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Everything posted by krusher74

  1. you must clean the area you are going to put it with something, mineral spirits etc. then i warm the lead tape with a fan heater to warm the glue, once its on and set i use knife handle of something the rub along it to really press it on hard.
  2. golf with aimee dan maude shaun clements golf
  3. I think you have that backwards. As putting a club on the shelf that was 100% to the pro spec would then make that off the shelf club only be suited the the top 1% of players. If people arnt going to get fit for a club then they have to make there best guess for the shelf spec club as whats going to fit the average golfer. Wtach these scratch, golf teachers struggle with a pro spec club
  4. I did say they are 80% range balls in my post/question.
  5. I was at the range with my garmin G80 launch monitor today . I was swinging my 6 iron 82/85mph, I think the max carry i got was 155 (145/150 mostly). Everything online says that swing speed should be more like 160+. So my question is using range balls should I be expecting the ball speed and smash factor on the monitor to be reduced by an 80% range ball?
  6. China don't honour any copyright laws, they steal everybody's designs and then just sell them in china as the real thing, seems like they are happy to ship them anywhere now.
  7. Golf pride also have the tour25 (25g) which I have used when shortening a driver to 43.5. But it only comes is standard size, I noticed winn lite comes in std, mid, over and ladies which is great!
  8. Oh yeah, did not make the rogue connection, I'm thinking the correct spelling of maverick has some copyright problems, or their trying to be "edgy" I think its kinda bold to go with a name, its hard to be put off with letters and numbers. but i could certainly put up more resistance on the implications of having mavrik written on my club, like im not going to be buying a superman t-shirt anytime soon.
  9. Out on interest how do you know "The manufacturing spec is too broad, the inspection process is almost non existent" ? is this from testing or inside info?
  10. Do you think that driver name is coming of the back of topgun 2 being out this year, and expecting the american market to go all patriotic for it? (sorry not listened to the podcast)
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