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Everything posted by skraeling

  1. This will be a short, but highly interesting week. The good: TWO concerts this week. Took the days off after them because forget that noise, im not coming in all strung out the next day from lack of sleep. I dont get a trophy for being worthless at work haha,. The... good/neutral? Transferring to a new lab to do the cutting edge of cutting edge stuff that will be really fun to do. Bonus its my old boss who I had for 10 years so even better. Should come with a higher title and a raise as well. The bad: No one in my current lab knows im leaving yet... I think they find out this week.
  2. I feel the same way about the ventus velocore.... when my own poor golf ability isnt in the way... its just.... really good. Hell... it holds probably half of my top 10 drives for distance alone.
  3. The other half of the story is most of my score this year for league were from a tee box father back. So it ticked up naturally. I was down to a 15-16 last year by end of year. Hcp creeped up but I was playing a farther distance too. Usually in the 40s so I’m doing alright for the most part. My biggest problem is losing focus though. I did sort out my setup and it’s just clicked now.
  4. Though to be fair I’ve never hit a 300yd drive till this year. I’ve had probably 20 or so drives 270 or higher this season. I did do speed training and that really did help. consistency is always the name of the game in this sport 100%.
  5. Because I didn’t post the two that I topped 100yds into the water. had a few in the 230 - 250 range. Power isn’t everything but it helps lol. Also this was an above average driving day for me. I can poke it out there, on average I do not maintain that. also I can’t putt for s***. Had a 45 last league round…. With 22 putts.
  6. Well we havnt had rain in about a month, but that means plenty of rollout for driver hits. Hoooooahhhhh. Great timing for my driving to show back up to the party. Ignore the scores I wasn’t tracking putting. These were drives of mine we ended up using. So the distance is accurate. Just not the score.
  7. yeah its a pretty common complaint amongst users. The stock grip will wear out pretty quick and most people replace it at some point (im not there yet).
  8. The one thing I do like about a harder ball aside from well... it just flat out going farther.. I immediately know when I miss hit and where. That said... with callaway nuking the chromesoft X LS... has anyone got any feedback on the chrome tour line?' I think... the Chrome Tour might be the replacement I need (**** you for making that now a 55 dollar dozen pack... assholes).
  9. Ive taken a couple months off of training I was playing enough and doing a bunch of other really physical labor and just didnt have the gas left to train on top of that. welp golf league has ended and we are starting to head towards our off season so will need to pick it back up. I did lose speed towards the end of my league but thats probably just fatigue plus me sorting my damn swing out that went wonky. probably will need to do at least 3-4 return to forms as I was almost towards the end of program 2 for me.
  10. Got my dad a little drunk at golf one night and he let slip I was conceived in Italy lol. Guess thats what happens when you get off a carrier and your mother meets him for shore leave hahahah Do I technically count?
  11. Now that my mechanics have calmed the hell down (again), the ventus is really doing some things for me. Ok granted its probably not all shaft as thats how bad my setup had gotten, but only reallllly pulled one super left and it was still playable at about 267 so eh good and bad but had to punch out from some trees.
  12. Was golf a tad warm last night? I dunno... you tell me Shot a 45.... with TWENTY TWO putts. If I could putt I might be half decent. Just couldnt get a feel for the speed. fairways were lightning fast but greens were so slow (from constant watering to keep them alive) i kept under shooting the speed.
  13. It’ll look like that. Start a round and check this box for live activities
  14. It was not just for time purposes. Actually emailed the dude and was all "so... whites again?" His response and I quote: Yeah... that tracks, im at about half my winrate (envelope count) that ive maintained for uh... 3 years. I usually break even on my league entry fee (this year $125). So you are telling me people younger than me... playin with a 50yd advantage even if higher handicap.... have a better chance? No s***. I do say though if I go back to the whites, people 65+ should have the option for reds (forward tees).
