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Old New Golfer

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About Old New Golfer

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rapid City, SD
  • Interests
    Golf, Fly Fishing, Bird Hunting, Music, Current Events

Player Profile

  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
  • Player Type
    Weekend Golfer
  • Biggest Strength
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  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Best part is. They don't have a fit if you're looking at them.
  2. Gotta be careful with Pebble Beach or Torrey... They've discovered ancient walls and roads on the ocean floor off the coast of CA. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when. Then consider travel. No thank you. I travel 2800 miles a week at work. I don't need no more. Especially getting on a 757. Thing is a tuna can with wings. And all the Karen's. No thank you. A special category? Yes.... it's called No. .......... "Frankly mam. I don't give a xxx" I'm happy with my very nice local course. $44 greens fees. $35 for cart. Or $1500 for yearly membership with cart. Would like to add. We had the number one rated 9 hole course in the country. By a bunch of them. Golf Digest and all. It was in Hot Springs. Simply that the course management listened to the men's club. Made changes to make it a great course. .... Now they went and expanded to 18 holes. Big houses all around it. Good course but not special anymore.
  3. I like this. Considering one I use for fly fishing very much like it. They are good hats! Otherwise for the humor. Might wear my trucking company hat. Just for the fun.
  4. Forgive me if I'm repeating here. I bought two bags. Both HotZ. Good deals. About $250 for both. 3.5 Cart Bag. 3.0 Stand Bag. Both are 14 full length divider. Cooler pocket. Good quality. Suggested as a "sleeper" in bags. Look at prices and I have to agree. Just received the stand bag. It looks good. The base stays at 90 degrees. It wouldn't work bad if you put it on a cart. Has velcro straps to hold the legs in when not using. I rather prefer the cart bag. Storage a little more. It stands up just fine on level ground. I will be taking a cart. Or won't be playing. I can't walk. Working on rehabilitating so I can. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to walk a course again. So would be using the smaller stand bag. HotZ has been making bags a long time. I imagine they make bags for others? I bought through Rock Bottom Golf. Second order their autofill goofed up shipping address. I didn't catch it right away. Rock Bottom Golf did take care of it and ship to my present mailing address. Good company.
  5. So you're on a cruise? You're supposed to skip the morning gym session. Go straight to the "afternoon fun" first thing in the morning.
  6. Is this one of those holes. It starts backing up in the morning. Then, by afternoon it has become bad on that one hole. Group in front takes off as fast as they can. They went through that backup on that hole. We had one like this on one course. Ranger would bark at us like we were the only problem. He knew darn well it was a tough slow spot. Like we were supposed to forget about golf and just drive up. Almost told him to shove it. We didn't create the backup. He knew it.
  7. Checked a very nice course here. It's $44 greens fees and $35 for cart. They have a yearly membership. Single about $1,500 with cart per year.
  8. I pulled the trigger. Bought one. Will be a big big plus practicing at home. Thank You All for your input.
  9. Oh yes! I'm in love! You're my kinda guy!
  10. Hope you all don't mind my butting in here. Due to your input. I'm highly likely to purchase one of these. I do want to add. The educational section of their website. Has some great info. Many videos talking about different values. How they are subjective and to be taken accordingly.
  11. Arnie sure was popular. Did alot for the game. Jack didn't like him. He really wasn't that good a golfer. Jack repeatedly bore down with his smartest game. Motivated by Arnie. To steal the win in the end. ....This was admited by Jack.
  12. I remember when I was taking my lessons Tom had me straightened up on one thing. Then I hit a ball and duck hooked it bad. He said: Follow through. I hit another lesser duck hook. He yelled; No! You're not following through. Follow through all the way. Take a practice swing. Follow through. Keep going. All the way to the top. ... When he got done with me. I felt like a weenie posing for Golf Magazine. Wanted to make a goofy smile. ... But it worked. I was amazed what following through did at the point of the ball strike. I then started hitting cruise missiles.
  13. I remember a hole in Huntington Beach. Forget the yardage. Was a dogleg right. Suddenly went uphill a good 30 feet to the green. Wasn't that hard to drive to it if you went the crash and burn route through the trees. Plenty crashed and burned in the trees. Others who made it through. Their ball would roll up to the green. Still 1/2 chance going in the trap. It was accepted to hit up. It wasn't dangerous to anyone on the green. I hit my prettiest tee shot ever on that hole. Decided to shape it slicing. That tee shot went straight down the fairway, all the way. Slicing right around the dogleg. Forget where it ended up. I would like to remember (wishful thinking?) When I got to the green. A guy ahead of me yelling ball marker. My ball on the apron. Found a marker up on the green.
  14. Change your mindset when practicing. You are training your autonomic mind. Your nervous system. Everytime you goof up. Your teaching it to goof up. They know all about the autonomic mind in MMA. They train it on purpose. Just relax. Take it slow and methodically. Patience is the key. Concentrate on what your doing. Everything you're doing. Swing slower if you have to. But do it correctly! Train your autonomic mind to do it correctly. And no other way.
  15. Forgive me if this ain't no big deal. I was at Austad's today. They have a membership for their Launch Monitors. From Oct. through Feb. $50 a month for four hours. Works out to $12.50 an hour. I can use it to compare to my launch monitor at home. Also when temperature is too bad. Would be nice to go there. I have to set up in my garage. I know I know. I could finish off the garage and install heat.
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