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EasyPutter last won the day on June 9 2023

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About EasyPutter

  • Birthday 02/20/1961

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    West Seneca, NY
  • Interests
    Golf. And sailing, travel, photography, writing.

Player Profile

  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    90 mph or less
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Good morning MGSpies from the quieter region of US summer weather where the days are short sleeve and shorts temperatures with plenty of sunshine and only a few showers occasionally to keep everything growing here in WNY, and yes we embrace these days considering what it is like the other half of the year - work computer going online for today's onslaught into making sure employees are paid correctly on-time coffee ready to go and remembering a fun community call yesterday no tee time yet but lots of other things demanding attention in EP land, hope golf is a part of your day!
  2. Good morning MGSpies from the warmth of summer here in WNY where yesterday featured cutting the grass front and back after work in brilliant sunshine with a good haze blocking the blue, only to find after having dinner that there was a rain shower that left rain shadows as proof it came down, and no discernible clouds in the sky as culprit community call today and family band rehearsal this evening precluding a usual Thursday round. Hope to see you on the screen later on and hope golf is a part of your day!
  3. Good morning MGSpies from the gorgeous warmth of a summer morning in the fair lands of WNY where just yesterday @The1C3man and I rolled out way with push carts and golf balls to another fabulous round at Elma Meadows GC where I may have started out with a double but from then on it was all singles and pars, that's right, multiple pars on both par 3s and the last part 4 with a nice up and down from a low green side sand bunker and 20 foot 1 putt. Ah yes glory days stuff. 19th hole recovery before heading home. Workday from the basement again, great to see the stories about LPGA autographs and all the goings on with forum friends. But most of all hope golf is a part of your day!
  4. Good morning MGSpies from a still wet from early rain now past here in downtown Buffalo NY where Koresma radio on Pandora is playing Moby's Rushing for the ears and hot coffee is soothing the other senses in the comfort of my climate controlled vehicle as I prepare to go into the building for the next adventure in serving those who serve others. Awesome to share with @Northern Monkey and his Eagle on the first hole my first is usually still in the warmup mode so a par5 3 to me is outstanding out of the gate adding to the amazing effect golf has on us from the convergence of innumerable variables, and may we all keep going for our own convergences! Hope golf is a part of your day
  5. Good morning MGSpies from a lovely warm command post bunker (aka the basement) for this later July Monday no-commute workday with coffee in the mug and work computer already connected to network here in WNY. Had a real nothing day yesterday doing as little as possible and succeeded! Well not so sure that is the greatest but after a full week including Saturday the recovery day was much appreciated and discovered exactly how long it has been so busy with as long as a year of some favorite YouTube channels content unviewed... can't be done in a day but did my best. Actually weeded the horrible stuff from neighbor's front garden as something we can do while he's away in rehab for a fall that didn't break anything but he's the generation older so hoping he will be home sooner than later. Maybe there will be golf today and hope golf is a part of your day!
  6. Good morning MGSpies from a sunny windows open all night kind of WNY summer start to Saturday. Another run to son's place today this time to start the move of his things over the next 3 weekends in advance of the end of his 3 year lease at his RIT apartment now his last co-op is coming to an end completing his graduation requirements. Onward and upward. @Northern Monkey all the best with the pup. @cksurfdude @Erin B @Preeway @BallsLeon have an excellent day! And hope golf is a part of your day!
  7. Good morning MGSpies from cooler for summertime WNY on this middle of July Friday, work computer going online for the early teleworking start on this zero commute day. Missed the Community Call yesterday due to actually playing golf in nearly ideal conditions low 70s, mostly cloudy, moderate breeze from the WSW so only 2 holes went directly into it but 2 also went directly with it. Great seeing so many in the British Isles (in addition to MGSpies who live there of course) posting awesome photos of the adventures I think one of my favorite parts of the Forum is seeing where people golf especially the magical places. Heading into a busy weekend mostly family things. Hope golf is a part of your day
  8. Good morning MGSpies from an it's almost time for lunch and only just coming up for air to make a post and apparently working too hard workday in my subterranean workplace on a zero commute day in WNY. Just too many irons in the notional fire, but I do have a tee time this afternoon so will call into the community call from the fairway, and hope golf is a part of your day too!
