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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. I don't know about you but I wouldn't get much sleep at night if that was my wife, even if she is rich!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  2. I tend to get laughed at when I make this comment but I am sticking to it. I THINK THE BROWNS WILL BE IN THE MIX FOR THE PLAYOFFS! Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  3. I can't speak for anybody else but I am in a Fantasy League with my buddies and the winner nets just shy of a grand. I drafted Rudolph since Cousins likes his tight ends. That said even if he throws 20 touchdowns to him and I win the league, if we aren't in the super bowl this year I will be at the front of the line to help usher Kirk out! I told my buddies 2 years ago that I didn't think they could do anything worse than trading for Bradford. With the signing of Cousins, unfortunately I had to eat my words. I don't understand how you use a 1st round pick on Bridgewater, then another 1st round pick to trade for Bradford and neither are on the team 3 years later.
  4. I wish I could hit the like button more than once cuz that post deserves it. I have no idea what they were thinking. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  5. I just got done researching for my fantasy draft tomorrow and didn't realize all the decent players that switched teams. It is crazy the way players switch teams year to year. I remember when it was the norm to retire for the first team you signed with. At least my Vikings still haven't gotten the QB position correct yet!
  6. I would call that official since it officially sums up the our forecast here for the last month and coming week!
  7. Well it is still lightly snowing but so far we are at just shy of 14" total since yesterday morning.
  8. Woke up this morning to an addtional 5" of snow on top of yesterday's 4-5" and still accumulating! My new goal is golfing by May 1st. (2019!)
  9. Is it sad that I wish I could do yard work? Atleast then I could put it off to golf!
  10. Here in North Central Iowa we were expecting a 6-12" blizzard today. At 8am I looked out the window and could barely see across the street. Was that way until shortly after noon. Hopefully it is over as we only got 2-3". Winter sucks and can go away anytime now. I wanna GOLF!
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