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Everything posted by Samuel09152

  1. Good morning Spies! Hopefully your week has started off well and you still have a lot to be thankful for. Day two of what to be thankful for is golf, the community and this forum. I appreciate all the help I have received and the lack of judgement on some questions I have asked! Sounds silly but this forum has become something I come to look forward to writing and reading on the past couple weeks. Y’all are pretty cool people! Also let’s hear it for the one sport that you can hate but love, see the beauty but the ugliness, the complexity but simplicity from one second to another. It is by far the most challenging and mental exhausting but rewarding sport I’ve ever played. Anyways have a great day! And as always, BE THE BLESSING!
  2. Well good morning friends, it’s my favorite week of the year. For a fat guy, like myself, this is holiday week number 1 because we start the cook early around our house. This means more fuel for this wanna be average golfer! Not only do we eat good, but I get to spend time with family. The past couple years, I take the week to not only eat but to reflect on something different each day to be thankful for. It really is good for me, and I challenge you to do the same. Today, I’m thankful for my family, friends, and everyone in my life that doesn’t fit into those two categories. Without any of those interactions or relationships I wouldn’t be here today. Now it’s time to get ready for work, and go be a blessing to someone by helping and caring. As always, don’t ask for a blessing, BE THE BLESSING!
  3. Good news! I got it dailed in now. Most of what was mentioned here helped! Had to cover up concrete and some metal, and then place the Garmin a little further back then 7 foot about 8ish. Hitting from 9 feet from net, put a black curtain behind the net. It seems to have straightened me out. So thank you to everyone who helped!! Y’all were lifesavers! Now I just gotta limit the toe hits so don’t hit any walls lol I asked Santa for the same thing @TheOther1! That and an impact screen!
  4. What a great topic! I didn’t really have goals in 2023 because I have so much going on. However, I have already wrote about 6 goals for 2024 starting with: 1. Break 85 2. Lower my handicap to 15 3. Limit 3 putting 4. Have fun 5. Find the positives in each shot/round 6. Continue to practice and work on fundamentals
  5. Yesterday was a good day of practice, worked on weight shift and getting to impact position. Fun stuff
  6. Good morning friends! Sorry I’ve been MIA the past couple days, work and sick/teething baby really stressing me out. I did however get to hit golf the sim for 4 hours last night. Working on the momentum change and weight shift. Y’all know what today is, gotta get some upsets going so Roll Cyclones! And more importantly Roll Tide! I hope y’all have a great day and remember “BE THE BLESSIGNG”!
  7. Awesome! Thank you for the help. This will be done alot this week/weekend. Thank you for real!
  8. What you are saying does make sense, and I am trying to work on better more consistant contact. I read online that it was easier to putt with a mallet or semi-mallet putter becasue they are more forgiving with off centered putts. I guess that is what i meant. I know that my dispersion on the putter face is often center to more toe, and it is consistant to that pattern. I just want to mitigate the effect of that the best I can as I continue to grow into a better golfer. It could be simply change my stance to aim better, but I dont know. What I do know, is I have no confidence with the putter I have now. I guess I should have asked what people liked about each of them instead of any suggestions becasue I don't think anywhere near me carries them for me to try or if they do I haven't seen them (I live in the middle of nowhere on the AL/TN line). So usually I buy clubs off recommendations without testing...
  9. It really depends on how rushed I feel or if I have been drinking. Honestly, putting is my weakest part of my game so I need to take it more serious!
  10. Glad your feeling better and more importantly hope that magical juice is good! Gotta have the coffee! Let's get to work. To everyone else, it is a new day. We have a new opportunity to be better. Let's go out and do the right things, and good things will start coming! BE THE BLESSING!
  11. Today was a good day for practice in the garage. I didn’t hit anything very well, but slowly feel like my swing is becoming more fluent. I did work on putting and controlling speed. Hopefully that will transfer on to the course because that is definitely where I struggle on the track.
  12. Being someone who has only used odyssey white hot blade, but in the market for a more forgiving putter. I was thinking about the #7 AI milled or a spyder pro. Any suggestions?
  13. Good morning everyone! Just wanted to start off by sayin Roll Tide and what a day of football yesterday! Of course, I got to hit the some golf balls as well! Anyways, let’s get better today! Be the blessing!
  14. Can you link that video that you were talking about? I’ve been working creating lag, and launch angle but I kinda struggling with it. I’ve been following Scratch 2 Scratch guy and learning from their drills but don’t know if I know where to get good drills for lag and launch angle.
  15. Good morning my good folks! Start off by saying this again, THANK YOU VETERANS!!! Woke up with my 10 month old girl, started this Saturday off with our tradition, oatmeal cream pie (it’s a gameday and that’s what Coach Saban eats every morning lol). Now getting ready for a 11 am kick off, followed with some golf sim time and date night with the wife! Couldn’t picture a better Saturday! It is also sunny for the first time all week! Roll Tide! Let’s get better!
  16. Good morning folks! New guy here! It’s a gloomy Friday in N. Alabama, so looks like it will be a day full of garage fun and honey do list for me. Thanks for letting join this ride! Look forward to trying to get to know yall! Thank you to all the veterans! Roll Tide!
