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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. ooooooo got the ship notification for my new grain mill yesterday. Loved my neighbors so had to buy one too. Thing is an absolute unit. https://spikebrewing.com/products/spike-grain-mill?var=43821984284908 oh yeah. Looks like I need to do some brewing this weekend if THE WALL, doesnt take up too much time. Dont think ill get too far on that project this weekend but whatever. My retaining wall, my pace.
  2. Weird to think ive only played 3 rounds with it (league was cancelled tuesday due to excessive heat 105*+ heat index). Watch the progress though. First game: Literally slapped it into the driver head as I was heading to league. No familiarizing time here haha. 227yd avg drive (tossed out the 200yd pretty clear miss hit and the 155yd one I think hit a tree. Now I was sick this round so it could just be an outlier. Round 2 I was still getting strength back but felt fine at least by then. Round 2! Again throwing out the 200yd or lower drives. 253yd average. Game 3! Heres where it really gets fun. 267avg. If I throw out the one low here like the other rounds its a 273y avg. Wild.
  3. Ive gone the opposite route for my ventus testing haha. I doubled down on the data, my thinking that its all valid info even poor games. If a shaft can handle me at my worst when im say trying too hard, then no where to go but up and its not like I cant play a s***** game with my gamer shaft right ?
  4. So we have an annual music festival here called Pointfest. It is by far the best bang for your buck show you can see. Lawn seats are like 30.00, seat seats not too bad were only 80. this was a bit of a lesser year but overall some good stuff. 80.00 to see bad omens and wage war? Ok ok ok. Good stuff. anyway. The show. bad omens were good, but Wage War? Holy s*** they melted the crowds face off. Absolute 10/10 performance from them. Never seen them but had heard them come across Pandora before. Here’s how it sounded off a phone recording (not me doing it) imagine it live not on a s***** phone mic:
  5. I live literally across the street from dardeene haha. Hard course in spots. Sadly it’s not in the best shape lately. Pssss go play the falls about 2miles over off Mexico. My home league course and it’s in great shape. I had a game to say the least:
  6. Forgot I had this video, but its always fun to watch it. Quiet while putting? LOL nah... gimme MAX FREEDOM *eagle noises*. IMG_5353.MOV
  7. Quite sore, very tired after yesterday, but hit my first true bomb ever.
  8. Goals 1/2 achieved (300yd drive and even par) 300yd achieved (first time ever):
  9. So apparently the key to me not sucking is doing a s*** ton of manual labor the days before a round. Buckle up boys n girls this was a wild one. So to start it was roughly 100 before the heat index.... this being the midwest we have air you can drink some days. Got invited by my neighbor to play in his mens league as they do match play and your individual score and a team score too. wild. Anyway the Velocore+ and I did some ABSOLUTE DAMAGE to this course which is MUCH harder than my regular league course. Gentlemens I give you the Bluffs: That bunker in the distance is over 280yds away. Sadly didnt get to play this hole (back 9) but this gives you the flavor of this course. Elevation changes and narrow. So the grip change and I push my first tee shot of the day right. urg. but promising I havnt lost a ball right ALL YEAR.... ok I like what im seeing. Then this shaft absolutely comes alive. It just kept getting better, and better, and better. Worst drive of the day was still 237yd (pulled it into a hill, oops). Just wild results with it. So much so when I get to play my league course next week (we cancelled due to heat today 106*+) I might have to use 3w and not driver on some holes. Overall this shaft is DELIVERING in spades now that ive got a few rounds with it. Just a wild round.
  10. I hate trying to swing indoors haha. Got a round today and tomorrow, today my neighbor asked me to play in his league and tomorrow is mine. Tomorrow... even hotter ~105+ heat index.
  11. Well project wall is slowly but surely coming along. Havnt done much uh actual wall stuff as of yet because I had some other prep work to do first... namely burying my downspouts (something ive always wanted to do). Here was how it started out: just laying these out to get an actual visual idea of wtf I want this initial curve to be: So this weekend I just said fk it enough looking time to get with the doing (digging suuuuuuuuucks). 100% hand dug this entire damn thing. Could really only work for a few hours in the morning till about noon as heat indexes were over 100 the entire weekend. The initial trench: This was day 1 here. Overall didnt feel like I got much done but it wasnt nothing anyway. Ground is hard as a damn rock (weve been over 90* for a week). Yay clay soil. Thanks. Heres how it ended about noon yesterday. Didnt completely bury the pipe here as well its gonna get hidden anyway once I get the wall a done and top everything up with dirt. Next weekend I might start the actual wall wall stuff. Bonus points for not hitting the gas line by me either (yes I had it marked) much hand digging for the second corner downspout... so so much hand digging.
  12. Id much prefer to not have the ATF spelunking in my hind quarters haha.
  13. Mostly was just trying to check my driver face yesterday so I taped a tee to the front of it cause... well its impossible to tell where its pointing. So while practicing a bit of a reset, it seems my ball position has started creeping way too far forward. Anyone else tend to do this too? Flat out laid my damn driver head inside my foot and my god it makes it look to me like its damn near midline for me (and its not). Guess that shows how off my setup had started to get. Good news as it means ill probably just need to weaken my trail hand (it tends to creep strong) and not both my lead AND trail hand like I did last round just to get the hooks gone (it felt like weakening both hands cost me some swing speed with doing both).
  14. My sim2OS lofts are pretty interesting: 5-20* (Ill only use this off the tee or for punching out low under trees usually) 6-23.5* 7-27* 8-31.5* 9-36.5* Pw-42* Aw-48*
  15. hell if I know dude was just throwing it out there. I wasnt being super specific my guy.
  16. You can get some sets with traditional lofts, I think Ping in particular gives the option for how you can loft them... or maybe it was cobra. Either way the option is there.
  17. As much as I want to go play this weekend.... mmmmmm not sure ill have the time and the weather looks.... crispy. Build retaining wall (or at least start) or golf..... only gonna cook myself so much in one weekend
  18. I just play a yardage assigned to a number. Yeah my 8i is what my 7i of old did... I still call it an 8i because I know itll go about 145 every time. Who cares call it a 3.141 iron for all that it matters. Itll go what it goes. Its just a system to organize them. The number on the bottom has never had to go a specific yardage.
  19. Well with the grip changes, this shaft and I are becoming friends quickly. Had two bad hooks that killed my average. Distance was back up but sadly only 3/7 on fairways. It’s ok progress was made. Playing again soon might be rough with temps hovering at 99 for several days before heat indexes are even figured in vs last week when I was sick haha.
  20. welp thats one ive not played haha, well damn.
  21. If you are closer to the KC side yeah not much help from me there haha. Now the greater STL area sure.
  22. Lemme know what course youll be playing I can give you some reviews of it most likely haha. Started planning the wall just laid some blocks out to visually see what the hell this is gonna look like. It was probably close to 100* so I didnt bother doing the whole thing. Id say im probably at 90% back to normal from being sick last week. Notice the requisite emotional support beers, plus bonus peek at the Velocore+ shaft (see link in sig for video of me swinging it on a very hot day).
  23. Testing weakening my grip to hopefully push my miss a little more right. Plus bonus slow mo. I’m still very much feeling the effects of being sick last week and I’m down probably a solid 5mph. Also it was probably about 100* outside haha.
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