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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×


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Everything posted by Wheelieb

  1. Morning All, Back to work after class last Thursday and Friday. The instructor said something to us that has made me think about my career in the Navy a bit. "Success without a successor is a failure". Why this made me think about all the younger sailors I led and trained I'm not sure. It may be because every command I left, with the exception of recruiting duty, I have always had someone I trained call me a year or so after I left and thank me for preparing them for the job they were appointed to after I left. If that is what that quote is meant to mean, I'm more than ok with that. I'd say it's going to be a short week, but we have drill this weekend that goes straight into a 2 week event no one has said if we are working the weekend of the 8th and 9th yet. Hopefully not, otherwise that will be a 20 day work week. Anyway, Hope everyone has a great day.
  2. Morning All, Good food and company yesterday. Today I think I’m going to relax a bit as it is supposed to be warmer than yesterday, still have a few things to clean up as well. Going to attempt to hit the range this morning before the rain they are calling for moves in later. Also, let us not forget those who gave all. Hope everyone has a good day.
  3. Morning All, The back is better, but I’m gonna wait at least another day before I go full swing. We are going to have company over today so my smoking techniques are going to be put to the test. As seen by this photo here. That is totally upside down, awesome Apple. Each of those are about 4 pounds, decided to try a chili rub on one and the other is a mustard brown sugar rub. Should be good. @GolfSpy_APH safe travels to Virginia. I don’t miss the transatlantic flights, but that’s not what I tell myself when I get to my destination. Hope everyone has a great day !
  4. I think we need to push for a golf cruise period. Let our spouses drink all the mojito’s and we all could hit the courses. It would be awesome…hahaha. In reality, I’ve looked into this myself. @Rob Person makes the best argument here, that it would probably be best to golf if it’s an overnight stay at one of the ports you go too. That would be the best way to do it and not be constrained on time.
  5. Morning All, @Rob Person hope you and your family have a wonderful day growing the family bigger. Today is not a golf day for me as my back is feeling it from sleeping horridly wrong. So going with the wife to keep her company while she gets her car’s oil changed and walk around a farm swap. Have to replenish the chickens since we had the massacre this week. Anyhow, hopefully I can get out tomorrow for a range session if the back is good to go and while the pork butt I’ll be smoking is sitting in the smoker. Hope everyone has a great day.
  6. Morning All, The bag tags are sweet and never got a response from the guy. Now I know why based on @GolfSpy_APH’s comment here. Nothing wrong with waiting until they have a good one to replace it with. Last day of learning how to write a resumé in class. I feel the instructor gets a bit off topic and starts talking about other areas we need in retirement that you don’t think of. That’s great, but there are classes for that offered at the same building. I love the info. I think they should make all this stuff a two week course so it’s not so condensed. Anhyow, hope everyone has a great day.
  7. Morning All, Today marks the first of many classes that are offered in helping when you retire from the military. I think it’s finally setting in that retirement is coming up on me in pretty much a year. As exciting as it is, it’s also very scary. I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I’m not prepared for that yet. Golf wise, I’m working with my PGA Hope instructor on fixing my swing. I went from having a nice swing to now I’m starting to swing like Matt Wolfe. I feel Brooks Koepka already telling me I’m not playing to my potential. It’s difficult to stop doing what you know you’re doing in order to get your swing back to what it was when your handicap was going down. Let the grind begin. Hope everyone has a great day.
  8. You guys just got to learn to golf Right Handed. Then you guys will have the best of both worlds...Hahahaha
  9. Morning All, We have figured out a plan for our chicken run/coop that will be close to our shed. Since predators dug up under the one we had the chicken massacre in, we have a spot they won’t be able to do that. We have a gravel area that the gravel is held in place by hefty wood planks. The plan is to move it to there as it will still afford them the shade they would need and allow no predators to get in. That’s the plan at least. @Josh Parker going to sound weird, but it happened to me. Had shoulder pain that just wouldn’t go away. My wife touched my back next to my shoulder blade while we were at brewery trying to get past me to use the restroom. Instant pain, I put a heat patch on it when we got home that night and the next morning my shoulder pain started going away. Maybe that might help? Either way, hope it gets better quickly. Now for a good question. Why on earth are you going to mow the driving range during peak hours of when people would use it and close it? That happened here on base. So confused. So no range time this morning. Will have to get it in this afternoon.
  10. Morning All, @Erin B Hopefully everything goes well and is quick. We lost about 9 chickens last night due to a predator getting in the coop. which means now I will build a coop for the chickens to go into at night that they can sleep and be safe in. I think the wife finally sees that is a good idea. Going to finish getting the bigger chicken run done today after work so we can get them in there and out of the one that got broke into. Whatever got in dug by one of the corners, and since the portion that the poles go into on this one aren't a singular piece, they are only tac welded(?) to the portion that has the vertical poles go into it, it broke. Not fun morning to see that while on your way to work. I got the corner secured now and put a few garden blocks that the previous owners left around the bottom to help keep predators out. My guess is it might have been a raccoon. Either way, I'm not gonna lose any more chickens. Today, I was gonna go to the range after work but priorities shifted for the day. Hope everyone has a great day.
  11. If you have the 18 birdies app you can see the overhead layout of the course if it is on there. I would assume all of them would be, but again it is only the overhear view.
  12. The course was saturated enough that it there were spots we had casual water. Plus side was my feet were dry walking as much as I did.
