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Ed the FD

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About Ed the FD

  • Birthday June 22

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  • Gender
  • Location
    East Grand Forks, Minnesota

Player Profile

  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
    Short Game
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. I've been a black clover guy for many years. The fit and durability is excellent. I purchased a Waggle hat this winter and it's nice but it still hasn't broken in yet.
  2. I recently purchased 2 gloves from Red Rooster. I got the Wing and the Scots Silver. Both are very nice but after 2 holes with the Scots Silver the palm ripped. I switched to the Wing and was able to finish my round. The wing is buttery soft and I would highly recommend it to anyone. I filled out a contact us form to ask about the scots silver and they still have not gotten back to me. There is no email to reach out to them and no phone number to call.
  3. I bought a 69 degree wedge from 69golf.com. I bought it as a joke with some of my playing buddies and my flop shot hasn't been consistent as I would like. After laughing my butt off after hitting it a few times, I am actually impressed. I have to work on it still, but my ability to get on the green from a simple chip shot has increased with all of my wedges after the purchase. It is not a club that I use all the time, but it is a fun club to hit.
  4. There are 2 of the local courses that have driving ranges and they both are $4.00 small, $7.00 med, $12.00 large. Both places offer a season pass for the range. They both offer a family pass. The one that is more convenient, where you don't have to walk 2 city blocks from the parking lot is $375.00 for a family pass and the other one is $260.00 for the family pass. I'm all for walking in golf, but when you hide your driving range because you don't think you should have one, don't pick up balls in a timely manner, and then charge $260.00 for a family pass; well, do they really care about it?
  5. Like everyone else, I wear them until they come apart. One of my best gloves developed a hole in the knuckle of the ring finger and I finished the season with that glove. I have a rotation of 2 good gloves and 1 half okay that I use only if necessary. When that one gets horrible, I throw it out and get a new glove to put in rotation and the worst of the 2 "good gloves" gets moved to the 3rd spot.
  6. It's all about respecting your fellow golfers. I play music when I'm on the course, but it's loud enough for me and my cart mate to listen to ONLY. If I can hear your music while I'm on the course you have it too loud. Be respectful.
  7. I still hit my 5 iron. I would say it's one of my go to clubs. My 5 iron is a predicable shot. I have hybrid 3 and 4, but the 5 is a welcome friend in my bag.
  8. We all have seen the latest club that makes it look like we could be the next PGA tour champion. A lot of these ads are geared towards the high handicappers (myself included), to make us think that we can beat 100 or get to 80 if we had this one new special club or gizmo. I recently was paired up with a guy who had more gizmos on his bag then anyone I've golfed with before, think Rodney Dangerfield in Caddy Shack. One club that he said he loved using was the 69 wedge that is a 69 degree face for his chipping. Now I don't hit my flop shots or chips perfectly which is one of the reasons why I'm a high handicapper, but he was almost like a surgeon with it. He said he was contemplating between the 69 wedge and the bomb tech 72 degree wedge. I was wondering if anyone else has played with either of these clubs and if its more of a gimmick or if this could unlock something to help us.
  9. Comfort, sure footing, and durability are some of the key factors in shoes for me. I have only wore spiked shoes, but I know spikeless have their place as well. I have never said no to trying new shoes so I am always looking for new ideas. I have always playing in footjoys because they have wide sizing options. I would consider spikeless, they might provide other opportunities as well like for disc golf where you need a little more traction but not the total stability of a spiked shoe.
  10. Having children is one of life's greatest gifts. Like everyone else has said, planning and communication is the best. When my oldest (11) was born, I thought my golf game was over, but my wife understood how it was a stress release for me. My work schedule is chaotic (Monday - Sunday 8 to 5 and nights on call) and there are times that I work 21 days straight. Add that to a screaming bundle of joy and I think without golf I would have gone insane. When I couldn't get out to the course or driving range, I would practice my chipping in the back yard or a co-worker and I would bring our putters to work and see who could drain the long hallway putt. Improvise and adapt. Don't be against playing a quick 9 on your own. It might be half (get it) of what you normally play, but being there to help and support your wife will hopefully keep her from getting mad at you for playing golf. My boys are old enough now for me to leave at home to go play if my wife is working, but if I can bring them along they get a chance to play and it helps to set up the next generation of golfers. Good luck, don't get down on yourself for not being able to play every week and welcome to fatherhood. It's the best club you can join!
  11. The first question would be what are you using them for? Are you a walker, half time walker / half time cart rider, or a full time cart rider? If you are walking, do you shoulder your clubs or do you have a push cart. The reason I ask, is as you well know not all shoes are made the same quality, just because they say for golf, doesn't mean they can handle the same stress load. I have always worn Footjoy and my feet feel good after a round but I'm a half/half. It depends on the course and who I'm playing with. Sketcher makes some comfortable shoes and I have heard their golf shoes are good, I'd be worried about the longevity. I'm guessing with a size 15 you're a bigger guy and both my sketcher and NB shoes only last me 6 to 8 months, I'm curious about the golf shoes.
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