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Testers Wanted: Vortex Rangefinders ×

Daniel Carrier

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Test Comments posted by Daniel Carrier

  1. On 5/5/2023 at 12:04 AM, TylorJudd said:

    Having played fairly high level hockey, and most of those same people I played with are golfers and I have run into just a handful of lefties over my 21 years playing golf. A left handed golfer is also a left handed hockey player and vice versa. The two lefties I currently play with regularly have both never skated a day in their lives hahaha

    It's a fact that there more left handed golfers here in Canada (in proportion). But is there a link with hockey. Probably. Dont know. But my brother is left handed but play hockey and golf right handed! And there is a guy at my Club playing golf left handed but he putts right handed?

  2. That is a nice opportunity for a mid swing speed like me. I would like to see my swing speed increase like everybody. I am pretty accurate with the driver and just fairly long. Fairway hit was 66% in 2022 and it's a nice 75% so far this year! But I need more distance (and swing speed) to hit more greens (GIR 29,7% last year and 23% this year).  🤞

  3. I still put in play my old scotty Cameron Futura (circa 2005). I would love to compare with the L.A.B. Directed force 2.1 

    All of those model look marvelous. Just holding them must be a feast!

    One of them has to come up north!

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