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Sign up Closed: ExPutt RG

Number of Testers
Signup Cutoff Date:
3,084 signups
Equipment Type: Technology
Vendor: ExPutt


Do you find putting practice boring or repetitive? Is it something you avoid doing because it is not true enough to real-world situations? ExPutt is a putting simulator that aims to change that. It is a small, portable device that can be used for fun and to improve your putting at home with minimal space required.

What Is ExPutt RG?

ExPutt is a small putting simulator that connects to your smart device or TV and provides real-world feedback and situations to help you improve your putting. The ExPutt system consists of a putting mat with a foam backstop, a remote, and a tripod camera for measuring putts. The system features training and game modes for practice, competition, and fun, as well as real courses.

ExPutt RG Numbers

On the data side, ExPutt provides ball speed, launch direction, distance, putter path, tempo, and impact angle. Want to enhance the experience? Place stickers on your putter for more accurate data.


Playing Modes

ExPutt offers three playing modes. The Classic Mode has three sub-modes: Practice, Play9, and Challenge, which allow golfers to work on various aspects of putting, including on-course play. Explorer Mode focuses on your putting weaknesses. Golfers can select a pin position and recreate putts from the past on real courses. Multi Mode allows golfers with ExPutt devices to compete against each other in real time.

The Testing Opportunity

We are looking for four golfers to test, review, and keep an ExPutt RG device. For this testing opportunity, we want golfers who are committed to improving their putting to see if the ExPutt RG can help them achieve that. We want the testers to compete against each other in Multi Mode and to share their full experience with the device, from unboxing to simulation rounds.

Are you a golfer who struggles with putting? Think this test could solve your putting woes?


Want to learn more? -https://exputt.com/ 



  • This test is open to all forum members worldwide.
  • Registration ends July 3.
  • Testers will be announced on the MyGolfSpy Forum on July 9.


I’m really looking forward to this. I’ve improved my putting quite a bit using the stack putting app and a new putter. I’m very curious if you can input break distance and slope for each putt if so the stack putting app just became a really viable year round practice. 

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Would love this. I have a 7 foot putting mat in my basement but this would be great to get some data and metrics. Most of my practice is in my garage on a Rapsodo MLM2 Pro which doesn't track putting. This would be a welcome addition. 

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My putting has gotten to the point of making me want to quit and I love the game so I really need the help. This would be an awesome opportunity to finally feel comfortable again on the course. I really need this. Ty

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This would be a great opportunity to see if an actual training aid can work and go from practice to the course. People, me included, have continually bought different and switched putters (blade to mallet, rear to middle shaft, etc) to see if the putter makes a difference. This aid could definitely show practicing putting on a more consistent basis can make a difference. 

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Perfect timing! I just played our State Am and missed 8 putts inside 4 feet and had miserable distance control on my longer putts. This would really help me work on my putting at home, which is where I have to practice with 2 young kids a small dog! Good luck to everyone!

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This one sounds like a great opportunity!  Count me in - I just checked my ARCCOS putt stats and am showing - 

Single Putt - 36%

Double Putt - 46%

Dreaded Triple Putt - 18%

If I'm selected, I can't wait to see how I can improve these stats!

Best of luck to those who are selected!  I'll be watching these reviews for sure.

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This one could be a game (or score) changer for me. Hard to describe how badly I need this. Birdie putts turned into 3 putt wasted chances. So many great testing opportunities this year alone. I wish everyone luck bit selfishly I really wish me some luck.

Thank you MGS and ExPutt.

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I think this will be very interesting as this technology essentially removes the visual distance aspect of real putting and simulator golf (screen and projector) as plugging this into any home TV won't give the best visual cues. I can see someone that uses this frequently struggle the first few holes of a round to manage distance as 99% of us don't know what the greens are stimping/most courses don't even know that info themselves. I do see it helping face control and, with some practice going between the actual course and the sim, helping remove some of the subjectviity in "how hard do I hit this putt". Good luck to all!

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My distances are terrible mate.

I get what you are saying but as a weak putter myself I believe this will help me initially with distances and getting a feel of how hard/soft for a measurement point of view. 

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This product is really interesting. I love the fact that it’s showing WHY you are missing putts. I’m good at picking a line on a green just not consistent with hitting square putts and I really think this would help. 

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This would fit wonderfully in my gym. I putt every hour on the hour during the week. Would be awesome to have a new toy hehe. 


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Improving my short game has been my summer goal. I've started to notice an improvement putting already, this would certainly help too. Sign me up!

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