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  • Location
    Lady lakes Fl

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  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    91-100 mph
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  1. The first edition of the Pittsburg Persimmon was for sure Epic , though my favorites of any era were the FG -17 Wilson Staff irons , loved them then and still miss them now
  2. That place would probably make sure you never got a chance to use it
  3. I’m a strong believer that a round can be played in less than 4 hours if: a starter who is a good communicator explains to each group the expectations . play ready golf , be prepared to play when it’s time , keep up with the group ahead, looking for lost balls to a 2 minute limit , have a ranger who is positive and not over bearing , encouraging slower groups to pick up the pace , offer beverage discounts for those that play in under 4 hours . We usually play in under 4 , closer to 3 hours if there’s not a stack ahead . Encourage them to play tees that offer more forgiveness so they can enjoy . About 40 years ago we were playing a resort in Tn. and the starter said , gentleman , there a turn time on your ticket on your bag , you will expected to turn within 10 minutes of that time or you will given a rain check and asked to leave ! Now that was harsh but they got their pint across.
  4. Good morning all, going to be a beautiful day here , playing with my pals this morning , all of us retired old fogies . May you all have splendid days , be blessed and kind !
  5. Well the back is holding up pretty well , the swing is MIA for sure but the short game is better than it’s been in a while ( mostly because I’m hitting it so poorly I’m getting plenty of practice ) . The Edel F-3 is really heating up on the bent grass , I’m putting it exactly where I’m aiming , I have been miss reading some putts by a half a cup and bam , I kiss the edge of the cup from distances up to 30’ . I am very much attached to this putter and the alignment advantages it touts . It’s making a difference in my putting !
  6. Good morning all, after the Dr appts this week , walked about 7-8 miles at the Memorial Pro Am yesterday , back feels ok so going to attempt to play today ! May everyones days be blessed and productive ! Good morning all, after the Dr appts this week , walked about 7-8 miles at the Memorial Pro Am yesterday , back feels ok so going to attempt to play today ! May everyones days be blessed and productive !
  7. They’re a paid puppet on either place they play , the PGA tour will be in deep trouble money wise with the inmates running a business they know nothing about running . The very worst thing to happen is getting TW in charge as he has had people running business for him . There are major sponsors that are holding back on extending due to instability of the tour models
  8. Probably not until his divorce is over
  9. Good Monday morning to one and all! I hope all had great weekends , graduation celebrations everywhere near us and congrats to all those folks ! We’ll time to get Dr visits done and see how the old back responds and hopefully get back on track . May you all be kind , successful and blessed!
  10. Good Friday to all , been MIA due to the back issues but hopefully things are looking up , double Dr appts scheduled next week and walking is almost 100%. May you all have great days and be blessed !
  11. Great results , after I get my Dr appts done and if my back is able to play I hope to have some positive results myself , wanting to get some bent grass action posted after all my initial results were on Bermuda
  12. Thanks for the positive vibes , had a major issue about 18 years ago and was told then I’d need surgery and held it off that long , hoping for another 18
  13. I have encountered a major back issue so I haven’t touched a club for a week and looks like it will quite a while until I get to play again , hopefully surgery isn’t the future ! I love the Edel F-3 that was fitted and made for me though I can’t use it currently with my back issues but will be posting again as soon as I get healed !
  14. Morning Spies , the game comeback has reached another pitfall! Got up yesterday noticing my back was a little iffy , then I tried to do my 2 mile walk, excruciating pain in my left leg and had to abort the walk ! Rest yesterday and felt pretty good, then this morning walked downstairs and pain was more severe ! Now I’m concerned about disc damage And game will face major setback ! Be blessed today !
  15. Good morning Spies , the round yesterday started much better and had glimpses of a 10 shot improvement but ended with a thud but did manage a a 7 shot improvement so it wasn’t a total waste on a much tougher course so maybe it’s getting a little better ! Have a great hump day , be blessed !
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