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About Wicki

  • Birthday 07/23/1974

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Culpeper, VA
  • Interests
    Golf, fishing, camping, coaching
  • Referred By:
    Todd Sawicki

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
  • Biggest Weakness
    Short Game
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Believe it or not I would have to say my Spalding II sand wedge. It got stolen and it was a sad day after that trying to find that next sand wedge. As for my set of irons it would be my Mizuno Grad 2 irons. That was my first real set of irons that I had bought.
  2. I am still working with the Billy 83 sunglasses to where I can fully enjoy them while playing golf. One thing that I keep doing is bending the arms (rounding them) to where the points touch each other. This has helping having them fit and kinda comfortable when the arms are tucked under my hat. I like to wear the Billy's mainly when I am driving on the bright sunny days of Spring right now.
  3. Played around today (4/28) wearing the Stack TrueBlue. Wearing a hat, the arms were under the cap. I didn't even tuck them under and didn't even know that they were under my cap already. Since I had discomfort with the Billy 83's arms being under my cap. The Stack just have a natural fit to my small face. In the stretch fit hats, I wear a S/M to give you a better understanding. Before our rough has grown, I had no problem finding my ball. Now that the rough is thicker, it is tough to find the ball. Everyone is having problems. The dew was a plenty and I had trouble to tell the difference between a ball and the dew. Others had the same problem with their sunglasses noticing whether if it was a ball or just dew. In tracking the ball, I have to say that the Billy 83's are better than the Stack. The Stack's are better than other sunglasses and the naked eyes tracking the ball.
  4. The Stack is comfortable and do NOT have the discomfort I get with the Billy83's. So with the discomfort I have with the Billy83, I have been trying to see how I can eliminate that discomfort. Right now I feeling the squeeze and do not have a flex point at where the are meets the frame. Hope this helps more of a pinpoint my issue.
  5. I cannot put my finger on it. I was wearing them today for nine hole to try and see what it could be. The Stack just had that out of package comfortable fit. I have thought about is it the nose pieces, but that went away. It might just be a narrow fit. I am going to wear them specifically few more times to see if things get better. It might self adjust if I keep wearing them. I will talk more about the Billy's in the near future. 04/22/2024 I have wearing these sunglasses more. The nose piece is fine and comfortable. What I concluded was the arms on the sunglass's is what is bothering and making it uncomfortable. I have a tough time having a comfortable fit when I wear a baseball cap. I always wear a cap and never had discomfort with a pair of sunglasses as I do with these. I tucked the arms into my hat and I have a hard time getting them tucked under. The more I wear these sunglasses the less I enjoy them. Everyone has different size and shaped heads, and it does not work with my head and wearing a cap. I do wear them driving with no issues though.
  6. I have really been wearing the Stack TrueBlue sunglasses mostly over the Billy 83 TrueBlue Polarized PLUS. The Stack's just feel more comfortable wearing. When the sun is setting and not as bright I still wear my Tifosi sunglasses. I played on Saturday (4/13). I actually started with the Tifosi sunglasses. As the clouds burned off, I was wearing the Stack glasses. On Monday (4/15) I looked at the lenses and noticed that I have face oil all around the edges, including along the bottom. This tells me that sun is not getting in along the edges. Yes! This is what I prefer with my sunglasses. I do have to be wearing the Billy's more. I just have not found them as comfortable as the Stack's. The Billy's are the more expensive pair and not weighing up to the Stack's.
  7. From other line of their shoes I have heard good things. Looking forward to see if it carries thru with these too.
  8. Congrats to the three of you. Looking forward to see your thoughts, as I am in the starting process of looking into an electric cart. Looking at converting my Clicgear or out right get an electric cart.
  9. As it is asking what I prefer Stand or Cart bag, well that is easy. Our course is walker friendly. I find it way easier to carry and prefer the Stand Bag. I have to say that the Stand bag though is not too push cart friendly. This is the only time that I would like a cart bag. When I do use a golf cart, my stand bag does just fine. When I got my Stand bag, I did look into the ease of using it on a cart. It took time to select my bag, but I do enjoy the walking I do.