  13. Ok, a few days to process my scramble round with each ball and I can confidently say I'm sticking with the Triad for at least this year. Why? Lets take a journey. I alternated holes switching between the vice pro plus and the Wilson Triad that way I could get the same amount of holes in one round with each. This resulted in a few things that were noticeable by hole 8. Driver shots, while the Vice was longer, the justification to switch to it based on those shots alone would be idiotic. Iron shots produced what appeared to be a slight higher shot from the triad than the vice which meant there wasn't as much roll out, at least didn't seem to be. Chip shots were equal as the both checked up well and didn't roll out leaving us a 15+ foot putt. The feel off the putter was so similar that I would say they were the same. For these reasons, I will be sticking to the Wilson Triad for this year and providing updates on here with pictures
  14. Alright, I couldn't get pictures as I was a big dumb dummy and didn't have my phone on the charger like I had thought Thursday night into Friday morning. What I can say is the course we played at was 90 degree rule no if ands or buts. This gave me the opportunity to be able to grab a wedge and my putter if need be after our approach shots and walk up the the green area. In doing this on the front 9 I hadn't noticed much accumulation of mud and sand in the treads on the bottom. It wasn't until hole 11 when I finally looked at the bottom of the shoes and saw it was caked in all over the bottom. What was surprising was that it didn't not cause my feet to slip at all. No, it kept my feet planted in the spots I had them for my swings. That gets major points from me as had I been wearing my FJ's my feet would have been all over the place. Have a few more tests to go, but that is a major positive for the shoes.
  15. My apologies for just now getting back to you guys on this. Navy teaching us how to tie the shoes tight and tie them as tight as possible so they don't come untied causing a trip hazard may attribute to this. Something I've not really thought about until I read this. So there may be a reason why mine are starting to have the rubber coming off.
  16. Morning All, Found I'm having a swing issue over the weekend that started rearing its head during the scramble on Friday. I reached out to the PGA Hope instructor to see if I could come in and pay for a full lesson one on one. Instead he had me take a video of my swing this morning and send it to him. His response after sending him the video was, I'm taking away the club to far outside. So he is having me take another video of myself sweeping a ball straight back to help correct that. He wants video proof to show I'm doing what he said and to see if I made progress. No other golf today, but will try to get out before work a few times this week. If not I will be getting out Friday to a course I've not played at yet. Hope everyone has a great day.
  17. Morning All, Going to do some house work today, may try and go work on some chipping at the range. Definitely going to watch the final round of the PGA Championship today. Super packed at the top and hoping Xander gets his first. Hope everyone has a great day.
  18. Hahaha, I just stumbled upon that.
  19. Anyone else see the Vice putters?
  20. Morning All, Rain is falling pretty good and looks like maybe a clearing around 11. I think I’ll let my body heal though. I can feel my upper back feeling tight. That might be due to the fact that I did do all the obstacles in our obstacle course at work, and then played 18 holes in the scramble yesterday. If I was a younger self, I’d probably be out playing in the rain today. Now I’m listening to the body. Gotta start at some point right? Anyhow, hope everyone has a great day. Got chickens to go check on.
  21. This one I was in wasn’t a big money scramble. Yeah, the winning team in the flight above us got 320 which was basically their money back since we all paid 100 to play. I did do a charity scramble last November and the winning team came in at 21 under. That team was the team my group was behind and we did shoot 10 under. We watched them 3 putt at least 4 of the holes. So you’ll have to forgive me when I don’t believe any scramble team wins with a 19 or more under par on a legitimate score. And there ain’t no way you’re telling me your team shot a sub 50 either. And I get that people would be opposed to the idea of splitting the team up. Give both twosomes 4 mulligans and say 15 feet of birdie string in the price they paid to get into the scramble. I would bet it would be scores closer to like 10 under than the 19 or more under.
  22. @GolfSpy_APH you can move this to the proper area of the forum if it is in the wrong spot. I just finished a scramble today and we had enough teams that they broke us up into two separate flights. Not sure how they determined the flights, but my team won ours at -5 under. The second place team came in at -3 under which was respectable with the wet conditions. But the other flight, the first score posted was 64. Eight under which was very good. All guys in their 40’s who have been playing since college when talking with them as our teams were some of the first few to finish. Then we had a score of -12, then -16, and the last score that won was a -19. To my knowledge there has never been anyone to hit 19 under as a single or on any tour. This team is telling us they shot a 53 with only 8 mulligans, no birdie rope, no other form of give me help in this scramble. No one could really dispute this as we all know you play with your team. We all know keeping people on a honor system in a scramble is hard to do when you aren’t policing the course. And how could you? You would need to have an extra person for every group. So let’s make this a point to keeping people honest. Here’s my idea of how this should go. You have your team of 4. But instead of you going out with your foursome, you get split into a twosome against another team. Your team and another team plays two on two but still a scramble. Just a twosome. Your other teammates play the other two from the other team. And instead of you keeping your score, the other team keeps your score. After your group and your teammates Group finish the round, you all sit down and go over the scorecards to achieve the lowest score. But you have 1 person from each watching to make sure no one cheats at this. That person will have both score cards and the three will have a blank one. Those three will hear both scores and choose the lower score for each hole. That score card will be turned in to the tournament official. Since the singular person has both scorecards, that person will be able to write the scores that team decides on in case there’s a dispute. You keep people from throwing out those 49’s and 53’s. Cause no way that’s possible unless you’re spending 500-600 for rope and mulligans. By all means, let me know your thoughts on this.
  23. Well he was charged with stuff. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10121438-report-scottie-scheffler-detained-by-police-ahead-of-2024-pga-championship-round-2
  24. The whole “misunderstanding” is coming from the reporter. Not from Scottie.
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