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About Mmoorhead

  • Birthday 05/27/1983

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  • Location
    Visalia, Ca 93292
  • Interests
    I am the Director of Impact Central Cal (www.ccalyouth.com), I put together youth camps, multiple youth events, young adult events, and a couples seminar throughout the year. I love to get out and play golf as it is a big stress reliever for me. I love hiking, hunting, and camping. I have also just completed my masters degree in Marriage and Family Therapy. I have a big family (4 girls and 1 boy) so family rime is very important.

Player Profile

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  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
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  1. Lools like younhad a great round. It's an amazing feeling to hit the ball so close to the pin. Congrats on the round (golf clap).
  2. Date 08/13/2023 Course Name Tulare Golf Course Gross Score 86 Course Handicap 16 Gross Strokes over/under par 14 Net Score to Par -2 Net Score 70 Net Birdies or better 7 Longest Drive 252 I played well today and even though my drives were accurate, I was hitting my 3 wood further than my driver. I put the driver away and focused on using the 3 wood. Had a great relaxing day on the course and shot 14 over, campared to my usual 16 or 18 over. I feel my game is gettjng better and I'm hitting the ball more accurate, except for those pesky chunks lol. I was excited to get to play because it's about to get busy again at work. Got a nice birdy and a few par saves. Love this game.
  3. I was thinking a dry run would also be beneficial. How the product works as a bag replacement.
  4. Title: A Golfer's Delight - The Kid Caddie Review My name is Matt Moorhead, and golf has been a part of my life since 2003 when I first teed off with friends during my college days. Over the years, I've become a more consistent golfer, dedicating time to refine my skills. Now shooting in the mid '80s, golf has become more than just a hobby; it's my stress reliever and a way to stay competitive. As a dedicated parent of five, my golfing adventures took a backseat for nearly a decade due to the responsibilities of raising my children, who are all two years apart However, the recent addition of my youngest, now just four months old, has rekindled my passion for golf. Yet, the prospect of being unable to hit the links for the next few years loomed worryingly. That's when I learned about the revolutionary Kid Caddie - a product that could potentially enable parents with young children to enjoy the game they love while taking care of their little ones. The prospect of testing the Kid Caddie was enthralling. Golf is not just a game for me; it's an integral part of my life that offers solace and rejuvenation. Playing predominantly in Central California's Fresno-Bakersfield area, and occasionally traveling for work, I relish the opportunity to explore courses across the U.S. Planning to evaluate the Kid Caddie on multiple levels, my review aims to shed light on its practicality for golfing parents. Firstly, I'll assess how well it accommodates parents on the course and whether it complements or hinders their golfing experience. Will it be the game-changer I hope for? Secondly, I'll delve into the functionality of the product, scrutinizing how it interacts with various strollers. Armed with an array of strollers, I intend to put the Kid Caddie through rigorous tests to gauge its adaptability and user-friendliness. To truly put the Kid Caddie to the test, I plan on embarking on golfing adventures with my four-month-old by my side. I anticipate the unique challenges that come with caring for an infant while navigating a golf course. My aim is to share how seamlessly the Kid Caddie blends into the golfing routine, allowing both me and my little one to enjoy a memorable time on the fairways. Additionally, I look forward to enlisting the help of my two- and five-year-old nieces and nephews. Observing how the Kid Caddie performs in the company of active young ones will provide valuable insights for families with diverse age groups. As a parent well-versed in the art of using strollers in various settings, I believe the Kid Caddie's modification will facilitate a smooth golfing experience. While challenges like diaper changes, bottles, and nap times are inevitable, I am no stranger to juggling these while on the go. The Kid Caddie's potential to streamline the process fills me with excitement, and I'm eager to put it through its paces in the real world. However, I must acknowledge some concerns. The Kid Caddie's plastic material raises questions about its durability. I worry about its ability to withstand the rigors of travel and the occasional mishaps that may occur on the golf course. My review will thoroughly evaluate this aspect, ensuring an honest and comprehensive assessment. In conclusion, the Kid Caddie presents a novel concept in the world of golf, promising to offer parents like me a chance to continue pursuing our passion while caring for our little ones. My review will delve into its practicality, functionality, and adaptability on the course, and I'll share candid insights from a golfer who seeks to strike the perfect balance between family and the game he loves. Stay tuned for the full review as I embark on this exciting golfing adventure with the Kid Caddie!
  5. You know, I didn't even contemplate sandbaggers. I guess in my head golf is still about being honest. All the courses they advertise looks great, it's interesting that you mention only playing one really good course. I guess that's advertising though.
  6. @Tom the Golf Nut yes, the cart ride down made me very grateful that I wasn't walking lol. I loved playing mountain golf. Watching the ball flight, the hang time, and seeing it hit the green was a rush. I look forward to playing more mountain courses. Now that your in NC have you thought of playing the World Amateur tournament in Myrtle Beach. It looks like a lot of fun, I may check into it next year (end of August every year).
  7. This last week I had to go out of town for work so I made extra time to play a few courses in TN. I played Bent Creek GC in Gatlinburg TN, and I played the Gatlinburg Golf Course as well. They were so amazing, the views were spectacular. I entered a Four man scramble that my organization put on to help fund the Disaster Relief program, out team won 1st, I won the longest drive and the closest to the pin. Both courses were really challenging and took a lot of course management to keep a good score. Ill post some pictures below. Courses are worth playing if your ever in the area. 20230622_160951.mp4
  8. Ok, I was curious because Im going to play a course with the same name near Gatlinburg TN. Looks like you had a great round.
  9. Date 06/09/2023 Course Name Tulare Golf Course Gross Score 89 Course Handicap 16 Gross Strokes over/under par 17 Net Score to Par 1 Net Score 73 Net Birdies or better 5 Longest Drive 281 Was a good round, driver was doing well but the best part was I got to play with my 11 year old daughter. We had a lot of fun.
  10. I like it, let's unite and grow the game instead of bickering and pointing fingers. Smart move business wise as well.
  11. Date 05/27/2023 Course Name Tulare Golf Course Gross Score 89 Course Handicap 16 Gross Strokes over/under par 17 Net Score to Par 1 Net Score 73 Net Birdies or better 5 Longest Drive 183 This round was special for me even though it wasn't my best round. For my 40th birthday my wife and kids took me golfing. It was a great day, and I got a birthday birdie (a birdie on my birthday). Pic is with my 1st son Levi, 2 months old. I also have 4 girls 12,11,9,&7). I am very blessed.
  12. Date 05/24/2023 Course Name Tulare Golf Course Gross Score 86 Course Handicap 16 Gross Strokes over/under par 14 Net Score to Par -2 Net Score 70 Net Birdies or better 8 Longest Drive 181 Had a great round, almost had my first hole-in-one. Drove the ball and approch shots were really good today. Putting was good as well. I saved quite a few strokes on chipping it close. I also hit a few 5 wood shots up on the green.
  13. Rick shiels, Mark Crossfield, and lately Micah Morris and Grant Hovak.
  14. Thanks, I appreciate the info. Hopefully there's a glove out there that has both.
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