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Everything posted by MattF

  1. Foz, Who's the seller? I play the Midsize Pro and can't find them for less than $70. Matt
  2. 3 new SCOR wedges from Dallas golf. They arrived last night but don't have the SCOR grip on them, just some generic black thing that will be coming off this arvo and being replaced with my Pure grips.
  3. So did I. Shot a freaking 105 and lost I don't know how many balls. I was sick last night and probably shouldn't have played but, when you got the bug....
  4. We got rained out big time on 15 at Zoar Village Golf Course, Ohio. Saw it coming when we hit the back 9, on 15 people were heading for the car park, so we did too, not a moment too soon. It was raining so hard people were pulled over on the side of the freeway with their hazards on.
  5. Let's just say that I'm happy I'm not playing again for two weeks...I'm just going to sit quietly in the corner and mumble expletives.
  6. Shot a 91 despite and awful front 9, 48. Came back on the back 9 with a 43. BTW, I don't hit my 3H 282 yards, I just screwed up with the GPS. https://www.golfpadgps.com/round/R67E8P
  7. 94 with the arm still playing up. 30 putts due to a lot of on the fringe lies, but I was rolling the ball really well. https://www.golfpadgps.com/round/RY6HCG
  8. No golf for me for the next 2 weeks. Dealing with drying out the basement again, a surprise 60th birthday party today, work tomorrow and I'll be in Chicago next weekend for a truck meet.
  9. An embarrasing 100. Hit some good shots and hit a lot of terrible ones. Out of the gate it was par, bogie, par then the self destruct button was pushed. I kept lifting for some reason, got to get out of that habit.
  10. What, like this? Just highlight what you want quoted from the other post, right click and copy it. Go to the thread you want to put it in, click the quote ballon (up top) right click in the middle of it and hit paste.
  11. A very deserved 97. Played like an arse and the tendonitis pain kicked in at about the 4th...forgot to put Biofreeze on my arm.
  12. Played 9 yesterday at The Fairways at Twin Lakes. Shot a 45, which was OK since I've got tennis elbow in my left arm. It didn't show up in any air swings, but holding the club and swinging is another matter. Time to get the strap out guess.
  13. Just make sure that Hellcat isn't leaking fuel...recall for every one sold.
  14. The hardest I've played so far is at Treasure Lake in DuBois, PA. The Gold course...kicks my arse every time, especially the Par 3 17th, hill top to hill top, you better make the green cause it's a long way up from the bottom of the hill.
  15. Maybe the lie needs to be tweaked a bit more upright so you don't have to choke down that little bit.
  16. Played at San Carlos in Ft Meyers yesterday. Out the gate with a 273 yard drive straight down the guts, 8 iron on the green and 1 putt for birdie. Ended up with a 41 on the front before the slide started. Shot a 90 for the 18, which I was happy about considering I haven't played since October. The new iron and hybrids are fantastic!
  17. Still have to get my arse in gear and order a couple of dozen.
  18. I wear a watch every day, stainless Seiko Sports 150 I bought in San Francisco in 1997. I don't, however, wear it when I play. Keys, wallet and watch go into the valuables pocket of my bag.
  19. Congratulations mnfats! I played my last round for the year yesterday. In a word, terrible. I told my golf partner that next year, as soon as the leave start to fall, I'm done. It was just not an enjoyable round at all because of the leaves. Hit a shot that in "normal" conditions would be fine and you can't find the ball, take a drop and a stroke...not fun.
  20. Good on ya foz! Good luck today.
  21. Shot a 93 at DuBois Country Club in PA. The front 9 was a very ordinary 50, but I caught fire on the back. Especially the 18th. Fired the driver straight down the middle 256 yards. Left me with either a layup before a creek or go for 2 at 210 yards. I got talked into (didn't need much influence) going for it and hit a nice draw with my 3H 199 yards to be on the frog hair. Putted 24 yards, then 2 putted for par. Considering the greens were running at 10, I was happy with my putting and very happy to have posted 93 with such a poor start on the front.
  22. Not well and it's bugging me. Just a lot of stupid mistakes and my hcp is going up, not down. I'm going to commit myself to practice this winter in the garage range and see what I can do next year. Yesterday's round was windy and the greens were like lightening. The highlight though, was my second shot on 16 par 5. Hit a 4 hybrid 256 yards (1 yard less than my drive) because of the wind and the roll out, to be on the green putting for eagle...which I then proceeded to 3 putt for a par.
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