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Testers Wanted: CaddyDaddy The Claw Golf Gloves ×

Bucky CC

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Everything posted by Bucky CC

  1. This statement is exactly how I feel about my recent purchase of the DF3. I've had great results at home in a controlled environment, but my first time out on the course last night was terrible. I don't think I made a single putt over 3 feet and lost strokes at every distance. The DF3 feels different than any putter I've ever used. I could see how it could be a magic wand in the hands of some people, but for others (including me) it's going to take a lot of work to get used the stroke type required to get the most out of the magic.
  2. We had a pretty extensive test on the Array line of putters that just ended. Overall they are great putters, but the fitting is a huge component with these.
  3. I have mixed feeling about being "stock". On one hand it made it very easy to be able to purchase in store for their non-customized price. On the other hand it made it way too easy to purchase in store when I really don't NEED a new putter. I'm excited to get out for real testing. I have rounds scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday this week so thankfully I won't have to wait long. Just need to temper my expectations and not get upset when I don't make every single putt inside of 50 feet the first few times out.
  4. Lenny, cue the confession music. I've had my eye on a LAB putter ever since last year's forum testing. Tried out all their previous putters at PGA Superstore, went through the remote fitting (standard 35", 69°), and almost pulled the trigger countless times. My interest perked up again this spring with the release of the DF3. Right as I was considering a purchase for the 500th time I was selected for the Edel Array test (which is a great putter; check out our reviews). My gamer narrowly beat out the Array in testing, but this dang thread kept the DF3 in the back of my mind. Fast forward to last night when I had some time to kill waiting to pick up dinner. Oh look, there's a Golf Galaxy right across the straight from my son's favorite restaurant (Chipotle is heaven for my 10 year old). Somehow I came home with dinner and a new friend for my other two putters. Left: Edel Array F-2, Middle: White Hot OG #7 (gamer?), Right: LAB DF3 One of my Array tests was hitting 8' putts on the Perfect Practice Mat. This is a straight putt following the lines so it's not exactly the toughest putt in the world, but the pressure does ramp up as your consecutive makes climb. The maximum number of 8 footers I made in a row with the Array was around 17 and with the Odyssey 31. On my very first night with the DF3 I made 37 eight footers in a row.
  5. Slowly starting to turn things around. I started taking lessons with an instructor on Skillest. Shot under par for the first time in two years last week, and last night I followed it up with a solid 74.
  6. 1. What will the Cut Number Will Be: +3 2. What PGA Club Professional will finish with the best score: Block
  7. Finished my review for the Edel Array F-2. How did it go? You'll have to read my main post to find out!
  8. Another really cool opportunity. Wish I could do about 5 tests at the same time!
  9. Mostly time spent with the putter. I'm still struggling with speed control a bit but there are zero issues getting the ball rolling on my intended line.
  10. Another solid round from the Array F-2 over 9 holes last night. No three putts and I made two over 20 feet; a 30 footer for birdie and a 20 footer to save double bogey (don't ask).
  11. Am I reading that correct that you finished your entire putting session in 57 seconds? Was that for one attempt at each station or the entire 27 putt session? Either way that's fast!
  12. Possibly, but honestly I don't think they would change much with the Array F-2. I went through a SAM PuttLab fitting with my gamer at Club Champion a while ago. Shockingly they said it was a perfect fit for me and they wouldn't change anything. I tried to match the Array F-2 specs as close to that as possible. I switched back to my gamer last night for another comparison to the Array. I'm working on a few swing changes so my iron game and overall score were nothing to write home about. The putting was a different story. I ended up with 28 putts and gaining +2.4 strokes versus a scratch index. 8 one putts (mostly because I missed A LOT of greens in regulation), no three putts, and a 39 foot bomb to save par on the 17th hole. I really like the F-2, but it's going to have to step up it's game if it wants to knock my Odyssey out of the bag. It was this kind of day. Shanked an 8 iron off the tee (free drop from the cart path!). Hit a wedge on to the lower left side of the green. Made a 39' putt for par.
  13. I mentioned a few pages ago that I couldn't find anything on the Edel website about their face milling technology or reason behind the specific pattern. There is a blurb about sound and feel, but nothing about speed of off-center strikes. I haven't really noticed a difference based on where I strike the ball so I suppose that's a good thing? "Machined to the tightest tolerances for exacting precision, the F-2 features a striking surface forged and machine milled from 1025 carbon steel which is known for its superior sound and softer feel."
