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Testers Wanted: Sub 70 Pro V2 Fairway Woods ×


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Everything posted by MattF

  1. Especially considering that drive was 256 yards!
  2. Played at Wilkshire in Bolivar, OH yesterday with Sean and Scott. Started out with a birdie on the par 5 1st and ended with a 43 on the front...then the back 9 happened. I got sloppy and shot a 48 on the back with two penaties for a 91. But, the last timeI played there I shot a 99, so it was a big improvement. It also shows me that I play better with better players. I love playing with my regular partner but I don't play as well with him. https://www.golfpadgps.com/round/RU6TB5#1 Again, had a great time playing with the guys...some really great shots pulled off by those two! If Sean gets the right shaft in that new 3 iron, he'll be deadly off the tee.
  3. I was contemplating it, but the more I read the more I saw that it "could" lead to hooks, which I battled with at the time. So, I'm sticking with the interlock for now.
  4. Looks like Hilton Head agrees with you.
  5. I had fun...score was bad (97) but secondary to the day with Sean, Scott and Joel.
  6. Shot a good 88 at Roses Run in Kent, OH. My partner played the first 4 holes badly and was in pain, so he rode the front 9 and left. I played the last 4 holes in the rain, which I hate, but I actually played them reasonably well. Putting sucked with 34. https://www.golfpadgps.com/round/RLW992
  7. A stinky 98. 54 on the front and I caught some good for a 44 on the back. Buggered if I know what's going on...still trying to figure out my swing. https://www.golfpadgps.com/round/RN6JQF
  8. That's exactly it, impact position doesn't change. That's where the bottom of the swing is.
  9. That's what I like about it. I got to thinking about it and did some reading and you tubing...finally sunk in and I like it.
  10. I was having a hooking issue, so the 10 finger is a no no for me as well. Worked out on the course that I was standing too far from the ball. As soon as I "crowded" the ball a little bit I was hitting them straight. Started working on 1 position for the ball in my stance as well, so far, so good.
  11. Played with my FIL this morning at Maplecrest in Kent, OH. Shot a crowd pleasing 88...third time I've shot under 90! He got me by 1, which is an accomplishment for me because my goal is to beat him. (He was a scratch player before age and health caught up with him) We both left a lot of shots out there. https://www.golfpadgps.com/round/RVJJRF
  12. I'm not talking about it and you can't make me!
  13. Congratulations! You need to get that down mate.
  14. I'll play you straight up with my score on Saturday!
  15. Played at JE Good Park in Akron yesterday. Beautiful day, around 82° and not sticky. The round was longer than we would have liked but we were on the tail end of an outing, tee'd off at 12.47 and I was in my truck at 5.32. But I played well considering how I've been playing the last couple of weeks. Shot a 90. 49 on the front and then went unconcious for a 41 on the back including a chip in with my new 54° SCOR. https://www.golfpadgps.com/round/RVRQS7 I've been having trouble with hooking everything and it was caused by not clearing my hips. I consentrated on that and was driving the ball well, even gaining up to 30 yards distance.
  16. Foz, Who's the seller? I play the Midsize Pro and can't find them for less than $70. Matt
  17. 3 new SCOR wedges from Dallas golf. They arrived last night but don't have the SCOR grip on them, just some generic black thing that will be coming off this arvo and being replaced with my Pure grips.
  18. So did I. Shot a freaking 105 and lost I don't know how many balls. I was sick last night and probably shouldn't have played but, when you got the bug....
  19. We got rained out big time on 15 at Zoar Village Golf Course, Ohio. Saw it coming when we hit the back 9, on 15 people were heading for the car park, so we did too, not a moment too soon. It was raining so hard people were pulled over on the side of the freeway with their hazards on.
  20. Let's just say that I'm happy I'm not playing again for two weeks...I'm just going to sit quietly in the corner and mumble expletives.
  21. Shot a 91 despite and awful front 9, 48. Came back on the back 9 with a 43. BTW, I don't hit my 3H 282 yards, I just screwed up with the GPS. https://www.golfpadgps.com/round/R67E8P
  22. 94 with the arm still playing up. 30 putts due to a lot of on the fringe lies, but I was rolling the ball really well. https://www.golfpadgps.com/round/RY6HCG
  23. No golf for me for the next 2 weeks. Dealing with drying out the basement again, a surprise 60th birthday party today, work tomorrow and I'll be in Chicago next weekend for a truck meet.
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