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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. well.... now im not sure that itll be a hot day, wondering if ill be playing that is haha. Well tee isnt till 5pm so as above "so you're saying theres a chance?"
  2. well..... tomorrow isnt looking good for golf happening, though maybe we get it in. Hoping for some cloud cover. Heat indexes in the 100-105 range tomorrow which isnt... great. Better than today, which has hx in the 105-110* range Glad im done screwing with that stupid wall at least.
  3. Fortunately help showed up. no morons were harmed in the making of this dirt pile.
  4. @sirchunksalot thanks for the kind words. Progressing. wont be finishing all of it this morning just too much to do later today plus oh yeah…. Surface of the sun hot from noon on. oof:
  5. Oh….oh no. It’s bad. I’m about 6ft tall… 45mins of shoveling later…
  6. Well this doesn’t look…… too bad.
  7. It’s really pretty common. I just wanted the control. Most brew shops have mill setups you can use if you buy there though. But depending on how you are doing it changing the size of the crush can be a nice quality of life thing. Plus I like leaving it uncrushed to hopefully keep it fresher longer (if it has any significant effect anyway). It’s really pretty common. I just wanted the control. Most brew shops have mill setups you can use if you buy there though. But depending on how you are doing it changing the size of the crush can be a nice quality of life thing. Plus I like leaving it uncrushed to hopefully keep it fresher longer (if it has any significant effect anyway).
  8. Feel free to holler at me whenever you get into brewing, to say im experienced would be an understatement haha. Going to hopefully break in the new mill this weekend, picking up a bag of grain from a buddy that does it pro and orders me the 55lb ones for cost (like the saint he is).
  9. Sigh... This week it was 3" of rain keeping me off the course and next week ugh, its not looking much better. This time in he other direction. Looking like 106+ after heat indices are figured in. So hoping league actually happens and it doesn't get cancelled again. If that happens ill take the opportunity to book a sim session and get some dry A/B data.
  10. Dirt showing up today weeeee. Heres a pic of me looking at it on the end of my driveway: Hoping I can knock this out relatively quickly. I think I need a driving range session with my driver. Something got off last round and was snap hooking the ever loving s*** out of my ball. Now.... I had that morning worked on the wall for a solid 4hrs+ so I was SUPER stiff and just had no mobility in my back (not hurt just tight and fatigued and sore as hell).
  11. Its why I gave arccos a go (and still use it) when I got new irons. They were a WILD departure from my old freebie stratas. Now for all but the most extreme wind conditions and barring a mishit I can usually pick within a 10yd range of what to hit pretty easily. I get asked all the time what I hit too, like my brother in bogeys... these are SGI irons. My 9i is not your 9i. usually a 1 club difference for most people hitting other stuff not game improvement anyway. Then it gets complicated even more with the fact I was actively speed training before the season and picked up a pretty easy 5mph across all clubs and sometimes more. Im doing things to not only hit it farther but hit it better (drills, practicing occasionally) compared to my other golfing buddies who just show up and play whack ****.
  12. In the infinite wisdom that is the lump of soggy bacon representing my brain, I placed a dig marking request.... again. This time for the backyard. Figured I havnt crippled myself enough yet digging in my yard so why not burying the remaining downspouts at the back of my house. Please send your thoughts and prayers to my back and shoulders who are about to be punished.... again. OH... and the dirt to back fill the retaining wall shows up tomorrow.... all 4 yards of it. So.....much......digging. But shits gonna look sweeeeeet when im finally done.
  13. aaaaaand league emailed out cancelling for the rain.
  14. I had been nipping at hitting it since the beginning of the year. Ground was just so soft for months that we never got much roll. It was overall a great driving day for me. Followed up by the next round of barely being able to get out of the box. golf amiright?
  15. Anyone have a canoe I can borrow for my golf league today? Me thinks there will be no Ventus testing this afternoon
  16. I had to do that bit first. Best thing of the whole project forcing me to do it IMG_9530.mov
  17. Well the mind was clear this time but the 4hours of building my wall really took a toll on my fine motor control and flexibility. Even for me this is bad. I just did not have the flexibility or fine motor control to hit driver consistently this day. Still an overall ok round. Putter and wedge/irons were doing the heavy lifting.
  18. Project wall will be nearing completion this morning. Got a large chunk of it done today. Now that that’s all done: Just some minor crap to wrap up, mostly filling in holes and placing an order for a few yards of dirt.
  19. Too much on my mind and just couldn’t focus on golf. Game reflected it. Driver though even though it was not quite the rocket ship it was last week. Still managed to deliver. There might be something to this shaft. and this was me playing poorly. How poorly? I think I hit one clean wedge all day. Pain. Easier course and I shoot a casual 11 strokes worse. It’s ok I got a revenge tour tee time already booked Friday. Ima set my goal for at worst +5 over. So ~40/41 depending on which half we play.
  20. I think out of all of us im swinging the lightest version of the Velo+ as well. Granted it is still the stiff flex. I really need to get some data on my swing speed with it. Itll be in play this afternoon so be nice to get another round and my own skill level not withstanding see if I can get the raw distance I was getting last round. Ill hopefully get a sim round in at some point for some no mess data, but curious to see how the on course performance continues. If it keeps delivering even if the sim says my gamer shaft is "better" it doesnt always deliver on the course where the score actually matters.
  21. well mostly was lazy this weekend, didnt do much wall work until sunday morning where I redug the trench for the downspout just a touch deeper. So that took up most of the time (I am a soft man baby with a lab job) ground is very hard and clay here as its been quite dry this month. So kind of started the actual trench for the wall, but didnt get very far before all my shade was gone (house faces west) and I started cooking. Nope this morning mailed my boss to try and argue my case for a title promotion... only want to slightly vomit.
  22. This will be my plan too, but if the velocore delivers on the first go around... Im not sure Ill use my gamer shaft the second time. I have two rounds next week on the book. Now this shaft delivers 3 rounds in a row? STICK A FORK IN IT. I'd be gaming it the rest of my playing days.
  23. Haha that’s at least as long ago as my lesson was (around 12yo-ish). My miss is an over draw. Went from a slice to a hook over the past 3-4 years.
  24. File this one under /r/oddlysatisfying forgot to add to my op but whatever. Piped in the sump too. I have a rubber grommet coming to seal it off but for now it’ll be fine. IMG_9505.mov
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