The great Deion Sanders once said, "If you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good. If you play good, they pay good."
My question is, does tht apply to the flatstick? A while back I got myself a Taylormade Ghost Manta putter for a steal on eBay. Not the biggest fan of the white putter, but I figured I could fix that, quick trip to the hardware store and a few costs of black paint and I get this. (Looks a bit worse for wear now) I liked the look a lot better and I took the liberty to add a couple alignment lines to help me out.
Alas, the shine has faded and I find myself sneaking peeks at other putters while mine has its back turned. I feel like I'm cheating, I mean don't get me wrong, I love my putter. It's served me well over the years, but I am beginning to wonder if all those chips and scratches make me like it less.
Performance wise I don't need to be looking for a new one, so what are my options? How many spys out there have taken creative liberty with their putter's appearance? Has anyone dipped or wrapped theirs? And do you think that you really do perform better when your putter looks sharp?
Would love to hear your thoughts