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Everything posted by JRDuck40

  1. UPDATE!!!! I will have a massive drop this weekend. Finally have shafts finished. Found our culprit for flaking / bubbling issues. It was not humidity. It was the clear coat I was using. With that cleared up, I was able to do this…. was able to take the CBs to the range. Will have my full initial review up asap. fyi Toura did an AMAZING job. I can honestly say, when you flush it, it doesn’t even feel like you hit a ball. They are sooooo incredibly smooth. It is truly a hot knife thru butter. Smoke show! www.touragolf.com Onward
  2. So I gamed a traditional heel mounted putter forever. With the exception of using a bullseye in high school for a short period of time. But during that timeframe, I was insanely good at putting from 15 to 20 feet in. After a putting lesson in 2022, I decided to make a switch to a center shafted putter. But did not jump right in. I found an older TM Rossie and played around with it for a few weeks. I did like the way it came off the face, but it was way too soft for my liking. Did a little reserach online and was able to find my current gamer, Scotty Cameron GoLo S (circa 2014 ). After a few tweaks, I have this thing dialed in. I honestly cannot go back to a traditional putter. Love this thing!
  3. BIG update coming tonight. I'll have video updated for the build. Also, with NO RAIN in the forecast, I am planning on finishing up shafts and will FINALLY have the CBs on the course this upcoming weekend. Also, will be VERY much putting them to the test with range time, rounds scheduled for Monday, Tuesday, Friday-Sunday May 31st thru June 2nd. Get ready for an inundation content. It' is going to be a fun test. Not going to lie though, I have been striking my Takomo T101's very well as of late. Toura has a hill to climb but excited to put the work in. @ctg44 @azstu324 @David Leighton Reid have been all getting in a ton of testing and I'm starting to get quite jealous! Thankfully no more work trips to get in the way of some serious golf coming up. Onward.
  4. Acrylic is best I found. Nail polish does have staying power, but can crack / fade quickly. Also, always be sure to clean the areas that will be painted with acetone beforehand. Insures a clean surface to allow paint to adhere.
  5. Wow…. I mean WOW!!! Stu you knocked this out of the park. That is just straight up fire my man! Great job. as for the paint fill, did you hit the heads with a little heat to cure the paint? I know if I don’t do that, it wears off pretty quickly. Had this happen to my FliHi DI. The 18 on the sole was wearing thin and I did a paint fill. Hit it about 5/6 times in a round and paint was completely off the head. Sucks, but it’s typically a necessary step.
  6. Hahaha clean room. Dude! I do not have that at my disposal. I do have a 10 x 10 area outside of my kids stuff to work for the most part. I did hit them with 2x clear coat. Looks super solid! Installing grips and then onto testing! Boom! onward
  7. No rain / low humidity. They will be sitting in place for 24 hrs…… onward
  8. Update!!!! so I megaloathed the look of the shaft wraps. No offense to the shaft wrap product…. Followed the video / directions / etc… just did not like look. Decided to pull and re sand. Hit with primer and paint. The second round looks sooooo much better. Video up tonight / tomorrow.
  9. Aaaaand of course my hotel has a putting green. Such a tease.
  10. Sitting in the hotel and watching Scottie jar it on 1. Gotta love work trips. Welcome to beautiful Gainsville, GA. Hope to have the build completed by Saturday evening for the Sunday am tee time. Enjoy the PGA guys!
  11. Excited for the 2nd major of the year in bourbon country! 1. What will the Cut Number Will Be +3 2. What PGA Club Professional will finish with the best score Ben Pollard Good luck everyone!
  12. Tried that... it worked on a few spots. But not all of them. It looks much better than the paint did though.
  13. That is ALSO another 'claim' I would consider suspect. When I was smoothing out the surface, I did hit my wedding band on the side of one of the shafts. I believe the 6 iron, and needed to use some of the excess tape I had left over to cover a gouge that was left behind from a mark from my ring. I will give them the benefit of the doubt because the material was heated / warm, due to the heat gun. I will for sure keep you all updated as to the durability of these. I really like the concept to customize the clubs. I really did NOT like the installation method. One thing i will commended them for was the stupid fast shipping. Placed the order Friday morning, wraps were received on Monday. That was legit. JRD
  14. Easy? Yes. Correctly, not so much. Also, their claims on "majority of lines / bubbles" will disappear with hitting them with heat gun isn't all that true. I worked on this for about an hour last night. Got them as close to clean as possible but there are a few spots that would not iron out. All in all, I'm luke warm about the whole thing. But hey, it was easier than painting.
  15. Yeah i tried this method with the a set of raw wedges and found the shaft tip was starting to go. NBD, it it with the belt sander and some epoxy and it was all good.
  16. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you WHITE SHAFTS! Was not as easy as advertised per the website, but we have white shafts. I am super swamped this week with work / other commitments, but will HOPEFULLY have heads and ferrules installed at some point this weekend. We have quite a filled 'early-summer' schedule. Soccer game, dance recital (x2)... And that's just Saturday. I'll be traveling for work W-F so no work getting done but was able to at least get this portion DONE. @ctg44 nicely done with the patina look! That is going to fill in nicely. Just a heads up though. Make sure to tape / cover the shafts when doing this. I tried this technique and the shafts ended up getting a little patina'd as well. A little tape will cover them and keep them from damage. Onward.
  17. Just received notification that the shaft wraps are coming in hot! Will be delivered later on today. Wish I had time this week to complete the build, but with work travel upcoming Wed - Friday, it's going to be tight. Will keep you all posted as to what gets finished. JRD
  18. Paint fill completed. Will be hitting the shafts with primer tomorrow evening as there is rain in the forecast this evening. Rob, was going to try a few additional ideas, but came down to what stamps were clean and good to use. Unfortunately, many of the letters were too pitted and un-salvageable. I ended up going with my 3rd option of stamping numbers. did finish some paint fill this evening and will finish the build when shaft wraps arrive later in the week.
  19. As promised…. No more sanding videos. But I did have 20 minutes this afternoon to clean up the shafts. Going to wipe them down and hit them with primer to prevent rusting under the shaft wraps. Onward
  20. Ooooo I am very much in the same boat at the moment. I've been pounding away in the garage almost every night this past week getting caught up. I think the earliest I've went to sleep was around 12:30. I think tonight I might hit the pillow a little earlier than normal. Haha. Happy Wife = Happy Life.
  21. DUUUUUUUDE!!! I am about 2 minutes away from removing all the heads from my Takomo set and shipping to AZ to get you to do this for my set. This is some kind of next level stuff right here. Soooo sick! I think you officially have a side hustle Stu.
  22. I am typically not the guy to put salt on my steak before trying it.... BUT, when it comes to my clubs, I know what I know. And I KNOW that I'm going to need them set upright 2 degrees. In all other facets in life, I will try before diving in. And I have not given them the full weight check. That is going to be upon install... which should be pretty soon. Just finished up stamping last night and did some of the paint fill. Need to hit a few more of the heads with paint again to lock it in but should have that complete sometime this weekend. JRD
  23. Yeah all the heads were legit as advertised. The guys at Wash Co were quite impressed.
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