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About Garwood

  • Birthday 01/23/1951

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  • Location
    Central Florida
  • Interests
    Golf fishing working out , reading Twitter Christian, grand father friends
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  1. For more years than I can recall I walked every time I played and carried my sticks , then I received a push cart for a gift and walked every round with it , while I loved the cart and it’s ease , the transporting to and from course was a difficulty and unless I had a large enough vehicle it was quite time consuming. Now living in Florida most of the year and the setup of courses is long distances between tees , courses with multiple nines , it isn’t feasible to use the cart . I could take up north in the summer but most of the senior guys I play with ride , so alas so do I . I still walk daily over 3 miles as a means to stay healthy and really would enjoy walking the course again
  2. I’ve been playing since the year of 1969 so 51 years , my cousin let hit his clubs with plastic whiffle balls back in the mid 60’s then another cousin took on the course first time in 69 . Handicap has been everywhere from 4- 16 as it is now . my love of golf is multifunctional, it’s a game I love alone or with my adult sons or with my best friends or strangers My Golf Spy attracted me with its reviews and true tests that were results driven not sponsor driven , I especially enjoy the No Putts Given sessions as quite informative and have found myself more and more logging on to check out the latest I’m originally from Ohio but have relocated here in Central Florida in The Villages where I can stay active now that we are retired. I love being able to play every month of the year and log over 200 rounds yearly . All the Villages courses are my home course now and winter golf isn’t nearly as well conditioned as summer when there’s less play . I’m retired from The Kroger Company after 45 years there in many capacities. Hi Garwood is my name here , picked it up in the early 80’s on a Myrtle Beach good trip
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