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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. Ok as promised I hit a bunch of shots with the 9/PW. Won’t lie the feel of the Hzrdus shaft in the short irons kinda bugs me. They feel very stiff which isn’t a bad thing but not one I’m particularly fond of. Tough to complain too much though with these number and dispersion. I swing out of my shoes for 2 shots and no I don’t have a 160ish 9-iron in me lol. And for all those interested here is the 7-iron. This has hit the most shots on the mat due to figuring everything out as well as getting numbers. I’d say easily 40 shots but probably quite a bit more over the last few days.
  2. I have some time set aside tonight after work to hit the 9/PW and will be sure to get a picture of the 7-iron sole. That club has probably taken 40 swings on the matzilla trying to get everything sorted and working. I think everyone will be surprised
  3. Congrats guys. I’ll be curious to see how much a shaft change can make.
  4. Maybe when I get outside. I’d hate to see what I’d break in the garage hitting into the screen lol
  5. lol all good. I just can’t wrap my head around hitting a 9-iron that far. While I can swing driver up to 120 if I’m loose and really go after it, I take the swing easy and make good contact approach with my irons. It’s probably why my carry with a 7-iron is only 150 when others in my driver speed category are 180.
  6. Well it’s no 163 yard 9-iron but I hit 10 shots with the 7 and 8 irons after work and threw out the best and worst for a good average. I’d like to see a little better from back dispersion on the 8 but that’s a me issue. Again these averages were just a touch short but really close. I hit a couple with my gamer and noticed 3,000 spin with my 7 so I restarted and used the RCT ball. Immediately noticed a difference. Spin went up to 6,000 and above. Which means I may redo the 4/5/6 irons to see how much difference. As you see in the dispersion chart I did hit a 5-iron to see and saw 180 carry. That’s a big 5-iron for me. I also need to grab a picture but even hitting off the matzilla mat the finish is holding up well.
  7. Alright finally got the screen up in the garage. It’s very crude for now as I want it moveable to insulate and drywall before winter but works for data. I feel like I’m letting the review down at the moment with not much to report lately. Hoping to grab a quick 18 this afternoon as well. Did some quick 4/5/6 work before having to do the Sunday family stuff. Distance is slightly low but only a couple yards which is better than the full club I was getting last winter. Full swing needs to improve their range feature(currently in beta) but I’m going GSPro and a gaming pc anyways so now worries. Now for the numbers. I’m thrilled that the FSK picked up every shot I took. I’m also fairly happy with the numbers. Don’t mind the right side of center as I struggle to line up into a screen without a picture there. If these numbers can continue I’ll be one happy camper. The feel even indoors where sound can reverberate and change feel due to a different sound was a non issue. It’s still just as unique and awesome as outdoors. The Hzrdus shafts are awesome when I time my transition however if I don’t they do tend to feel harsh. A little video so you can see the crude setup
  8. I dont have either of those option but a few staff members have the mlm2(not significantly more $ than the r10) and seem to really like it. Paging @GolfSpy_APH @GolfSpy_BEN @GolfSpy_BOS @GolfSpy SAM I think that covers the staff members. Oh wait @GolfSpy_KFT had just mentioned thinking of going with one of these options as well. I have the Full Swing Kit now and used e6 connect with the Mevo plus last winter. If you are gonna use it inside at all I’m a fan of this software due to being able to practice inside on a hole. Choose a par 3 for irons or a par 4/5 for driver. Much better than just bashing balls at a net or screen for me.
  9. And they are impossible to find. I got the blade and mallet thanks to some great members here but the driver and fairways have eluded me
  10. Finally got my LARGE order in today. Snagged both bundles(an extra driver for collection and a blade cover incase I switch) and an extra fairway for my 7-wood. They fit so nicely with the Ghost Maverick MGS bag. I couldn’t be more impressed with the work CMC did with these designs. On a side note I’m actually surprised the fairways are moving faster than the driver covers. That was my biggest worry when we were working out what covers to do. Glad we included them.
