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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. This is super cool and a great idea MPR! Kirke's swing looks good, who am I kidding his swing at age 2 is better than my swing now at 38! Enjoy the time together. i will definitely be following along and rooting for him in the DCP.
  2. Congrats guys. The easy part is over and now the hard work begins. We know both of you will do an outstanding job as do all the MGS Staff! It is going to be a great 2019, I can feel it! [emoji1319][emoji1319][emoji1319][emoji1319] Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  3. I would love the Broke 80 badge as that has been a goal for the last 5 years and finally happened this year! These are a great idea.
  4. Well BobYankee, to quote one of my favorite movies Tommy Boy. Did you eat paint chips as a kid?
  5. I have my eye on a couple things from the opposite ends of the bag. The yellow Cobra F9 caught my eye and I just can't seem to stop thinking about it. Also think I may be looking at the new Cleveland Huntington Beach SOFT 11 putter. I loved the Satin 2135 Elevado putter I had but needed some toe hang. Don't get me wrong I can't miss with my Nike Method Mod 60 but that slant neck and toe hang was what I always said was keeping the elevado from being my perfect putter.
  6. I think this would be awesome to do. I have never been fitted or had any lessons but a review of each stage of fitting or after each lesson would be sweet to read. Like others have stated, small reviews after each round, range session, fitting, or lesson followed by a final review would keep a thread rolling along better than just 1 big stage 2 imho. I like reading people's thoughts as things happen. Example: My swing was off today but this new driver was still in play or I had a grooved swing and was longer compared to XYZ.
  7. Man this thread never disappoints! Thanks Scott!
  8. Only for those that are too busy to read or can't read. Those that can't be bothered with the small details like following directions maybe included as well.
  9. It seems silly to most but it is actually a cunningly calculated post. He is just doubled his odds of winning that free odyssey o works black/exo putter in a few clicks of his mouse!
  10. Can I get in on this offer? I am not willing to give up my banking information but I have no problem sending some money via “Friends and Family” seeing as everybody on the internet is trustworthy, right? Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  11. What about an 8 trending down? Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  12. I can't believe there isn't more action on this with the exo testing application still live.
  13. Couldn't agree more! Too bad that it will never change to that with player safety issues.
  14. Why yes they do think somebody is on standby. They can't be bothered with details when there are more contests/giveaways to enter!
  15. Man everytime I see a new reply to this thread, I keep getting my hopes up that they finally announced the winner!
  16. What ever happen to the slogan "Reading is fundamental"?
  17. I still believe Carr has what it takes to be a franchise QB. I also think Gruden will help him take the next step to being that guy. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  18. Congrats. It is always a great feeling breaking a scoring barrier. Sent from my iPhone using MyGolfSpy
  19. I read this entire thread and i officially give up on humanity. One guy forgot he wanted to enter the contest and tried again 11 days later. Then another took the time to try to enter twice in 2 minutes, 1st by saying enter me then going all in!
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