  10. Congrats on your selection. Look forward to hear about these putters and your takes on what you think.
  11. Hello from the Culpeper, VA. I am Jason, who is about to turn 50 years old. I am not fond of bright lights anymore. Majority rounds of golf I play, I am wearing sunglasses. The current line of sunglasses that I am wearing is Tifosi. These have there Enliven Golf lenses. I have had Callaway sunglasses, and there was one I had that I really enjoyed, but everyone changes things and could not find ones I could like. I have worn Polarized and Non- Polarized sunglasses golf. Ones that have cost some money and others where I was being careful of cost. This is where I have settled on Tifosi and on my second pair. I cannot wait to start bringing my thoughts on the Sundog Sunglasses, what I like and do not like. I will be comparing the sunglasses with the current pair I am using. How are they reading the green, and golf course. How well does it keep the sun off my eyes. It is a pleasure again to being one that gets to bring my thoughts on Sundog Sunglasses. First Impression: I went out of town when they first arrived. Was anxious to get home and get the sunglasses. I have to say that my first impression was NOT that pleasing, considering the cost of the sunglasses. They were just placed into the shipping box. If I am paying $80 or more, I would not want my sunglasses just thrown in a box with a crumpled up paper on top of them. I have boughten cheaper sunglasses that are shipped in a protective case, inside the packaging for the sunglasses, and then in the shipping box. The first picture is what I saw inside the box. A hybrid head cover as the protective case, not impressive. I would NOT want to store my sunglasses in that, in my golf bag. The sunglasses will get destroyed. On top of it, only one, when they shipped 2 pairs of sunglasses. This is not starting off well for Sundog Sunglasses. I am hoping that the performance of the sunglasses are better than how they were package. I would have shipped them back asking for a FULL refund. There is no way I would spend that kind of money, and not get a protective case. On $50 pairs, I baby them, so can image how I am feeling so far. Over price for something that not worth giving a protective case. First Impression wearing the Sundogs Billy83 TrueBlue Polarized PLUS and Stack TrueBlue. They have a darker lens than Tisfosi sunglasses that I have. With the darker lenses, it darkens the grass greener and sky bluer. For bright sunny days they are great. As you can see I got the wraps. I cannot have the sun coming in on the side, and they prevent the sun from coming in on the side. People have their preference on style and this is mine. I have not notice if I can read the greens any better. With the cost sky rocketing to play golf, including the gas needed to get to the courses, I just do not see the need to go to another course. The Country Club I play at are older smaller greens. They have some slight breaks that are just tough to read. At times it seems that I read the green backwards. One thing I have notice though, is I can track the ball a little better. As I age it is harder to track the ball normally. My depth perception is going, but I have better idea where the ball should be. A pair of sunglasses I would love to compare these too is Oakleys Prism golf glasses. Final Thoughts on the Sundog Sunglasses Billy83 and the Stack's: Stack TrueBlue 85:100 First Impression 5:10 With the being stated with the score, I have to say I was impressed with the looks of the sunglasses. I give that a score of 5. But how they were package, as you can see from the picture above, they just completely missed the mark. The Stack's and Billy's only had a plastic sleeve protecting, and the cushion protecting it from the box. From the money expected to be paying for them, that alone turned me off even considering them for future consideration! As for the fit, I was more impressed how comfortable the Stack's were over the Billy's. Even today I just cannot get a comfortable wear from the Billy's. Every time I am messing around with the arms to try and make them comfortable. The Stack's I can go for hours and forget that I have them on. Design 20:20 This is the design I like, the wrap style. I do not like the sun coming from the sides and I never know if a little is going to get through the sides with the wrap. I have to say that I never had an issue of sun coming in the sides when I was swing, and being distracted. These hit the mark on that. I like the clear frames with the blue ear padding. Comfortability (The Numbers) 18:20 These were comfortable from the moment I put them on! I wear these for a whole round and forget that I have them on. I enjoy wearing these driving as well. They are light weight. The arms slip right under my hat, the way I wear my sunglasses. I just cannot say enough how comfortable they are. I do have a smaller size head, I wear a S/M flex ball cap. Hope this gives you an idea. The lenses are dark, so on the course I sometimes have to pull them up on top of my hat when the sun was covered by clouds. It just made it harder to see things clearly. The lenses did help me to be able to track the golfball further than I was able to with a different brand of sunglasses. I didn't have a problem reading the greens. Some of the greens are just hard to read. On The Course 17/20 As mentioned above the lenses are darker than other sunglasses I have. Tracking the ball was better. I could not wear them when the sun was behind clouds because of the darkness of the sense. Spotting the ball in rough was