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About Rickles

  • Birthday 01/27/1980

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  • Location
    Atlantic Beach, NC/Tianjin, China
  • Interests
    Golf, Music, Jesus

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  1. Played Saturday with my Dad right before he had to go home on Sunday. My Handicap has been trending up. I've been shooting a lot of 75-78's lately. However I had a very solid day going and through 17 holes I was even par with one birdie and one bogie. The last hole at my club is a par 5 so I was hoping to make birdie and shoot my first under par round in a few months. I got on in two and had a slippery down hill 30 footer. My Dad knocked it close in three. He was impatient and while our third was walking to his chip he went ahead and putted and made his birdie. My Dad is a pretty solid 12 and If he'd have beat or tied me on the last hole I would have heard about it until the next time we played so I said "well I guess I'll just have to make this for eagle because I've got to beat the old man!" I made the putt and finished with eagle to shoot -2. The only problem is I think I broke my Dad's heart a little. I really think he was happy for me because I had shot a couple 78's the other times we played and I think he was rooting for me. Dads are great like that. The only thing better than playing with your Dad is playing with your Dad and both of you playing well.
  2. I would love to test them and give feed back. Short game spin means a lot to me and it seems from your description that they are a high spin ball. I also like the ideas about making the ball easier to see.
  3. This sucks but I can't go. We had to change the date and it is a weekend that my wife is already out of town at a conference. My boys just stayed with their grandparents for a week so I'm not gonna pawn them off on somebody. I'll get in next time.
  4. Ok I have been thinking about This for a while. I'm only going to go with blades I have owned and bagged 1. Hogan Apex PC's 2. KZG ZO's 3. Mizuno MP32: if you can call it a blade because of the cut muscle. Maybe this can start a huge argument like Rover's 2 iron.
  5. That's the right attitude. You are overdue for them to start dropping them.
  6. I choked yesterday. Had a really good round going yesterday. I was 1 under through 10 even though I bogeyed one and two. The front 9 is the hard 9 at my course and 1-2 are probably the toughest holes. Then I hit one in the water and made double. Then I made two birdies to get back to one under. Made a great par on 16 draining an 8 footer then bogeyed 17-18 to shoot 1 over. I three putted 18. Straight up gag. It was a shame. I wanna shoot in the 60's like Rover
  7. Played with Zach (bestgrips) on Friday. His country club (April Sound in Conroe Texas) requires major local knowledge but was in great shape. He said he thinks that playing it some gives a member a 5 shot advantage. I played terrible but had a great time because Zach is super nice and a very good golfer. I also got a tour of the best grips shop and met Zach's dad who is a wealth of golf and equipment knowledge. I tried out a microperf club grip. It was crazy tacky and will stay on my Driver and had them make me a custom putter grip. It was a great day despite the poor play.
  8. I love my putter because with it I have putting aptitude. 27 putts today! 4 putts the first four holes. Maryland comes through again.
  9. Do you think our putter monogamy has to do with our profession?
  10. 1. Bettinardi Big Ben Mallet Center Shafted 2. Bettinardi Big Ben Mallet Center Shafted 3. Bettinardi Big Ben Mallet Center Shafted 8 years, same putter, still making clutch 5 footers. Putter Monogamist! To acknowledge any other would be a slap in the face to my Maryland (That is her name)! I often say Big Ugly Mallets for Life! I'm going to make a change. THIS BIG UGLY MALLET FOR LIFE!
  11. Played on Wednesday morning with my neighbor from across the street. He knows I'm a golf nut and his dad sent him some clubs so he wanted to give it a try. He wanted to play, not go to the range or learn anything so I took him out when it was totally dead out there. I was amazed. The guy made solid contact on his first swing although it sliced pretty bad. I squared away his grip, got his shoulders aligned more square and talked some about making solid contact from the inside. I told him what clubs to hit and talked him through how to chip. He only wiffed like three times and we only picked his ball up three times. He is a pretty natural athlete and the golf bug bit him hard. He already wants to play again tomorrow. Oh, we also walked and it was 90 by the time we finished. I shot 72. I was 2 under with no bogeys through 7 then I went double, and bogey and then I pared every hole on the back.
  12. I like those irons and the putter. Center shafted ugly mallets all day every day! PM me and I'll make you an offer on them when you get new irons and a new putter next month ha!
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