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Testers Wanted: Vortex Rangefinders ×


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Posts posted by mpsalary

  1. Hi folks - I play weekly with a group of 8 and we are struggling with consistent distances on the TM simulator.  we have some long hitters and our share of 225 down the middle guys in the group.  Across the group we are seeing a pretty consistent distance reading 25-40 yards short of expectations.  For instance my numbers are roughly 103-111 CH speed 155-165 Ball Speed 11-12 launch angle and spin rates below than 2500.  The results at the training facility are consistently 240-255 carry and 260-275 total distance.

    When we get together to play a round at our club simulator (also TM) - the inputs are the same but I am seeing 195-210 carry and maybe 1 or 2 outliers that reach the expected carry above.  This drop is consistent across all guys that are playing with some folks struggling to reach 200 yds total.  Assuming it has to be something in the unit set up or positioning.  

    Anyone have an idea on the adjustments that we should make to the unit?

  2. During the week I am dew sweeper, I try to get 1-2 rounds in before work during  the week and whenever I can on the weekends.  Living 7 min (10 if I need to stop in the locker room) from the first tee provides ample opportunity to jump out there for a loop without too much planning. 

  3. Hi Folks - New guy from about 15 miles north of Boston. 


    How long have you been playing golf? What’s your handicap or normal score?

    • I have been playing for about 30 years...right about the time I figured out that 5'5" QB was pretty ineffective at a HS that runs the option.  

    What do you love about golf?

    • The people you meet and the friends you make chasing a tiny white ball around so pretty incredible landscapes. 

    What brings you to MyGolfSpy? Do you already know any other Spies?

    • Been reading the reviews for a long time, and want to participate in the community. 

    Where are you from? What is your home course?

    • I live just north of Boston and play most of my rounds at Meadow Brook in Reading MA.

    What are the best and worst things about golf in your region?

    • Best - Fall golf and the variety of course styles we get to play.
    • Worst - Short season 

    What do you do for a living?

    • I am a data and analytics consultant for a large HCM company based in California. 

    How’d you pick your user name?

    • It was my twitter handle at my first job and has just kinda hung around ever since. 

    Bonus Round: Course Goals 

    • Pinehurst 
    • Tobacco Road 
    • Beth Page 
    • That one in GA
    • Bandon 
    • Pine Valley 
    • Paynes Valley 
    • Winged Foot 
    • Congressional
    • Oakmont 
    • The Old Course 
  4. Probably a good place to start for my first post.  I have been testing the new Ping g430 Max 10K with a few shafts.  Current gamer is the Stealth 2+ with HZRDS (black) S shaft.  The ping is certainly a substantial change (looks, sound tech, etc.).  My carry distance is down 3-5% with the Ping (currently), but dialing in the right shaft is bringing it back to normal carry with A LOT more consistency.  My swing speed falls right between S and XS but the optimal setup here seems to be on the flexier S shafts available.   Tried the Kali', HZRDS (Blue), Ping Tour 2.0 and a Ventus 5s yesterday at the sim and the Ventus / HZRDS blue are giving me the best numbers.  HZDS blue launches super low compared to all the others.  After about 50 swings the Ventus produced 2nd best ball speed, Carries 260-270, smallest dispersion and a really consistent peak flight between 95-105 ft.

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