better than more previous pair of sunglasses, and let me tell you it is no picnic looking in our rough to find your ball. We still at times have to literally step on the ball to find it. I have to say that it is better reading the greens, but still have difficulty picking up the contour of the slight breaks in them. The Good, Bad, and Ugly 8/10 The good on these sunglasses is the comfort level for someone with a smaller head. How well they block the sun on the sides. They are great for bright, clear, sunny days on the course. The bad, is the darkness of the lenses. Partly cloudy days, have to take the sunglasses off while the sun is tuck behind the clouds. Wear them or Leave Them 17/20 I will be wearing these a lot, despite how dark the lenses are. I am upset that they did not come with a hard protective case in shipping and have the ability to put them away while on the course. It seems that the Q/A department fell short of that one when someone is paying $79.99, and having them shipped. Billy83 TrueBlue Polarized PLUS 61:100 First Impression 4:10 Much like the Stack's, they were in a plastic sleeve. Costing $149.99 for these, highly disappointed that there is NO hard case. You get a Hybrid head cover as a case. Soft, no protection when on the course for your investment. I know that other companies have hard cases for their sunglasses that cost less. QA department did not think this through all the way. Design 17:20 Was not fully impressed. The look was good. The wrap style is my choice style to wear to keep the sun out on the sides when I swing. Not much a black color for my glasses. That is a personal choice. Comfortability 10:20 I was not a fan for these glasses. There was always something that was not comfortable when wearing them. I would mess with the arms where they rest on the ear, since you can bend them. Then there was a discomfort on the bridge of the nose. I tried and tried to like these because just could not pull myself to like them with the comfortability. I would constantly be putting them on top of my hat when playing. On the Course 15/20 Outside what was stated above, I did like how I could track my shot further in flight. Having older eyes and things becoming hard to see, I was impressed. Colors popped and could spot my ball better in the rough, when not buried under the clovers patches! The lenses are dark like the Stack's, talked about above. The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 5:10 The good was the sense of the lenses. The bad and ugly was the fit and comfort of the glasses. Having to adjust to try and have them comfortable, just could not get them to be. Take them on the course or leave them 10:20 I have to say I am going to leave them to collect dust. I prefer the Stack's over the Billy's. I would not spend the money on these sunglasses. It was nice to be part in trying them out, but I could not after trying and trying too. Thru the lenses Normal photo
  12. Well I thought this would never happen! I bought 4 dozen Chrome Tour X's! I guess I committed to Callaway for my Club Tournaments this year. I still enjoy my TP5x's as well, but Chrome Tour's have me thinking of which one I want to be pulling out. Callaway did well with these Tour's balls. And those I let play a hole with the ball like the new Tour's as well. They have pretty much have said what I have said about the balls. Less side spin, the ball is going further off the tee than the Chrome Soft, as well as straighter. Their normal ball of play are Titleist Pro V's.
  13. I had BOAs before. They are nice and lasted for a few seasons. They lasted for several seasons. I do own several pairs of golf shoes, so they can dry out. Never had an issue with the BOA system through the life of the shoe. I am not a fan that they cost more than regular shoes. To me the cost does not offset! With some of the designs, do not fit my feet where some of the guiding holes to help keep the laces in place. BOAs hold the shoe to form than laces do.
  14. Think I am heading in the same direction myself, with the same balls!
  15. With the testing why not have others hit the balls to see what they think. Had a fellow member give it a try. He normal does NOT play Callaway. Gave him the chance to see what the new Callaway is about. It was a hole that it is a tight tee shot and over a pond. He was impress with how he was able to hit a straight shot. He liked how it felt coming off the club face. His next shot, he tried to play a very high lob shot over a tree and just missed clearing the tree on the last branch. It was a shot that he would not try. He liked that all around play if the ball. Let another golf buddy give it a shot, who used to play the Chrome Soft. He switched to Pro V1 because the Callaway Chrome Soft is too soft for his liking. So why not let him try the ball out. He liked how it is comes off the club and that it is not as soft as the Chrome Soft. I not sure though it was enough to convince him to play the Tour. As for me, the weather is getting nice and the shanks are coming out of hibernation! I still like how I hit the ball with less of the side spin. My short game has improved, just have to remember what I am doing to continue this game. Also considering getting the 4 dozen pack of Tours to have on hand for important rounds! If the Tours were anything like the Soft's, I wouldn't even been thinking about it. There has been an improvement on how I have been thinking of playing my golf game. This has been informative to myself and pushed me to try things that I would not try or do normally.
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