  17. Fight Joe is tough links style imo. Was very hard on me when I first started playing. I live 5 mins from Hampton cove, and would say out of the ones I’ve played, these are the easiest. Might be biased as well since I’m 5 mins away and love the short course. I would rank my experiences of hardest RTJ courses I’ve played like this: 1) fighting Joe ( shoals also first 4 months of playing golf, and was shook at the beauty of it. My first real course) 1b) oxmoor- valley course ( tough, fun, and very challenging. Loved the signature hole ) 2) silver lakes- mind breaker( fastest greens I have ever played on) 3)silver lakes- back breaker ( again fast greens but layout was a little easier) 4) highlands- Hampton cove( it’s fun kinda challenging, has nice scenic views of a neighborhood. Has bunkers and water) 5) river- Hampton cove ( lots of water not really any bunkers, little more open, tough pin locations but a good time when not flooded) 6) short course- Hampton cove ( right now this is my favorite mainly because I’m working on iron play and I can get 9 holes in a hour. It’s fun but challenging. Tough pins, elevated greens, thick roughs)
  18. I played oxmoor valley during the summer. Absolutely loved it, however it took forever due to the crowd. It being the end of Jan you might be able to pull this off! I want to play Ross Bridge pretty bad. I’ve been saving my point for about a year now, and have enough to do it plus another RTJ course. May have to do something similar to your plan here! Best of luck!
  19. Yesterday was a lucky day, a lot of times if no one is at the driving range/course I go to they let me kinda mark it out to about 35 yards from the chipping green. At 15-25 yards, I’m typically working just 25 normal chips, with taking my time, and working the fundamentals and technique. I might at 15 try to do some different techniques but I’m really not very good so I’m really trying to stick to the basics. Once I go past that I usually get my Garmin R10 out and work through feel and technique at the true driving range. I will usually try to go up 5 to 10 yards every 5 shots. “Try” is the key word lol. Still working feel and technique if I don’t think the technique felt right or feel was right then it doesn’t count. Not so worried about if it’s short or long (unless it’s really off and then it doesn’t count). As I try to drop my handicap I was told work from green back, because I was working tee to green and nothing was changing. Really I should focus on putting also on chipping days but it’s not as fun to me….
  20. I have been working on wedges for the past week. Today I started on 15 yard shots and worked back to 75 yard shots. I plan on playing a par 3 course tomorrow and trying to only using wedges.
  21. I have been working on wedges for the past week. Today I started on 15 yard shots and worked back to 75 yard shots. I plan on playing a par 3 course tomorrow and trying to only using wedges.
  22. Using my R10 at the outdoor range and on the course has been amazing! Makes the range fun for me and keeps it interesting. A lot of times, my buddies and I will end up buying two buckets and playing a round at the range on the Garmin or using Awesome Golf for games. We also make games out of trying to see who can get the swing speed or ball speed the fastest. Out doors my numbers are really close if not spot on. I’ve even tested against a TM4. with that said I can’t speak to the MLM Pro 2 because I’ve never used it.
  23. I haven’t used the RCT balls but have used the HVAC tape and that helped but I’ll likely bite the bullet on the RCT balls soon. My outdoor readings are spot on! I love them, just gotta figure out my indoor readings! What sim do you use?
  24. Hey Everyone, I am new here, located in the Rocket City ( Huntsville, Al). I just wanted to start offf by saying thank you for allowing me to join and becoming a part of this community. I start looking at MGS a while go but decided to build an indoor sim so needed some insight and decided to actually make an account and learn what all of you have to offer. I am currently on the grind to get better then all of my friends, instead of being the in the bottom teir. I currently hit the range 3x a week with playing as much as the wife will let me (kinda locked down with a 10 month old hence the sim lol) How long have you been playing golf? What’s your handicap or normal score? I have only been playing golf since 2018, got into it right before Covid hit, but didnt start taking it serious until about a 8 months ago. I am a 18.8 handicap, and normally shoot somewhere around mid 90s. What do you love about golf? I love the mental game, and the part of not only playing people but really yourself. The challenge of trying to hit the shot you invision. What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies? Like I said before, I have always seen the forums when looking up reviews and things but until I really started trying to build an indoor sim, and figuring that out, I make an account. I decided that because of the help, i would like to help also, so I made an account to offer my advance on what that was like. I do not know any other spies. Where are you from? What is your home course? I am from Huntsville, Al. I would RTJ Hampton Cove is my home course if you want to call it that because I play it the most but I do not offically belong to a course as a member. What are the best and worst things about golf in your region? I would say the best thing about golf around my area (I say area because I know about 2 hours in any direction it is different) is that I quick access to the a course. I typically can get on a course without any issues as rather a short course or long course. I would say the worst thing in my area (again, I say area because I know about 2 hours in any direction it is different) is that there is a lack of great quailty courses. What do you do for a living? I work in IT.
  25. It is, I believe it’s actually close to 20 feet long by 10 feet by 8 feet. I followed most of the guidelines from garmin. The only thing is maybe the foam backing or do you think the metal in the corner being seen by it? There is also a beer fridge in the garage as well.
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