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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×

Dead Solid Bogey

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Everything posted by Dead Solid Bogey

  1. BUT,But, but… While a wonderful sentiment; I would need more than a holiday, holiday weekend, or even holiday week to review just the top layer of some of my more dubious decisions. Who knew, that maybe it is a really, really good thing that I am not the “Boss of me”? Again, thank you for all the good wishes and may your holidays be everything you want them to be.
  2. Saturday morning my friends. I am safety back to her high highness’s realm. Last day of work for the year is finished. A long but unremarkable final day. As I was returning from work and getting closer to, you know who, I saw this Devil’s Nightlight through the haze and fog….It just so happens to be at about the entrance to the “ Dark Kingdom “. Coincidence; I don’t think so.. Anyhow, going to grab a shower and some shuteye. Tee time is mid-morning, Was hoping the Titleist T-350’s would be in before Christmas, doesn’t look like they will make it in time for the holiday… Hmmmm; maybe I need to get a little something to fill in the holiday give yourself a gift gap. May Saturday meet your expectations my friends…
  3. CHEAP in wife’s financial terms…. OR CHEAP as in it is not new from the factory? Who knew that I could be a long distance anti-role model??
  4. Thank you my friend….While it is hard , darn hard work showing the youth of the area, what NOT to do. I am proud that parents around here use the…. “ Don’t be like Mr….. ; if you do, your picture could end up on a milk carton or a wanted poster.
  5. Thanks @Jnoble89 for doing this. That said; going to be facetious and say that I would like to add as a 2024 goal to NEVER again venture into the rabbit hole that has turned into a black hole of the “ Ball roll back thread “…. Edit: The Ancient Ager Association has decided to be provocatively proactive about the ball roll back issue. Since statistically a significant number of us will be @died by 2030, it has been decided to start allowing the playing of non-confirming golf balls in 2024, as to not miss out on any rabble rousing that might occur in 2030…
  6. You are young, healthy, and FAST. But most importantly; your wife really, really LIKES you. You will be fine. But…. Just in case, I use the “ But dear, I got caught up in the whole spirit of the holiday giving thing, even for myself. “ For transparency sake; be advised that the latter has never, ever worked on my bride, but I keep throwing it out there, hoping it will somehow , someday be considered acceptable.
  7. It is Friday, my fellow spies and I am feeling it… Decided to get up early and head to a work location and engage in a little “holiday mentoring “ then let work go until January. Will engage in tad bit of humble bragging… Yesterday afternoon, at the neighborhood get together, I had more than one parent come up to me and confirm that I was an awesome anti-role model. Feels good to be able to give back to the community in some small way. We are in the home stretch heading into a long holiday my friends. Enjoy, but ease into your joy and happiness, relish every moment. @cnosil hope the worst is over for both you and your wife and that you both can spend the holiday healing, resting, and enjoying time with family and friends.
  8. Late, late, really late to the thread… Found my bag! Had a stern organizational and functionality meeting with the clubs. Discussed the rehousing of some of the clubs ( looking at you, Cobra Rad Speed irons ) to make room for the arriving Titleist irons. During the meeting one or two of the clubs, that are under the mistaken opinion that they have bag tenure, let it slip that they had turned to the “ Dark Side “ an are minions of the wife person. This explains why, the she that rules, informed me that I have more medical tests during Christmas week! Who does that to another person? Can not prove it, but I believe one of her minions in my bag ratted me out about my lack of strength and stamina. I will admit that I have gotten significantly weaker, weaker like my drives wouldn’t be a home run in a phone booth weak. Anyhow no golf today… Drove a couple of hours down the road to my favorite butchery shop.. Eating some great bar-b-que. Then will be grabbing the Christmas protein and heading back to the “ Dark Kingdom “. Will miss the community call.. Will be attending a neighborhood function and I will be THE visual aid to the little ones as the standard bearer of things not to do if you are wanting and expecting a positive visit by Santa. Enjoy your “Thursday Throw Down” my friends. Whatever that maybe.
  9. At least your lady has a sense of humor… Mine would take both me and Santa OUT and damn be the consequences. Wish your Alpha female a happy birthday from the cranky old man that lives south of her.
  10. Enhancements in both forum staff and forum leaders… Yikes! and double Yikes!! Some of us in the rank and file membership , could be in jeopardy if there is a move to enhance the rank and file members.
  11. Consider moving to Texas… There is a growing movement down here to make murdering your husband illegal….. Not that legalities would stop a certain somebody that I know.
  12. After my recent purchases, my bag is a hodgepodge of different makes. Ping driver and 3 wood. Cobra hybrids with one Titleist hybrid. Titletist T350 mid irons, and Edison wedges. My bag is a United Nations of clubs… Unfortunately most of the time they get along about as well and and are about as successful the United Nations.
  13. Ut,Oh…. May have to rethink my strategy …. Usually for us easily confused elderly, it is best to believe that everyday is kind of a day. For you young people, your reality maybe more harsh.
  14. This test propelled me into deciding to go Titleist… The Indie and Edison testing had me close to going crazy and buying both.
