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Posts posted by IceIce

  1. I don’t like to use the word “choke” so I classify it a gripping down. I grip down in certain situations.  When I’m between clubs I may grip down 1/2 an inch to an inch so I don’t have to change my swing for the distance.  Occasionally I’ll grip down when I want to hit a controlled tee shot or when I'm playing a punch shot. 
    I always grip down when the ball is above my feet or when I’m playing a bunker shot. 

  2. I only ride when I’m forced to ride or when the course is designed to be unwalkable.  Golf is walking game.  I grew up walking. It’s faster when players walk.  There is no path only or driving to each other’s balls waiting for your partner to hit (I know, if you do it right that shouldn’t happen).  Walking between shots gives me time to enjoy being outside, time to review my previous shot, clear my mind then focus on the upcoming shot.  Plus it’s one of the best ways to get exercise on the golf course.  Most players that I know, who are in their late 70’s and early 80’s, are the ones who walked when they played.  I still want to be playing in my 80’s, so I walk and enjoy the day. 

  3. Golf is a walking game. Unless the golf course has ridiculous distances between the green and next tee box, a walking group should always speed up play.  I’ll add one caveat; if a foursome knows how to play in carts, they can at times play as quickly or a bit faster.  However so few people know how to play in carts. Walking gives a player the time to consider their next shot before getting to the ball and it’s also better for their health. 

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