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Sign up Closed: PXG GEN7 and Black Ops Irons

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
4,012 signups
Equipment Type: irons
Vendor: PXG

Testers Wanted


MyGolfSpy Forum is thrilled to announce a new release testing opportunity from PXG. This is the first time PXG has ever participated in member testing, and there couldn't be a better product than their newly announced Gen 7 irons and Black Ops irons.

About PXG

It’s no surprise that PXG is a polarizing brand. Since their inception in 2013, they have been bold and, for some, brash. The evolution of PXG has been fascinating to follow as they transitioned from a boutique, high-priced, exclusive brand to a company offering a range of options with price points that will suit most, if not all, golfers.

PXG places significant focus on fitting, ensuring customers have the proper products to get the best performance from their game. This is evident with their various in-store fitting options (at PXG-specific or partner stores) and the option of over-the-phone fittings.

PXG also offers their PXG for Heroes program, which provides first looks, discounts, and more for active duty, veterans, first responders, and law enforcement personnel. It is a “Thank You” to all those who have served and is a core pillar of the brand.


The PXG Perception

As mentioned earlier, PXG is a polarizing brand. This was evident in the 2022 Brand Perception Survey done by MyGolfSpy, where results were varied. PXG ranked high with related words such as Modern, Premium, Engineering, and Innovation, while also ranking high with less positive keywords such as Hype, Follower, and Gimmick.

When brands are louder, there will be more people on each side of the fence, compared to those straddling it, which is why these results are not surprising.

This brings us to a key point: does it matter? If a product performs or outperforms what is in your bag, will it, or can it, change your perception? Could it make some of those negative associations fade away?


The Testing Opportunity

We are looking for six golfers to test, review, and keep a set of PXG Gen 7 irons or PXG Black Ops irons. We will be selecting three for each, and while we have no specifications or further details to share with you (those will be released soon), we are thrilled to provide this early opportunity to our members.

What is your brand bias towards PXG? Do you think it will make you the perfect tester?

Let us know!


*This testing opportunity is open to registered forum members in North America.
*Registration closes August 4.
*Testers will be announced August 6.



I think highly of the PXG brand.  I was fitted for my current driver and 3 wood in their Orlando store and that was a great experience. I owned a set of PXG 0211 irons and really liked them, but eventually traded them for some stronger loft sets.

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Can’t wait to see these hammers perform! On my 3rd set of PXG’s and will be on my 4th fairly soon! I’m certainly liking how PXG is becoming more of a household name and being competitively compared to the other big names in golf! 💣kaboom baby!

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Several golf friends have convinced me that PXGs may be the new brand for me. I would love to test the latest version. They look very promising.

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Only used a PXG driver and that was on point! I would love to try these irons without a doubt 🏌🏽⛳

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Looking forward, if chosen, to test these irons.  So far, I have not found a club that makes me want to kick my Miura CB 57 irons out of the bag. I know they can’t last forever.


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Nice! What an opportunity!

I have a couple of first-responder buddies who use PXG irons and I've always thought they were very good looking sets -- very modern with attractive finishes and accents. 

I would love to compare these to my Cobra Forged TecX!! Current 7i club speed is about 93mph, ball speed usually coming off around 110-115 depending.. I do practice almost daily in my home-sim, but also do practice on grass sometimes, as well as playing a round or two as family time permits. 

Either way -- looking forward to the results and write ups for these sets!!

Thanks to PXG and MGS!

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I am a high handicapper(20), and a Senior golfer using older Ping G20 irons. Would be interesting to see how a modern PXG iron set would improve my ball striking and handicap. Would be great to have clubs that would actually improve my game.

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As someone who has only been golfing for 4 years, pxg had my attention early. Great job to them and the MGS team getting this opportunity to us. Good luck everyone 

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I really love how endlessly customizable these clubs are, and I would love to get fit and put these up against my D9 Forged. I have hit Gen 5, Gen 6, and 0317T clubs. I play a Gen 6 driver and 0211 Fairways, and they’re all so good. I can’t imagine how good these irons must be.

Also, approach is the worst part of my game, so I could use extra help. Fingers crossed!

Thanks for the opportunity!

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Very excited to see how these reviews pan out, have always been interested in the brand. Seeing more and more clubs out there seemingly every year. 

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For a company that has never been a draw to me personally and I have always been pretty resistant to I would love a chance to be proven wrong. 

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Kaboom! I’m happy they are finally here. The company makes amazing irons, but drivers have been the weakness. The irons are as good as anyone. I’ve gamed the gen 1 and 2, and currently I’m playing a set of blacked out P790’s I won in a tourney. My next will be a set of the PXG irons however. I also need to mention that the fairway woods are also amazing. Hopefully, I get a chance to text these baby’s out. I have the tools so bring them on. 


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I get more comfortable with the PXG brand every year, but I still don't know if I'd want to be seen with a bag full of PXGs - it sill just has a stigma for me.  But you can't argue with performance, no matter the brand!

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I admit that I have been fascinated with PXG over the years, and I enjoyed by PXG Gen4 Driver for the year that I used it.   I would absolutely love the opportunity to try, test and report on their irons.  Over past 2 years, I have been searching high and low for an iron that could give me just a few more yards of carry as I am getting older.  I have gone from player cavity backs with stiff steel shafts to player distance with graphite irons to now regular steel shafts.  While I am "OK" with my height and distance my conistency has dropped.  I would very much like to see how PXG irons could work for me.


Thanks and good luck everyone..

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I play PXG Driver and 3,5 & 7 woods.  Best clubs I've ever hit.  Goes farther than any other I have owned or tryed.

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Honestly, I’ve never touched a PXG club, so I’m in the dark. I’m always willing to give new clubs a try. 

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Very excited about this opportunity! Will be interesting to find out about build quality with them becoming a more affordable option, as opposed too when they were a more upscale exclusive brand. Good luck go all entrants! 

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1 hour ago, Vegan_Golfer_PNW said:

Pxg has been ahead on the game in the iron space. This should be a great test. Too bad it’s not their 317 line with the T/CBs. Good luck all. 

You'd really prefer those over the on release items? 

Black Ops is a brand new line that should blow ppl away as it's an entirely new line for them...

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