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Status Updates posted by StrokerAce

  1. What a weekend! SuperBowl 51 and the WM in Phoenix...one of the most entertaining tourneys on tour!

  2. Can't wait for Spring... gotta play more golf this year!

  3. Got my DST Compressor today! Can't wait to try it out!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. StrokerAce


      you are RIGHT sir! This was an EYE OPENER! Cannot wait to get back out there again!!

    3. edmundcruz


      How has it been working out for you? I have the 8 iron and I love it! Amazing how much my impact position has improved!

    4. StrokerAce


      Lovin it. Just regripped it and it is better than I could have hoped!

  4. Putter shopping part2 - White hot RX #1 or Ketsch Cadence... what say you?

  5. Putter shopping... Ketsch Cadence Mid?

    1. GolfSpy Barbajo

      GolfSpy Barbajo

      Head down to Spargo in Warwick and have them fit your for an Edel. You won't be sorry...

  6. Rors needs to get his act together if he wants to play this weekend!

    1. StrokerAce


      wow... rory couldn't have had a more night/day round. amazing off the

      tee box but after that it all went to crap...

  7. Hope none of you are out in this heat playing. 95+ is danger zone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hckymeyer


      Played 27 on Wed. It was 96 with heat index of 104 or so. There's water in Vodka Lemonade though right?

    3. StrokerAce


      Yikes! Hope it cools off soon... officially a heat wave here (MA).

    4. 808nation


      Played on Sunday, it was 94 with a real feel of 100 here in North Jersey. It was HOT but since the humidity was low, it was bearable. We've had a official heat wave the week or so. Like many parts of the country :(

  8. does anyone really believe in this golf ball center of gravity concept???

  9. Happy Independence Weekend MGS! Hope everyone gets a chance to get a round in.

  10. Another beautiful day and I'm stuck in the office...

  11. Such a nice day out... why can't I be golfing?

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