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Everything posted by Yaboyjermz

  1. Also interested in this surprised there are no YouTube video reviews either.
  2. 1st Tie Breaker: What is the Cut Number. +5 makes the cut. 2nd Tie Breaker: What will Tigers score to par be, whether he makes or misses the cut. +7 (Not a Tiger hater I promise)
  3. Congrats to our testers! Depending on how this test goes I’ll probably buy one
  4. Titleist is know for making fairly plain drivers and plain is a good thing. It captures more of the market. The most important thing isn't necessarily looks but performance and so long as it performs most people will end up bagging it.
  5. Can’t wait for the results from the test. Congrats to the testers and good luck!
  6. Congrats to all those selected! Looking forward to seeing the results!
  7. Check out ProClubs and Mikes Golf Outlet. This is where I have seen the largest collection of shafts for average to low prices. As a gear head/tinkerer I have put some awesome builds together thanks to both of these sellers. They also have pretty good trade-in programs which include shafts.
  8. While the feeling of a club is all preference and some may say there is no right swing weight the fact of the matter is shafts are meant to load in a specific way. If the swing weight is not correct then a person is not effectively maximizing loading and releasing the golf club. The other thing to note is just because a club is working doesn’t mean that a person is in the right fit for a club. Charts have been created to guide fitters and golfers to provide specific swing weight based off of swing speed. A person may swing the club slower or faster than the specified swing weight and miss out on either distance or accuracy. This is why it is important for people to get fit for clubs or trial and error their specs until they maximize performance.
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