejoicing)
  9. Happy Sunday all! Quiet start to a beautiful summer morning. My son took the dogs for the .morning. It's strangely quiet without them. Forecast likely for a late afternoon 9 holes
  10. Weekend!!!! I may be a little too enthusiastic for a non workday. Coffee imbibed, dogs walked and got their morning swim in, came back to bacon (mmmm) Beach, haircut, lawn mow, what to do? The day has endless possibilities
  11. We've got a squirrel with the front half black fur and the back half fox squirrel coloring We call him hammer pants ('80s throwback)
  12. Happy Thursday all! League night (whoo hoo!) just have to get through this pesky work day. Counting down until the US labor day holiday, have a stay at home golf weekend lined up.
  13. picked up a super stroke mid size grip to try on a spare driver. I'm not sure why I'm messing, my Stix Compete driver really earned it's place in the bag. I just have to tinker I guess
  14. Happy Monday All! Looking like another busy work week. Don't they know I have to have my zen forum time? Tried the Callaway AI at a fitting on Sunday. Couldn't seem to find a good combination for me. Hope others have a more compatible experience.
  15. 14 way for me. Everything in it's place and a place for everything. I have no idea why my family thinks I have OCD
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