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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. Fantrax has also taken away my waiver claim. Probably cuz I have no money!
  2. Weird. Im guessing something is going on with Fantrax. Every now and again I look at my team and he is there
  3. I was offered the same deal but with Jackson instead of Mahomes and countered. Had no real idea it would go through
  4. Yeah I did the same thing thinking what you did.
  5. It was only a matter of time before I broke it. No way their system was ready for me. I’m looking to blow gold out the water lol
  6. I think I finally broke Fantrax with the Mahomes trade. One minute it shows him on my team and allowed me to make an offer using Chark then when I went back to my team page Mahomes is gone and so is my trade offer.
  7. I have? What’s your team name so I stop if your not interested?
  8. I’m sure your right just seems low in my head.
  9. Alright folks let’s just get this out there right now. I do not take anything Ryan is saying as an insult or an attack. (Others may but I won’t speak for them). As far as screwing up the draft or treating it like it doesn’t matter, that is and will never be my intention. Some may believe I did screw up my draft with my deal but I did what I did because I couldn’t make the whole draft and don’t trust auto draft for anything. Turns out I was right as it drafted me 3 QBs (2 out which weren’t in my queue) while at the same time not giving me players that were. Had I gotten the 2 players instead of the QBs I may not have done the moves I did. I stated this in my post before the trading began. I will also say that this is part of the fun for me. I enjoy trying to make moves/trades to set me up for success. Fantasy sports are boring for me with a set it and forget it strategy. If you don’t want to trade with me no harm no foul I won’t lose any sleep over it just as you won’t. After all this is just for fun. I do take it seriously and probably more so than others but at the end of the day, it’s just fantasy sports. Maybe I’ll just sit back and worry about my other leagues. The last thing I want to do is ruin it for anyone else.
  10. No sir I didn’t. I beat everyone by more that 50 pts.
  11. If only that was possible good sir
  12. Luckily I didn’t need it this time around so I’m gonna petition to see if I can use it next year!
  13. I’d like to thank everyone for a great year. To all those that traded with me, I appreciate it. Also to those that chose not to trade me Morikawa before the deadline, you saved me from myself so thank you too. Now for that Fantasy Golf Champ forum badge
  14. Here here! The big one is commenting on a decline. This is especially helpful if you don’t wish to trade or a certain player is of no interest. While I make a lot of trade offers and try to make them all fair, most offers are just to start negotiations. Another good idea is to join the slack channel set up for MGS. It is a quick way to converse and discuss details back and forth without the need for constant countering.
  15. More than likely nothing for McLaurin cuz he was a guy I was targeting before the draft pick trade. Him and Fitzmagic are gonna surprise some people I think. Kittle is a former Hawkeye but could be available for the right price. Lol Saquan is available though
  16. Can I get some of that action? Although I have no FAAB to bet!
  17. No but there were plenty of negotiations lol
  18. Alright fellas, Got a trade done. Cost me Kamara but at least I got a shot at fielding a team now. Still willing to deal for those interested. The only guy unavailable is Harris!
  19. sent something over to start negotiations
  20. Best advice. Don’t listen to all the guys saying not to trade with me! They all say it but in the end they do it anyways! Lol
  21. Ok after thinking this over I’m gonna put Kamara and/or Gibson up. I’m not excited about this so I won’t give them away but if you want a top RB and have some decent WR and TE hit me up. I will updated my trade block shortly with a list of guys I’m looking for. Not necessarily looking for a 1 for 1 type trade. More looking at 2-3 mid to upper mid guys to try to rebound from the auto draft mix up.
  22. Not sure why but auto draft took 3 QBs for me when I had the fill active roster first check. Just another reason to hate auto draft. Lol. If anyone has a couple wrs they want to unload/release let me know.
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