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  1. Out of all the aids out there.Which one(s) gave you more of a positive feedback than a lesson would
  2. I still think that the better player will learn more from any instructor if they have the basics of a throwing motion
  3. One thing I never realized (after research). Is how a slight offline clubface is effected with each mph swing speed added to it. My fault for not doing proper research. Than throw in slopes, grass type etc. and you have one heck of a mathematical formula on your hands
  4. Amazing how a slight angle can send it that far off line. Especially when they have good plane and path and low point
  5. Who has played or known an amateur golfer whose swing is right to the point.On plane, great positions .. etc. but they still Hit the ball all over the map? Not being judgmental or unkind. But how does that happen? Especially if they are avid golfers. You think a good swing may have the club face slightly open or closed at times.But how does it send the ball way off line? Is it a fitting issue
  6. True.. but also helps out immensely if student researches beforehand.Some instructors teach a style of swing that a student may never be able to achieve. Grip, posture,stance are a great starting point.But there have been many, many , many a major champion winner, tour player,scratch am who makes any deviations of the basics work.Comes down to coordination and the basic ability of being able to throw correctly.Most amateurs who have struggled for their whole lives wasn’t from a lack of trying, or dedication, or even teacher-pupil relationship. It was an in ability to throw correctly.You would be surprised how many amateur golfers who can’t throw a ball 10 feet in front of them.You can go to a Pete Cowen and take lessons after lesson from him.But if you lack the basic rudimentary skill of throwing.. than you can’t get this game.Personally think teachers need to teach students how to throw a ball first My struggles with this game have also been a throwing misunderstanding.As simple as that seems.For some it is second nature.For many it is like a leap of faith
  7. Sounds like a communication issue between student and teacher
  8. Can’t deny your post.Many valid points. im a believer anyone can shoot under 80.How one gets there is almost an endless path.
  9. Took some advice from another NTC student.Practicing dropping back foot back.And using the gem training aid to feel cast B.Its an aggressive punch shot feel at impact and beyond for me.But the good ones were really good.Staying positive as some days are better than others.Seems to be ok my 60 year old body so far.Being 6 foot 3 isn’t the most ideal body size for swing changes . Hahaah
  10. I think dump the handicap idea.And let everyone play lowest score wins.If you stink, than get better. Ive rarely played with a vanity handicapper.But played with many many sand baggers
  11. Looks great. One thing I never understood is shoulder tilts.imho, one would think everyone would tilt their shoulders automatically.Since golf is played on a tilted plane.My problem is I tilt on way back. But I get square shoulders at impact:(.I can do it on practice swings.But once I introduce a ball it is a no go.
  12. Really been working at this diligently.On the range and the course.To really make Cast A and B work one must be recentered (in feel) slightly in front of the ball before starting transition. Cast A really locks the hands… and can hit some really solid shots if you are recentered and not stuck on right side.Cast B is only happens if all else is right
  13. Sent Monte a message on his rebellion app.And I asked him what is a current fad in current golf teaching being misconstrued or taught wrong.He said 100% swinging low and left. That one concept (interpreted or taught wrong) is ruining amateurs left and right just some thoughts for the day
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