  11. Finally got the FSK straighten out in the garage. It was tilted ever so slightly forward causing it to only read low shots. Once I changed it we got reads in every thing. Now I gotta find time to situate it so I can grab some numbers after work. May try to break it up into 4/5, 6/7/8, 9/PW. I do wish the range(which is now available and in beta) would show flight for each shot together instead of only one at a time and then gone.
  12. What you seem to talk about is faster swingers get 12-15 yard gaps and slower swing speed get 6-8 or whatever numbers you used. You can not have the same gapping as faster swingers because you do not have the yardages needed for those gaps. OEMs attempt to get you some of that back by “jacking” lofts but you complain about that too. You say one thing then when someone calls you on it you move the goal posts and say it’s something else. It’s very clear you dislike just about everything about modern golf today. And with that I my time in this conversation and thread are over. I’m tagging whoever is next in line with this
  13. I’m quoting all these as we go from jacked lofts to lofts instead of numbers to gapping. It’s the same thing everytime slightly changed so it sounds new to anyone that hasn’t read all of the other posts. Your gapping issue is flawed worse than your loft jacking issue. You cannot expect the same gapppng for slower swing speed players because they don’t have the longer yardages to make it up. A 63 degree wedge isn’t gonna be that different than a 58*. Nobody is gonna take a full swing from 40 yards every time. Gapping works down to maybe 90-100 yards. Maybe you only want that covered in 6 clubs for your gapping from 175-100 yardages so you can carry your specialty clubs. Great but that will not sell and the OEM’s know it.
  14. Well gotta figure out the indoor setup. Thinking my lighting isn’t quite adequate yet so no data yet but I did hit all 4 par 3 greens today and 2 of 4 yesterday. It’s a beautiful high flight that actually lands and backs up about 3 feet almost everytime. Not seeing any wear yet which is huge as I hit about 25 balls with my 8-iron last night on my matzilla mat trying to get the FSK to read. So far the feel is perfect. It’s soft and explosive but not mushy. You can tell where you hit the ball on the face without having to even look at the club.
  15. Wait is our TJ Hall the same Hawkeye football player that got burned multiple times by Troy WR Ross? Lol
  16. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • FOR SALE
    • Used

    6-GW set of black ion Mizuno 225 heads I got in trade. Was gonna build them up until my TiFusions arrived but they got here the same day. See pics for condition. Mizuno Blue paintfill.


  17. Date 09/14/2024 Course Name Hillside Golf Course Gross Score 77 Course Rating 68 Course Slope 107 Gross Strokes over/under par 5 Birdies or better 1 Longest Drive 285 Played fairly well consider it was with an almost completely new bag. 1 birdie 4 bogies and a double. Only managed 6 fairways but only in trouble once. Did have 10 greens which was good with the low fairways. 40/37
  18. So far with limited shots it’s a nice high strong flight. Some draws and some fades as I learn ball position. The TiFusions look to have a little less offset but that could just be the black hiding it. That and the Hzrdus gen4 silver 75 shafts are a different feel. Lighter than what I was playing. No data for my round today but will try to get a small recap up afterwards. I’m gonna try to get a net and mat setup in the garage to grab some serious data for the rest of the review. This way I can just keep concentrating on playing for a score and do the data afterwards.
  19. First official full round tomorrow for the TiFusions and I can’t wait. Snuck out to the course quick this afternoon and hit some balls. Not a ton of shots as I completely removed the very bad swings but loving the gapping I seen.
  20. I’m most curious about Gspro. As I mentioned I had the e6 connect with the Mevo plus and the 27 courses are nice. Plus it works on the iPad. Honestly 27 courses is probably enough but if I’m not mistaken Gspro has the ability to set up an online match as well as online tourneys. I also looked into the full swing software which is now available for the kit but only by purchasing their laptop with it installed at $2-3000. That’s more than I’m looking to spend currently. Maybe once I have a permanent room or building for it. I’m not much into the games side of it as I wanna use this for playing courses and range time over the winter. What differences did you see between the e6 and gspro?
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