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About Wheelieb

  • Birthday October 28

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hayes, VA
  • Interests
    Other than golf, reading and going down rabbit holes of everything because my mind starts asking questions.

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. So I got up and couldn’t smell anything. My fear that I was getting worse was relieved when I blew my nose and the smell of coffee hit my nostrils. Excitedly I went out to the garage and was putting on my putting green for 2 hours before I realized I needed to drink coffee or let it burn. Feel a little tired but not crazily tired. Did some cleaning and now watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics. It’s been interesting so far. Hope everyone’s been having a great day.
  2. Morning All, Back at work for a day, feel a little tired as I wasn't able to get 8+ hours of sleep like I did the last 2 days. No golf for me today, I don't even think I would make it through 9 holes if I tried. Hopefully I am on the downswing and will test negative for it tomorrow. Nothing major going on today. Hope everyone has a great day.
  3. So while I’m sitting at my table eating dinner, I’m looking outside at my grass. All I can think of is I need to mow it again. Then I thought about how long ago I mowed….IT HAS NOT BEEN A WEEK! I can’t mow it any shorter with my mower. At least not when I have to figure out how to get rid of the moles. All this rain we’ve had is not conducive to having nice weekends off
  4. Morning All, After waking up about 5 this morning feeling like I laid in bed straight out of the shower, I feel loads better. Still have a sore throat due to the nasal drip down the back of my throat that is causing me to cough every now and then. I had a a low fever of 100 yesterday afternoon and was told not to come in to work today. I needed the rest I guess. No golf today or tomorrow, or really until maybe the weekend. We will see if I test positive for Covid on Thursday evening or Friday morning. Probably try Friday morning, I’ve got no scientific data as to why. Got yelled at by trespassers fishing off our dock when I told them they needed to kick rocks. I assume the clear “No Trespassing” sign on our dock is only meant for people who can read. With the excitement done yesterday and just feeling like I needed sleep, I went back and laid down for the day. All 3 pups were by me the whole day. Almost like they were trying to tell me sleeping all day is the life. At least that’s what I’m telling myself. Anyway, hope everyone has a great day.
  5. Morning All, Today would have been a great day to get out and get 9 in after work. Two key words there? “Would have”. Why? Well yesterday I just felt off and tired but energetic. Had a sore throat and a runny nose and got some meds from our medical team, they believed it was sinuses acting up. I got home and I felt super tired at 4 pm which is not normal. Decided to just do a Covid test at home and it didn’t even take the full time to show I had it. So I’m home resting. This is the second time I’ve had it, this time it’s nowhere near like the first time. Only difference is I have a sore throat and a lot more nasal drip. First time I had a slight cough, a fever of 101 and whole body aches. Well, hope everyone has a better day than me. Hopefully I don’t have a fever later cause if so, no work tomorrow as well.
  6. Morning All, I really need to pay attention to the forecast. Was gonna get out this morning for 9 holes. But this is the current situation. We also have lightning in the area, so that’s a negative on playing this morning. I also don’t know why, but I’ve had to blow my nose so much the past two days. I’m assuming it’s due to all the rain we have been having creating high mold spores. But I’m also not a doctor and would never say one thing is definite health wise. I’ll go talk to our medical team today and see what they say. Also see about the x-ray I had to get on my foot because they suspect me maybe having turf toe. It only slightly is uncomfortable playing, but other activities are not fun. Anyway, hope everyone has a great day.
  7. Morning All, Had the neighbor come over last night cause he was by himself. Going through a rough patch, and I’m all for a guys night and listening. So we spent a good amount of time in the garage talking. I didn’t look at the time, and when I did it was already 2 in the morning. He thanked me for listening and just getting him out of the house. Sometimes us dudes need to have an ear to talk with and just talk. Was going to go to the range today, but after the long evening I’m going to forgo that. I am going to take a nap and then got to a winery with the wife today and maybe hit some farmers markets on the way back home. Hope everyone has a great day.
  8. I know it’s not morning. Been busy yesterday and into today getting chicken coops up and mowing yesterday before it rained today. Then this morning had to wrangle chickens as we had a washout under a run we didn’t see until this morning. I’m tired. I need a nap. No golf today or tomorrow as it’s going to be a soupy mess. Got to wait until next week after work to hopefully get out for 9. Hope everyone has a great day.
  9. Intrusive thoughts won…I now own a L.A.B. DF3. I’m more than ok with it. Pics will come most likely later today.
  10. Morning All, In my class to learn how to access my education and become a real adult I guess. Should be out in time to catch the community call on the way home. I let the intrusive thoughts win and bought the L.A.B. DF 3 yesterday after work. Would have stopped at the range to putt with it on real grass, it it started pouring and I didn’t have any clothes to change into. So I’ll have to get pics this weekend if it doesn’t rain. I was hitting putts really well in the store with it. So I bought the hunk of metal after trading in my other hunk of metal. Anyway, hope everyone has a great day.
  11. Morning All, Fun day today as I was told I was out of date on a qual, but I was re-qualified for that in May. I'm ok with that, I get yelled at by someone higher ranking and then paperwork shows they need to apologize. Gonna head to Golf Galaxy after work today and seeing if they have the L.A.B. DF3 in stock still since it's now time to feed into my desires. Nothing else really going on today, hope everyone has a great day.
  12. Morning All, Yesterday was an...interesting day...Spent a total of 6 hours at the gun range on base sweating so much that the monsoon season in other countries would be a drizzle. I won't go much into it other than to say it wasn't worth it. Today is recovery from that and doing paperwork that involves the completion of range events. I think tomorrow I am going to go and maybe look at the DF3 putter and get it from Golf Galaxy. That is if it is still there when I go. Nothing major going on this week. Well other than my class on Thursday and Friday about how to use my GI Bill. Gonna be hot again today, as a heat advisory was already sent out for the day. Hope everyone has a great day.
  13. Morning All, This wonderful Sunday it is warm. Like really warm when you have to do command PT. No golf today as I am working which makes me pretty sad. And I go into work all next week but the rest of the people get Friday off...I really should have thought about scheduling a school on my weeks I have a Friday off. Got my new Driver head in, got to wait to hit it. May go to Golf Galaxy after work today, may curb my desire to go and putt with the L.A.B. DF 3. It's pretty difficult deciding to get a new putter or not. Anyway, hope everyone has a great day.
  14. Morning All, Well the weekend started off wonderfully, and if you can read the sarcasm I have in my mind you’d understand why it wasn’t. First day back to the job for the drill weekend and we have a family day…it’s pouring rain. No golf today, or tomorrow. Going to try to hit the range when the storms end. I’m beginning to feel like Noah, may need an Ark to get back home. Hope everyone has a great day.
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