  15. Wednesday… what to do, what to do. Heading into yesterday’s round, I was planning on playing again today. Unfortunately the round devolved into an exercise in cognitive dissonance. I kept fluctuating between hitting relatively good golf shots to looking like that I shouldn’t be allowed to dress myself. Ended up donating to the pensions of the Ancient Agers that I was competing/ playing against….. So, today will be a day dedicated to a combination of memory exercises and practice at the range. Going to start by trying to remember where I left my bag. Remember my friends, Wednesday is like us elderly , in it is not sure what kind of day it is an is easily confused. Make it yours, by telling it it is Saturday.
  16. Pretty sure that I an others have been playing the stealth version of that ball. Starts out white or even as a member of the @Yellow Ball family then goes into stealth mode once launched. Good luck to you both.
  17. Thoughts and prayers for your mother’s health and a tad bit of peace of mind for you.
  18. Being in Texas, we will be doing Prime Rib garnished with whatever vegetables our food has not eaten. On the down low, I will admit to enjoying a fried turkey and even a well put together seafood paella as holiday meal alternatives.
  19. I am all in on the “ Good Morning “ thread. The support that I have gotten from fellow spies on that thread has enabled me to upgrade/refresh my bag, bring chaos to my marriage, and endanger my life… Simply the Best of all threads… mic drop!!!
  20. Up early on this Tuesday… No real reason other than not being able to sleep. Doing some adult, end of year financial paperwork, to maybe put me to sleep. On the subject of being put to sleep; grateful to report that I avoided the wife person and her horde of hedge trimmers yesterday. I am thankful that NO husbands were trimmed, uprooted, or felled at the Big Boss Bride’s estate. Today, I have a mid-morning tee time with temps to be in the 50’s to start the round and in the 70’s by rounds end. Still waiting on what the fine will be that the female family leader is going to impose on me for the new irons purchase. Have a dentist appointment after golf to get me in the right frame of mind to deal with the her totalitarian highness, when I get home. Because you can, enjoy your Tuesday my friends, After all, it isn’t Monday any longer.
  21. I was way ahead of the swoosh on this. I nixed Nike gear of any type years ago.
  22. Back in a previous life when I was the “ semi-man “… Had a few employees from the Calgary division venture to south, south Texas during this time of year. They would be working in summer time safety clothing and laugh at the border boys wearing insulated work gear in 40 degree weather.
  23. I am ALIVE… On this mayhem Monday. Weather wise starting in the low 40’s with highs in the low 70’s. Only one more day of work this year and that is a day of my choosing. Saving it, just in case I need to make a run for it, from you know who. Speaking of the “ Girl Grinch “; she is busy bossing the tree trimming specialists. I will be leaving the house as soon as the first axe, chainsaw, or shedder is deployed. Would like to note that while playing yesterday; that the foursome was using Ping, Vokey’s, Cleveland, and ( ) Edison wedges. All of us had difficulty in hitting 1/4 to 1/2 shots near the greens. Evidently the grounds crew had a great Saturday night and got out of pocket and twisted off. Sprinkler system was left on just a tad too long at a few of the greens and more specifically areas around a few greens. Ground was very wet and the dreaded Caliche was activated. We all tried various type shots with different types of lofts. Every wedge that made ground contact in the Caliche got slowed or stuck in the plasticity of the wet Caliche. Fortunately, as a group we only had a handful of non practice shots out of the wet, wet Caliche areas. Those of us playing had handicaps between high single digit to mid-teens. Short version of the story; giving the Edison’s a pass on the Caliche failures as they continue to improve in other shot attempts. Hitting them into the greens, they are still sticking and stopping as if the greens were made of the wet cement like Caliche. Make this Monday, yours my spies. This Ancient Ager is going to find a nice tranquil area with a couple of old friends and just kick back and give this a try.
  24. Sunday evening my fellow spies and there is better than a 50% chance that I will see the Monday morning sunrise. The female leader of the clan has yet to rule on my cost (life,limb, and/ or treasure are all still in play ) of my “ investing “ in new irons to go with the wedges. After the fitting and purchase Saturday, played a round in 60 degree weather but the wind was howling and was more intense than even the wife person is when she is engaging in constructive corrective criticism of my behavior. Played well for the weather conditions. Sunday weather was in the 70’s and very little wind. I was playing very well for me. Got to the 18th tee box and just before I hit my drive, one of the foursome made the comment that we would all be home within 30 mins. HOME IN 30 mins.!!! I promptly double bogeyed the hole to shoot 80. I am going to make my myself scarce tomorrow as the “Great Girl Goddess” is having some tree ( the overgrown bushes that the wife person insists are trees ) work done. With all the chainsaws, axes, and shredders being at the house, I don’t want to be there in case she gets an idea she might want to bring into reality. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
  25. Yikes! and double Yikes!! My recent purchases of wedges and irons are way, way more significant in cost than your entire bag. Time for me to pump the brakes or prepare for a possible violent intervention by the she person. Good for you, good for you indeed for highlighting to some of us that good buys are in the offing out there.
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