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Posts posted by tonyj5

  1. 1 hour ago, Golf2Much said:

    I dare say if they had the comparable questions about the PGA Tour, your average golfer might not do very well either.  

    Overall, it's a shame that the LPGA doesn't' get the level of exposure that they deserve.  I was a member of Locust Hill Country Club that hosted the LPGA for over 30 years.  We opened up our house for touring professionals to stay while playing.  Across the board, every pro we met was gracious, appreciative and generally a lot of fun.  I'd follow groups every year and though they moved several tee boxes up on several holes, I found I could relate much better to their game than the average PGA player.  In 2000, the average PGA Tour driving distance was 273 yards (leader John Daly averaged 301).  During that same period the LPGA average was about 230 years (with leader Caroline Blaylock at 270 yards).    The LPGA hit distances more in line with really good men players I knew and their overall approach to the game seemed similar to mine (where I typically hit from, chipping, putting, etc.). 

    As such, I became a fan of the LPGA.  I think if more people were exposed to the players and their game, they would be fans too!

    I agree 100%

  2. 19 hours ago, cksurfdude said:

    I notice that some of the events are finally starting to up their prize money, yet...  many of those events I see on TV are still not attracting a lot of spectators... Personally I agree when people say that the LPGA players are a more applicable swing model for amateurs vs the pro men, so just wondering "out loud" what might be done to try to increase fan attendance / tv viewership..??

    Nice post. Tv ratings are up this year as is the prize money. That said, its still not where it should be. Newspapers do not even the the LPGA events. Such a shame as the girls put on quite a show and are so fan friendly.

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