  15. oooOOOOooo Golf league manager said on tuesday we are ALL going back to the white tees next season. Thannnnnnk raptor jebus. I gotta wonder if its just for time purposes. Like for example.... in my group. I am the only one that plays from those per current rules. The other three people (my dad included) get to play from the white. Meaning I have to play first on every damn hole. I dont like it, sometimes im just not ready damnit. Looking forward to maybe attempting to drive some greens now lol. I cant do it from the blues (which really is the appropriate box for me at my current level). Some of my tee boxes are 30-50yds behind the whites. Kinda sucks when guys "worse" than me get spotted 50 yards. Also we do in round prizes kinda. Closest to the pins, long drive etc. But for like all this stuff there isnt a separate category for long drivers or CTPs from the blues.... my brothers in bogeys.... the blues on some of these par 3 are approaching 180+ yds. Its not my fault I can hit it farther like thats the one thing I got going for me most days (sure as s*** isnt my putting). Shutup putter no one asked you. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6GlS-DOLya/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
  16. Sounds like our hole 10 for my league course. Im on the Blues this year (league rules) so I can take driver off the tee, but when on the whites its flirting with trouble if the fairways are firm. Blues on this first pic. To carry that creek is ~310+ Whites are a different story really easy to get in trouble here. end of fairway is 240, creek carry is 280ish (potentially doable but hard).
  17. Oi ladies and gents had a bit o a situation this morning. For those of you that have cherry angiomas.... ever somehow scratched one off? Yeah... I did this morning without even knowing it. So of course it was right on a little vein.... awesome.... Oh.... did I mention it was on me nether bits and at 5am? Oh double bonus points couldnt get it to stop bleeding and so I jammed a few paper towels into my briefs. Oh extra bonus round... I started a chemical reaction last night at work I HAD to be back for this morning to finish. I might need to get this fking thing cauterized if it wont stop at some point here. What my bathmats saw.... think they may be goners and need replaced.
  18. Yes I know the test is over however im still playing the shaft. So with some setup tweaks the driver is back to behaving. I dont know about anyone else but I tend to start creeping farther and farther away from the ball with my long clubs. That corrected and back to hitting decent shots again... You know.... until you toe a 7i right into a ladies deck Drop in the fairway... then hit the green from 200yd with a hybrid . Golf.. what a game. Wasnt all high drama though. We had started on 18 for league with the second hardest hole on the course #18. I then proceed to give myself my first ever eagle opportunity from the blue tees (first time playing them for league this year). and then par the hole Either way next year heard we all go back to the white tees. REALLY looking forward to that. Kind of annoying I have to play sometimes 50yds farther than people younger than me.
  19. No. You need the phone in your pocket specifically for detection (uses the mic). I mean yeah you can edit pin locations post round... will you remember where all 18 locations were? Marking with the app puts it based on the gps location from the phone so very accurate. link pro was a change from the origional link that HAD to be on your belt. the pro can go in your pocket just like the phone would (albeit its smaller).
  20. There isnt much fiddling with your phone during a round. Other than setting pin location (one button on ios lockscreen "Set pin"), and just checking to see if it registered the shots (usually pretty good about it). I almost prefer it over having something on my wrist. But everyone has a preferred way to play. The lock screen will also display distances at a glance as well (kinda like a garmin actually). phone is required if you dont have the link. I cant speak to how good the new link pro is or isnt, but the old link SUCKED ASS. Utter waste of 100.00 (returned it).
  21. Well my cat decided she needed to projectile regurgitate all the water she just drank over my sheets at about 330am. sooooo off to a very draggy start to the week. Fml.
  22. Trees in and some other plants are in. Not sure when I’ll do the rock top layer (really not looking forward to that purchase… gonna be pricy). Still need a few more plants. Dunno quite where to go with that thought yet either.
  23. Yeah this was an Iowa car too lol. Its why I ended up dumping it. Powersteering rack was failing and leaking badly. Look up video to see what a repair entails. I find a video on how to do it. It was TWO 30min edited for time videos by a professional mechanic. I took one look at that said, NOPE. You had to drop the front subframe and well... the previously mentioned rust bucket state it came from that wasnt gonna happen easily. So I sold it to my neighbor for 250 for spare parts for his wifes sunfire (same damn car). think it had north of 220k on it and was also burning more than a qt of oil between changes.
  24. Id recommend giving the pro a try. I didnt find them abusively hard even when I tried them years ago. Debating going back to them (pro+) once I burn through my current stock of Soft X LS's Could always split a dozen with a buddy to try them out too if you dont wanna fork over the cash for just 12.
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