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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Everything posted by revkev

  1. Always love to hear from Dru! I didn't play today but had a lesson. It was essentially two swings a lots of laughter. I finally got the long game lesson. Hit a hybrid, my teacher laughed, put a peg in the ground 18 inches behind d ball three inches inside it, said, "miss it pastor" I did and we both laughed as the ball flew high and straight toward the 200 sign. I hit five wood and three wood a few swings each all high and long (for me) with a tad of draw and he said see me in a month with nothing on the card above 75 and I'll collect my fee. No charge for the few swings. I think I'm back!
  2. Well! I played well, 4 birdies, 74 on a tough enough track that it hosted a tour event in the 80's, 90's and is Brittany Linsicome's home course. I'm happy with how I played for the first time in a long long time.
  3. Very good golf, I just can't seem to get on a roll. I shot another blah 81. I need to change that handicap in my signature. I hit the ball fine and missed putts again, bundles of them.
  4. Welcome Alex hope to hear lots from you in the future!
  5. Foz please go see a doc in person. I very much enjoy playing with you and would like to do so again not just when Mr. Theo is here but beyond that. We still have to arrange a World Woods outing.
  6. I shot 82 today, oh that's bad, no that's good it was at TPC Sawgrass with JAXbeach golfer - huge thanks to him! We played the back nine first and I have to say I was a bit nervous. I actually settled in on the 17th tee, our 8th and played very good golf the rest of the way. Shot a 39 on the back. BTW there is no mercy set up here, we had several very familiar tournament pin placements and the rough is brutal. Fortunately I hit 10 fairways and two of my misses were in the first cut. I also hit 9 greens. I did have a couple of stupid doubles on the first nine. The one on 16 was a huge brain fart. I didn't hit a good drive and it's a weird lay up. I could have picked four different clubs to hit the shot with and I picked the dreaded 4 hybrid. I'm such a stupid.
  7. And that is always the way of it. Nice round still. To JPC just hang in there, what seems impossible today will be easy peesy soon enough oh and then in about 30 years you won't be able to do it anymore but you'll have figured out a different way to work your way around the course. To Foz I'd go for dehydration as the explanation for your dizziness also but why take chances. What if it's your heart or something going wrong chemically? Go see your doctor. We have too many future rounds to play at fun places. I have a rough two step, funeral today and tomorrow but finally a vacation after that. Six rounds of gold scheduled over the next week and a half starting after tomorrow funeral. I whipped mentally that I'm concerned about pulling a Korda at one of these funerals.
  8. I'd recommend some lessons instead.
  9. That's a great day! Glad for you. I shot 78. Hit 12 fairways and 10 greens so I'm starting to hit it much better. I was done in by 2 penalty strokes and a very average 34 putts. The good news was this was a competitive round so my swing really started to hold under a little bit of pressure. I made 4 bad swings but lots of really good ones. Just think if I had Rick's 19 putt round I would have shot 64.
  10. But alas....... Nice round!
  11. Sounds like they're going to Graceland!
  12. Great round J Bones! 66 is my career round, here's guessing we obtained our scores in very different ways. Mine was a competitive round so at least I have that going for me.
  13. Bardmoor - its in Largo - they held the JC Penny event there throughout the 80's.
  14. There comes a time when this is no longer a possibility. Consider this round your warning shot over the bow. I played yesterday on a tour level course and shot 77 (In fact this course was used for a tour event for five years) - I was playing from the next to back set of tees and I did it with solid enough ball striking. Still struggling with my hybrids but I drove it pretty well and hit my irons the best that I have all year - My teacher would have been proud of me.
  15. I shot 76 yesterday. Our weather has most certainly turned to summer patterns. Played a course that I played two weeks ago. That day it was windy and dry the greens were running fast. Yesterday it was calm with what little wind there was in the opposite direction NE two weeks ago, SW yesterday, it was wet and the greens had been punched earlier in the week. Because it was so wet we generally had more club into the greens with the exceptions of the par 3's. Because of the wind directions and the new irons I had less club into them with one exception (totally wind related.) So I shot a 76 without putting especially well or especially poorly - I made the shortish ones and didn't make anything of any length which is no shock because they were hairy and sandy. Many fairway spots were mushy and there was some casual water. Cart paths only when two weeks prior the fairways ran like cart paths. I was very happy with the Wilson irons. The only thing I don't like about them is how they look in the bag. These are not Mizuno blades. They are easy to hit and they look reasonably good at address, even the 5 iron. I hit it 3 times yesterday and was 2/3 with the miss being acceptable.
  16. You got it sport fan. If 86 is your birth year I have two SOS born in 87 and we love to play together. They hit it longer than I do but I kick their butt. Shot 76 today. It's clearly summer in Florida, rainy season. We were hitting our drives 20 yards shorter than two weeks ago. But I hit the new irons great. I hit the stick on 9 for a tap in birdie.
  17. Why did you leave it at the course?
  18. Shot 77 today with a double on a 112 yard par 3. The worst part about that is I wasn't in a trap or hazard of any type.
  19. Nice, where? (And I don't mean where on the driver. )
  20. Shat 78 yesterday. But I hit 11 greens and 12 fairways and the two misses were just off the fairway on the safe side. Now the bad news 36 putts! I've been working so hard on the swing that I've neglected the putter and it's barking back at me. I'll attend to it soon because in the long run if I can get this long game together I'll be back.
  21. RRs post cracked me up. I played in an outing today for one of the local high schools. Played with a MGS Luther named Dogpro. We had a great time, finished 3rd which speaks more to the competition than our play. I did stuff some irons which is a positive sign the my swing is improving. Not satisfied with my iron distance yet. Biggest shocker is how straight and controlled I hit the SLDR. I didn't miss a fairway with it last week and only missed a couple or three today. One of those misses was on a hole where I typically would not hit driver. I also hit that baby very high which means I shouldn't loose that much distance off the tee when the rainy season starts. Just a fun day on the course today. I have a lesson again Monday and we are going to do another iron fitting and order them. Probably Wilson C 100s but with the Matrix studio 6.1 shaft.
  22. What a debacle. 46-38 and there were no penalty shots, none, buried lies in traps, divots in the fairway when I finally found one, 3 putts, plenty of those but no penalty shots. At least I had none of those.
  23. Had a great time on the course this morning - For it to be in the low 80's with little humidity this time of year in Florida - priceless! Shot 77 which sounds good but I very much reverted in regards to my ball striking. It didn't help that my back is a mess, I couldn't make a turn and that's what I'm working on. I putted my rock though and drove it straight if not far. I'm starting to play with a guy who's scratch so that's driving me to focus on scoring - he shot 73 - it seemed like I must have shot a billion more than he but that's what making long putts will do for you. The course we played used to host an LPGA event - very nice, lots of doglegs so plays longer, it was in great shape.
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