  9. Good morning MGSpies from a wet humid WNY in what appears to be the new weather pattern for a while, and thankful for it as it keeps us from living in a desert (though in a dessert would be ok ). Zero commute day well underway with coffee making it awesome, reading about our new Dad @PrismFlopper - congratulations to you and wife for the beginning of the best part of life and my first born arrived after midnight but that made overnights my dad-time working tummy bubbles out - and don't forget all the nursery rhymes you can remember... Ok, back from favorite memory-land but I now have no idea what else I was going to write this morning thanks to a trip back through the decades in my dad-brain, so... Hope golf is a part of your day!
  10. Good morning MGSpies from a streetlights just turning off downtown Buffalo outside the office where Odesza's A Moment Apart on Pandora and coffee in the mug is setting a calming mood before the workday in the office. Golf tournament yesterday got in 12 holes before the approaching weather had the course sound a siren recalling the field to the pre-planned shelters briefed at the start, and we nearly made it before the downpour swept in. The better part of an hour passed before we could escape to load clubs into vehicles and get to the clubhouse for dinner and the conclusion of the event. Significant tree damage to Alden NY on the drive halfway to home was being cleared as @Marc Threeput and I passed through. In all a good day with @The1C3man and our old playing group reunited for the day in our customary attire with 117 others for what started as a hot muggy summer day. Thought about those traveling and in other activities while my day unfolded and glad to know everything went well. Hope golf is part of your day
  11. Good morning MGSpies from an early summer heat and humidity Monday in WNY and the first of a finally hot in the basement span until summer is done, fans running to make the tele-work-place survivable for employee and laptops with dehumidifier keeping it dry but also contributing to the amount of heat down here in the EP command bunker. Golf on tap for today with a tournament at Stafford CC so the fun is sure to fill in with good food for the benefit of a college athletics department and I am playing for a hole sponsor again this year as their sponsored Veteran, and picking up @Marc Threeput who is in town to join @The1C3man and me for our first round since Marc relocated to his Mile High neck of the woods, we ride again! Hope golf is a part of your day
  12. Good morning MGSpies from a quiet house on this Sunday not so early in WNY as yesterday was so busy, today required a sleeping in. Golf was good with Veteran friends and a good time was had by all - decided which chipper to put in the bag but it needs lots of practice now to make it the valuable contributor to the strength of my game but on-course use yesterday looks promising, just need to fine tune the muscles to find the magic Today will be returning son to his apartment as the main event, tomorrow will be a return to Stafford CC but you have to wait until tomorrow for the rest of that teaser. Hope golf is a part of your day!
  13. Good morning MGSpies from a late morning in WNY where the day began before first light with a trip to son's apartment, loading up the vehicle maintenance equipment then following his MG Midget all the way back to the EP command post where it will reside until he finds his first job hopefully to follow-on his internship that is going into it's 5th last week. Golf today is a PGA HOPE Graduate Play Day at Stafford CC about 2/3 of the way back to son's apartment, with the morning trip a 145mi round trip the road cruiser will have close to 250mi for the day and likely 500mi for the weekend by the time son is returned to his apartment. Nephew's graduation party to follow the golf so packed day of fun and excitement. Hope golf is a part of your day!
  14. Why does my brain read a statement and add it's own interpretation in several voices at once causing great ambiguity? 1. the forum is going to "break" with excitement over the next month [probably how it should be read that the forum will end up broken] 2. the forum is "going to break" with excitement over the next month [because there has been so much of it we are taking a break from excitement] 3. the forum is going to break with excitement over the next month [because it has been boring lately so the excitement will be a nice break] Either I read too much or something is just wrong with the internal wiring... is there a Flight Scope that can help with this problem? LOL
  15. Good morning MGSpies from summer warmth in WNY on this July Friday with coffee making and network work computer sorting itself out for the heaviest workday of each fortnight (just for you @Northern Monkey ) with payroll due by close of business today. Tried a couple of chippers one of my Veteran friends had bought intending to return them but hasn't, an Orlinmar 37 degree full sole and a TRS double sided 36 degree, in the front yard yesterday and since he suggested I give them a try to decide which I wanted I'm hoping to get a little more impression which would be better in the bag - I appreciate the versatility of the double face club for right and left hand use in those sometimes difficult lies in close but the hybrid Orlinmar design sure plays nicely. Hope your weather is completely agreeable and hope golf is a part of your day! p.s. this was not posted by a spam bot
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