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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. If I kept it to myself, I may get called for my shenanigans. Lol
  2. I’m not sure about the website but on mobile there is a blue circle with lines on it that allows you to sort your team settings After hitting that there will be a setting to enable multi team trades. It resets back when your done so you will have to do it before every new trade offer. From there pick each player and what team they go to. It can get confusing when looking at it after submitting it but as long as everybody involved communicates you should be good.
  3. Lol. I would but I’d feel bad putting him back in a slump!
  4. Well done Rory! Had I known that all I had to do was trade ya for you to get back on track, I woulda done it weeks ago! Maybe that means I should trade my main guy Scheffler too!
  5. I managed to trade him for BAD and am absolutely content if he goes off. One of my favorites and if he wins this week, I’ll know I’m the curse. I did notice the trade offer but I think Cantlay is worth a little more than Ortiz. #11 OWGR and #7 in the FedEx carries value to me even if I don’t really want him on my team
  6. I knew Rory would wake up after I traded him. It is official, he can’t win when on my fantasy team.
  7. Played an ok quick 9 last night after work and a horrible 9 this morning. Last night managed a +3 39. Started par, bogie, bogie and couldn’t hit a fairway or green to save my life. Refocused myself and then went par, birdie, birdie to get back to even. I followed that up with a par, bogie, double to finish. This morning’s round was miserable due to wind and cold 39* and 10mph winds make it very hard to loosen up. I managed 3 pars on the day but mixed in a plethora of bogies and doubles to finish +8 44. They can’t all be great but it sucks to end my sub 40 streak. Time to start a new one!
  8. He looks disinterested in playing. Almost like he doesn’t care anymore.
  9. I believe he is. I personally think he needs to step away for a while.
  10. Thanks to the cut moving to +2 I managed to get 3 in to the weekend. Bryson sure back doored his way there lol. Hopefully Matt Wallace can keep his momentum going and my 2 big guns that made the cut can go low tomorrow to get back into it!
  11. I have no idea if this is the right place or not. If not mods feel free to move, delete, or whatever. I would like to apologize to the forum. Yesterday I let my frustrations take control of me and hit send on a post I absolutely regret. I said something to a forum member that was completely unnecessary and beneath the conduct a forum member here. It will never happen again. I will be better because I am better than this. I have reached out privately to the member as well and hope that we can put my stupidity behind us and help to make this place what it is, The BEST forum on the internet and my second family! Im sorry everyone Mark
  12. Aww nuts! Congrats to @jlukes@LeftyMatt89@gavinski91@Mtbryant01 as well!
  13. I already got him otherwise I’d make an offer
  14. When discussing a trade last night with @Camcmart he asked me if I still based my value off of owgr primarily and this was my response Not 100% going by OWGR. A lot is on feel, then OWGR, then FedEx points, and lastly if I'm unsure I think what can I get in trade to make me sure lol
  15. It is always about the next move my man! Can’t rest on your laurels!
  16. That silly document won’t stop me!
  17. Yeah I was just trying to be silly. Sorry for any confusion lol
  18. Congrats to the winners! The metric this time was the lowest round then? Guess I should have deleted my first and entered my career round
  19. I believe I started with Rory, Brooks, Kuchar, Leishman from the draft and picked up Homa. Traded Brooks right after his win and before the knee issue.
  20. I’m definitely not not liking my team lol Having 4 guys inside the top 10 in FedEx points (including 1&2) and 4 guys in the top 12 OWGR (including 1&2) is not too shabby. Having DJ, JT, and BAD as my top 3 with Cantlay at 4 and Scheffler at 5 should get me 5 in the tour championship as long as no one falls apart and should I make it that far. But I will probably move Cantlay before tomorrow knowing me cuz well that’s what I do lol.
  21. I will definitely start a thread for it so everyone on the forum knows as well as put something on Twitter.
  22. It really is beautiful. The pics don’t do it justice. I’m still hoping to figure out a way to raffle it off using donations to MGS as tickets but there is a lot to iron out. I won’t play it and I’m not a collector of anything really. I don’t have the means at the moment to give a big donation so I think this would be a nice way to draw up the type of donation I’d like to give. Hopefully soon.
  23. Priorities my man Priorities!
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