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About Contron

  • Birthday 12/28/1994

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Wichita, KS
  • Interests
    Climbing, Golf, Woodworking, Video games

Player Profile

  • Age
    29 and under
  • Swing Speed
    91-100 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

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Contron's Achievements

  1. Mine arrived at the perfect time! I just finished up the last touches for the golf sim and I’ve got 18 lined up for Saturday! The plan is to compare it to my gamer, Callaway Chrome Soft LS and also to a previous ball I tested, Oncore Elixr. With those 3 balls I intend to collect sim data with a wedge, a 7 iron and Driver. Then hit the links this weekend and collect real life feels and frustrations. Being in Kansas I’m definitely curious to see how it plays with some gnarly winds.
  2. Date 06/16/2023 Course Name Tex Consolver Golf Course Gross Score 97 Course Handicap 27 Gross Strokes over/under par 27 Net Score to Par 0 Net Score 70 Net Birdies or better 8 Longest Drive 245 Pretty hot day of golf, but was still pretty good. Super rough Front 9, I had a +17 on the Front 9, but on hole 9 I started to feel a rhythm and then just came alive on the Back 9, and kept it to +8. Putting was feeling strong a couple weeks ago and now it's burning me here and there. Can't wait for everything to line up, it feels like I could break 90 this year!
  3. Date 06/03/2023 Course Name Arthur B. Sim Golf Course Gross Score 96 Course Handicap 20 Gross Strokes over/under par 25 Net Score to Par 5 Net Score 76 Net Birdies or better 3 Longest Drive 223 Been awhile, since I posted! Mainly only getting 9 holes in lately because I bought a new home and having to balance selling and moving in . But it's starting to settle down now! Which means more 18 hole rounds and more posts coming!
  4. Final Review for my testing of the Oncore ELIXR is up! If you have any questions give me a shout.
  5. Great pricing for that driver, I’m not too keen on the looks to be honest, but I like the idea they got going here (and cue the puns!)
  6. Little update: Got out for a round of 18 over the weekend at the longest course I play here in town. I was worried at my handicap I wouldn’t notice differences but I certainly did. Not my best round, the spins coming off the drives were more than I was used to, which put me in a tough bind, but around the green and getting out of sand I noticed a lot more stopping power than I was used to. More rounds to test this ball to come, got a round of 9 tonight at my favorite course that I’m excited to get out for!
  7. Date 04/29/2023 Course Name Tex Consolver Golf Course Gross Score 111 Course Handicap 26 Gross Strokes over/under par 39 Net Score to Par 13 Net Score 85 Net Birdies or better 4 Longest Drive 210 Been really struggling lately, just got to keep on swinging and telling myself progress isn't linear! Feel like my out to in is definitely getting better but my ball contact is just troublesome now.
  8. Unboxed! Edited my post to include my first impressions. Happy reading and feel free to ask any questions!
  9. Oh man, y’all are making me excited to get these in hand and start testing! Any reason why you switched?
  10. Had a rough 9 holes at my least favorite course in town last night, so I decided to hit the range tonight and work on my irons. Not much better. Trying to work on my out to in tendency but it’s tough. Hit some decent ones that felt right but had more bad shots than the good. Might get in another 9 Thursday and then I got lessons lined up for Friday right before 18 so hoping for some good drills to help out. Just gotta remember progress isn’t linear!
  11. Enjoyed reading through the intros! It’s exciting to hear how much of a change that 8 gram change at each position made during your fitting @Triple_Putt (also good job at paying the dog tax). I’ve heard multiple stories of that “aha” moment too, which makes me even more intrigued when @Getoffmylawnthrows the 6 and 4 into the mix. Fun times ahead!
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