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Har in the Hat

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Everything posted by Har in the Hat

  1. Stretching and exercising are important and I do them rigorously. Also,as people have mentioned - what is CBD stand for?
  2. today we will be up to +35 Degrees C (95F for our friends below us). unusually warm for this time of year. ARP Another Random Post
  3. I'm bummed I missed this. count me in on next years challenge. Maybe throw in another twist. only use 4 clubs. and a shot a hole
  4. And the posting continues Since the contest is over,shall we just continue on with this thread with completely random useless posts or shall we try to serve a purpose?
  5. One interesting thing that needs to be considered is that as more technology is available to use on the course,then golf bags with built-in chargers will need to become more prominent. Case in point,Sunmountain's new 2018 C130 comes to mind. I'm sure others will follow suit and the issue of dead batteries on a course will be a mute point. I hope that this techology doesn't make for antisocial behaviour where people are so focused on the data tracking while playing that they are not enjoying the company of others or what the golf course offers in terms of beauty and tranquility.
  6. great replies guys. thanks. I'm interested to wait and see how the winter break from golf will affect me.
  7. When I was under 50,I never had to go see a doctor and only took pills when pescribed (ie - which was very rare). Now,that I am over 50,my upper body (mostly arms and shoulders) always have a constant dull nagging pain and I am finding that I am taking drugs almost every night to help me sleep. when I am golfing or exercising,the pain is not there. Just when I am not active. God,something I would have never thought before in my life,I am now thinking - medicinal marijuana.And it will become legal in Alberta this fall? Wife won't go for it though and cannot do it with a 14 yo and 11 yo in the house 😀. they are my sanity. Are their any other golfers out there with similar issues or body pains. or I am I just an old fart?
  8. thank you ReeseDw and of course, thanks to the others for the responses.Dam.it would be easier typing on a typewriter!! MDgolf stated that the phone needs to be in the pocket? Why? Can't keep it in the bag? Or do you need to look at it constantly?
  9. Sorry guys, another question popped to my mind. Does having the sensors at the end of the club (grip) make a difference in how you grip the club or your hand position. Or is it still automatic. with the clubs you are familiar with, it is automatic where you position your hands. Now, sometimes with a longer or short club, your subconscious knows the difference and you end up making an adjustment. Would like to know that you guys are noticing the sensor or not? thanks again all and keep up the great work.
  10. never mind. I should have looked more closely at the different grips. so why the difference in the installat ion? thanks
  11. is that first pic of the arccos installation on the Cobras or installed by you?
  12. thanks for the replies guy. good job at deciphering my autocorrect. yes. I'll blame it on that
  13. Congrads to Joyzee and for for being tied for first. but also kudos to the others for keeping up the great work. I am really thinking seriously about putting ARCCOS on my Mizunos. I am loving the screen shots that you guys are sharing. One question I have is are you guys really analyzing the data to figure out where you need to work. Now that you see where the weaknesses are,the big question is what needs to be done to improve that. For me anyways. I saw that I need thid weeks contest is to do a Riki Fowler impression. How about an impression of Vijay trying to do a Ricki impression? I have that one in the bag 😀😀
  14. quick question about the one length. as MDgolfhacker states the length is a 7i. I usually do 3/4 swings on my 8I and higher (accuracy over distance). 7i and lower are full swings. does anyone else follow this and if so,does having a 7i length in an 8 or 9i cause any issues? great write up MD. thanks
  15. i'll add something to this. you know that feeling you get when you see someone wearing the same shirt as you? well, on my trip, i was leaving the 18th green and turned around the bend to pass the 10th tee box. What did i see?? 4 guys on the tee box all wearing the white climachill sleeves. i felt so embarrassed.
  16. now that I read your post ,I feel really stupid. I think that since the rest of the body is covered,I have noticed that wearing these keeps the arms cool and it has a pleasing affect. hard to explain.
  17. nice review. thanks. I love the minimalist look of things.
  18. Does anyone use these? I have 3 pairs of white and a Nike pair of black and surprisingly what a difference they make. I love how cool my arms feel compared to the rest of my body. My pro enquired about the black pair I would wear while on the driving range and told him that despite it being black,with the technology in todays garments,my arms are a lot cooler than other exposed skin
  19. this is very interesting to find out. I wonder if this will happen again or a one of instance. I hope all issues are reported by the testers. would love to hear the bad with the good. thanks all. so much to read
  20. good introductions guys. thanks. can't wait to start reading the reviews
  21. I don't know about you,but since Michael Breed has left,the instructional shows just suck and I am no longer intetested in the golf channel (not counting tournaments). the website also is dismal and since they pulled all of his videos, there is nothing worthwhile on the website. your thoughts.
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