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Sign up Closed: 2023 Forum Member Test: Sacks Parente Putters

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628 signups
Equipment Type: Putters
Vendor: Sacks Parente

Testers Wanted: Sacks Parente Putters  

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Are you familiar with Sacks Parente Putters? If not, don't worry; you're not alone. I stumbled upon them thanks to a Golfers Digest article discussing the remarkable surge of a putter company's stock on its Wall Street debut, and it piqued my interest.

Why We're Interested:
At MyGolfSpy Forum, we've made it a goal for 2023 to shine a spotlight on emerging and lesser-known brands in the golfing world. We believe it's crucial to give these companies exposure while providing our members with opportunities to test, experience, and review products they might never have considered before. Sacks Parente fits this mission perfectly, and after initial discussions, they enthusiastically agreed to participate.

Meet Sacks Parente:
So, who exactly are Sacks Parente? They're primarily a putter manufacturer renowned for their patented Ultra Low Balance Point technology (ULBP), which they claim can naturally enhance your putting stroke. Founded by golf club design and manufacturing pioneer Steve Sacks and Rich Parente, an original co-founder of Callaway, the concept of their ULBP technology was born in 2011. However, it wasn't until 2018 that Sacks Parente officially came into existence.

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Wide Range of Designs:
Sacks Parente offers an extensive array of golf putter designs catering to the preferences of most golfers. Whether you favor mallet or blade putters, there's a design that's bound to catch your eye. What sets Sacks Parente apart is their inclusion of matching Ultra-Low Balance Point putter shafts and grips with their putters. These components work harmoniously to, as they claim, help you sink more putts. With a growing presence on the PGA Tour of Champions, they're steadily gaining recognition – a development that has us at MyGolfSpy Forum excited to introduce to our forum members.

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Ready to Test and Review?
Have we sparked your curiosity about testing and reviewing one of Sacks Parente's Putters?

Five Testers will have the opportunity to select a Sacks Parente Putter of their choice and receive a virtual fitting session to ensure they're paired with the perfect putter for their game.

Selected testers must post or screenshot of desired putter model in the comment section! 


*Registration closes on October 11, 2023, with tester announcements on October 16, 2023.
*This testing opportunity is exclusively open to US residents.
*Left-handed golfers are welcome to participate, depending on the putter model.

Join us in this exciting venture to discover the innovative world of Sacks Parente Putters and potentially improve your putting game. Sign up today!


Very interested in the 54MC 3 Stripe design. I have been rolling the Bobby Grace M5K-GT and the Cure CX3 and it’s time to start making those 5-6 footers.



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Wow. I have only faintly heard of Sacks-Parente.  But what wonderful options of putters I am seeing.  Would love to test this product out, but more importantly, to take part in the fitting.

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I would like to try this mallet.  I am using a 12 year old Ping, and honestly would not likely spend this much on a putter.  Would like to have the opportunity to share my experience on if more expensive putters are worth the expense.  I think this would be a good perspective to share!


Thanks for the Chance!

Don D.





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I would love to test this putter. As a devout lefty, I  use the Probe 2.0 which is solid brass and 25 years old. I can putt right handed when i have the yips or if I have a senior moment and forget that I'm a lefty.   I bought an Odyssey red ball putter 5 years ago and I had a tough time lining up the ball with the little bullseye thingy.  Frustrated I tried to give it swimming lessons .  It failed the swim test miserably but my buddy decided I needed help and he got his waders and fished it out of the drink the next morning. I will never forgive him for that.  I then put it up on eBay and it sat for 8 months until I was able to donate to tehm for $120.00 shipping.  

I would like to test the  Series 99 Flange Putter, 33 inch Flat grip.  Thank you for a great forum and opportunity for us hackers to test these products. 

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I'm intrigued.  I have made some strides with my putting but would love to try some different technology/feel to see if I improve.

Series 54MH Mallet Putter – Three Stripe

Choose an optionRight Hand Only

Choose an optionHeel Shafted Hosel

Choose an optionSPG CFS

34.5 in.

Choose an optionFlat GripPistol GripRound Grip


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I Love putters......

It's like looking for a unicorn, and I am still looking.  

Drac 35", flat grip.....


Good luck to all, Cheers and happy golfing 🏌️‍♂️


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In looking thru their website, I am most intrigued by their Series 91 putter.  Not sure if Jon Rahm started the trend, or I just first noticed him using one, but a fair number of pro golfers are using a blade putter with a little something extra on the back end and rounded to boot.  Pay attention next time you are watching a pro event.

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Just read that same article and was very intrigued. Been playing the Tommy Armour Impact No. 2 but considering switching to a mallet for some more stability. Would love to try a blade of the SP and really get an idea of how balanced/consistent it is.

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