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Sign up Closed: Fit For Golf App and Program

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
833 signups
Equipment Type: Fitness App
Vendor: Fit For Golf

Ready To Get Golf Fit?

We are looking for six golfers who want to make a commitment to get “golf fit” through the Fit For Golf App. With all the hype from new releases, there is a buzz in the air that the golfing season for many is just around the corner. The last thing anyone wants is to be caught on the back foot and not ready to take advantage of the start of the season.


What is Fit For Golf?

Created by strength and conditioning coach Mike Carroll, Fit For Golf was established all the way back in 2014, but it wasn't until 2017 that the first online program was launched.

Mike had learned about how some trainers at the time were using apps to deliver online programs and decided to create his own Fit For Golf App. So, what does the App feature?

As part of the Fit For Golf app, there are a variety of programs and workouts to suit all golfers that can be done at home or in the gym. It also includes "easy-to-follow videos," a schedule, and a progress tracker to ensure all involved keep on top of their programs.

Finally, the app also includes support, where golfers can reach out to Mike or one of his support team for guidance and assistance.

What Is The Test?

We want six golfers who are looking to improve their golf games by putting in the work off the golf course. Testers will get access to the new Fit For Golf 2.0 App that offers a fresh user experience and be able to offer valuable insights to the most recent changes.

The selected golfers will receive a 1-year subscription to Fit For Golf and provide feedback on the app and all its features. They will also provide status updates on their progress, how it is affecting their games, day-to-day activities, and how the program integrates into their daily lives.

Are you interested in being a tester?



*Registration closes on Jan 31.
*Testers will be announced on the Forum on Feb 6.
*This testing opportunity is open to all golfers worldwide but must be a registered forum member to be selected.


I've tried to create my own workouts based on muscle group exercises that I think will help out my swing. I have no experience with training so it would be interesting to compare and see the difference and how much this program helps.


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I have been wanting to learn the correct way to train and strengthen my body to improve my golf game.  Excellent time of year to start this training.  Good luck to everyone!

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I've heard about this program and it will be great to hear some feedback. I'd prefer it to be me testing it, however, I know I can trust good analysis from the from members. I tore my right rotator cuff last year and am looking for a fitness program to get back into golf shape. This may be it.

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I have been thinking about getting one of the golf fitness apps, I see golf forever everywhere and have been wanting to try one as I am constantly having to try and squeeze in workouts between practicing and school. Either way, I am excited to hear about the app!

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Made a New Year's resolution to get better Golf fit for this year.  The app comes at a good time for me.  Hope I am selected. 

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I've been looking for a program like this and am now just hearing about this app. I'm about to begin a total transition with neurotherapy treatment and a whole diet overhaul. Introducing fitness for something I like doing would be a super boon. Ill.probably sign up for it selected for testing or not.

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Another avid FFG user here - seriously can’t say enough good things about the programs on here. Great value subscription and if you do the workout to the best of your ability you will see results. I lost approx 30lbs and increased my “game speed” 3-4mph in about 4 months!

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I was literally thinking of signing up for this in the coming weeks, so it would be great to be picked for this!

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As 70 year golfer, who has taken to a new fitness routine for the last five years, I can attest to exercise as the best improvement to my golf game. I started my new exercise program due to an injury. Now the injury is rehabbed and I continue to pursue more varied and vigorous exercises. I believe that FFG would improve my quality of life and consequently my golf game. After 30 years in the Army, I was convinced that exercise was the key to a healthier and happier life.

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Very excited for this potential opportunity! I have been hitting the gym and doing superspeed training in the off season but sometimes I just don't know if what I am doing in the gym is really the most efficient way to get golf specific gains. Maybe this app can give me this insight!

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3 hours ago, russtopherb said:

There's not a single person out there who couldn't benefit from getting into better shape. Great testing opportunity here!

I'm have you seen my 2 under 2 dad bod? What I need is sleep 😉

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I re-took up golf just over 3 years ago, after about a 45 year hiatus!  I am very active: running 20-25 miles/week, walking 20 miles/week, going to the local Y just 1.5 miles from home, mountain biking, etc. I am competitive with myself and want to see how much I can improve before the aging process really kicks in (I'm 64). I do weight training at the Y, but I recognize that I should be doing golf specific drills and exercises. My goal from this program would be to gain flexibility, range of motion and strength. Hopefully that would result in perhaps hitting longer drives and shots, and perhaps more importantly, more consistent shots. I do have access to a golf simulator as it's winter here in Upstate NY. Sign me up for this trial!

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This would come in handy for me. I always start broowsing the internet and Youtube for videos on golf training, about this time of the year. There are so many blogs and videos that you do not know what is the best for me. 

Althought I do weights, yoga, calistenics, I am always looking for ways to create flexabilty and strength at my age ( 66). I look forward to trying this out.


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I was actually going to the gym tomorrow (my favorite time to go to the gym: tomorrow) to ask if any of the trainers there had a golf specific workout regimen. I need structure!

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This in an interesting opportunity.  I have a pre-round stretching routine that I have "developed" from articles and web research to address back and shoulder limitations from surgeries.  In place of overall fitness, I now find myself looking at cross-fit/HIIT workouts with a concentration on golf swing dynamics; which really makes no sense if you know anything about fitness.  That realization has me reassessing my focus and looking for a better balance. Fitness is nothing new to me, but some of these programs have captured my interest for their ability to address overall fitness and supplement golf, vs. sacrificing overall fitness for a golf focus.  Good luck to everyone and I look forward to reading reviews and seeing how it works out.

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Great opportunity to see how these golf-focused workout programs compare to a traditional workout program. I'm not a fan of doing only a sport-focused program without throwing in an overall body program with it. But that's just me.

I'll be curious to see how this works for the selectee's and how it might compare to something like Golf Forever.

Good luck!

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Great motivation to get my butt back to it like I have on my 2024 list of goals for the year. Excited to get to it and see how the app is to keep it going long term with habits being formed and results of where I need it most. Fitness and game improvement. 

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I had shoulder and knee surgery a year ago from golf injuries so after a few months of PT I’ve kept up a decent workout both with trainer and at home.  I’ve plateaued and would like to both get in better shape so I have fewer golf injuries and would be hopeful that this app and their workout would help me to progress to another level in fitness and golf.  I’m trying to fight Father Time and not lose distance and stamina as I age. 

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Such an interesting concept. As someone who has cobbled together a golf fit routine through Golf Digest articles, YouTube videos and various other advice sites, a dedicated and designed program is highly interesting to me. Good luck to all!

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