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Testers Wanted: Vice Golf Irons ×


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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. Thanks. I will definitely be riding high when I get out again and hopefully I can carry over the good play as well.
  2. Yeah I was just into the first cut on 3 of the misses and got super lucky on the other 2 to have an opening to advance it close to the green which resulted in nice chips and 1 putt pars. The weather actually only kicked up for about 10 minutes. All we got was some wind and maybe 5 minutes of rain. Too bad too cuz the way I felt I think I woulda shot under 70 if I coulda cleaned up the driver a little. Oh well I guess there is always next time
  3. I’m gonna start this post with a big one of these! That folks is a big green check mark for a 2021 golfing goal! I managed to finish the front 9 today at -1 for a 35. 2 FIR(lol) 4 GIR(including 1 GUR) 13 putts. I was trying to hurry a little as this started happening on #6 so I figured I better stop since there was hail being reported with the storm.
  4. While I didn’t pick up Noren, I did get Kuuuch off waivers and managed to snag Spieth in a trade! A lot of good pickups this week. KH Lee playing well too
  5. Managed to get 5/5 to the weekend! Some incredibly low rounds out there! Gonna be a wild weekend!
  6. Ok guys I haven’t traded today and im feeling itchy! Im offering up Webb Simpson, Kevin Na, and Matt Kuchar in a combo deal. Possibly Berger depending on what the deal is. Looking at any teams that are looking to add depth by giving up a bigger name to maybe help push to the playoffs. Hit me up
  7. Are you looking 3 models back with a stock x shaft? Shafts are so personal, much like a putter or ball imo.
  8. Happy birthday gentlemen!
  9. Gotta say the ncaa really missed an opportunity to show that women’s sports matter to them. Lots of places already stepping up and offering their course. I truly don’t believe this would have happened like this if it were the men!
  10. Your not getting away from me that easy @Quigleyd
  11. Happy belated birthday Shanks!
  12. Paging @Apolloshowland @xOldBenKenobiX Camilo Villegas has withdrawn from the event.
  13. No worries. I’m already having sellers remorse. Not for getting Spieth but for trading DJ! I will say I am surprised at some of the trades that have been declined. Sure seems to be a lot of guys set on the FedEx cup standings already. Oh well I’ll find a taker eventually lol
  14. I’m good with the counter and Na may have some small trade value
  15. But if I get the right players that match yours I only gotta have a couple guys outperform yours
  16. Also why not you too @Berg Ryman
  17. Made the same offer to @fixyurdivot
  18. Well I threw a big name at the Lead Dog @ZJBogey2. Let’s see if that nets me Spieth! Lol. Not sure I can offer more.
  19. We coulda talked about a few deals had you not unloaded Morikawa and Berger.
  20. At least someone likes my team. I’m still not 100% happy
  21. Oh I’d probably do it again. It isn’t like my team has suffered because of it lol It’s part of the fun for me. The only thing I may not do again would be draft Rory. The guy just can’t win when on my team!
  22. I don’t have anybody that I drafted left on my team except Kuchar and I picked him back up off waivers like 4 times lol
  23. Technically everybody I trade for is used as trade bait.
  24. . That’s what everybody was saying!
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