  14. Quick update on my plans for the rest of the week. Tonight my son has baseball practice so I have an hour to waste at the nearby golf course. Hoping to get a little range work in and then head to the practice green with my Array F-2. Rounds are scheduled for Thursday and Saturday this week weather permitting. I'll also try for another round of at home indoor testing at some point; though I've noticed my F-2 seems to perform a lot better outdoors on real greens where it really matters.
  15. It's funny how awesome some of the Sand Valley logos are and yet their main one looks like some kind of cheesy open-heart necklace from the mall (do they still have mall jewelry stores?). Can't go wrong with Mammoth Dunes though. They picked a winner there. My favorite logo though is probably from Interlachen Country Club. It's pretty basic, but it reminds me of the few times I was lucky enough to play the course and see the spot where Bobby Jones skipped his niblick over a lily pad on his way to winning the 1930 US Open and the 3rd leg of his grand slam. They even have a small plaque in the fairway for the spot he hit from. During the second round of the 1930 U.S. Open at Interlachen Country Club outside Minneapolis, Bobby Jones attempted to reach the par-5 ninth hole in two. Just as he began his downswing, Jones saw out of the corner of his eye two young girls sprinting into the fairway. Jones flinched, and his ball, badly hit, seemed destined to go only halfway across a lake in front of him. The ball, however, struck a lily pad and bounded forward, free of the water and only 30 yards short of the green. This dose of Jones magic—and the fairly routine birdie that resulted—was consequential. He won that U.S. Open, his fourth, by two strokes over Macdonald Smith.
  16. It's definitely a great looking putter. No complaints in that department. Loft should be the same. Here are the specs of my two putters: Haven't noticed any skidding issues from either putter. To me the face of the Array F-2 makes it feel like it has a deadening effect on the ball compared to the white hot OG insert. I don't know if that's necessarily a bad thing though. If you were playing on a lightning fast green it would be a huge benefit to make sure you don't blow every putt 15' past the hole (not that I've ever done that ).
  17. I like the dual finish look. Having the wings of the F-2 a different color really draws your eyes toward the alignment plate in the center. Makes completely sense since they have so many different alignment options to fit most any golfer. Played in bright, sunny conditions yesterday and it looked great the entire round. I ran outside just now to take a pic under partly sunny skies. There's a small amount of glare but nothing that would be distracting at all.
  18. Great question! Stats last night were in the same ballpark as my gamer putter. I'll have a detailed breakdown in another week or so after some additional testing when I start to write up my final review. One thing I know for certain; the Array F-2 is a beautiful putter.
  19. Played another 18 with the Array F-2 today. Didn't convert any birdie putts on the day but I also only had 1 three putt (from a very tricky location). For the most part it was nice, boring two putt golf.
  20. Going strong on year 2 with the Clicgear 4.0. This is really a high quality push cart.
  21. That's how my Edel fitting went about 10 years ago as well. Technology was a lot less impressive back then though. My fitter used a dry erase marker on the top of a blank putter head to see which alignment worked best for me. Ever since then I've tried to find putters with dot alignments versus lines.
  22. All of the above could be accurate. In my case it's due to the fact that I wasn't able to go through a fitting. Edel did not supply any Wisconsin retailers with the Array fitting kits until after all of the orders had to be placed. We were about 2 months behind the early fitting locations.
  23. A weight change may help with distance control. It's probably asking too much, but it would be awesome if Edel would include one extra set of weights along with a 2nd alignment plate for those of us that like to tinker. Yes you can buy them directly from Edel, but $50 for a pair of weights ($175 for the entire weight set) and an extra $45 for a 2nd alignment plate is a bit steep.
  24. It's been great for this round of testing, but I'm not sure it will really hold up over time or anywhere other than my perfectly smooth garage. It was definitely on the cheaper side of things coming in around $50 for the 6' by 21' roll.
  25. Definitely missing more short with the F-2. Even on the putts that I have been making I've noticed that they are barely rolling. The white hot insert typically has the speed of a foot or two of rollout past the hole. Could just be that I'm not used to the different feel of the F-2 and things will get better with more usage.
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