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Matt Saternus

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Status Updates posted by Matt Saternus

  1. It's good that my putter specs are so hard to find. Just fought off a serious putter buying itch because I couldn't find anything that would work.

    1. GolfSpy Dave

      GolfSpy Dave

      Come on now. How are your going to help the putter economy with that attitude?


  2. On election day, I offer some advice on how to make an equally important decision: new irons. http://mattsaternusgolf.blogspot.com/2012/11/what-kind-of-irons-should-i-play.html

    1. The Dansome

      The Dansome

      Good write up.

    2. GolfSpy Dave

      GolfSpy Dave

      Like the MS logo


  3. New post at www.mattsaternusgolf.blogspot.com on how to get the most out of a golf lesson.

  4. If you can't get enough of me, check out www.mattsaternusgolf.blogspot.com where I talk about golf instruction.

    1. The Dansome

      The Dansome

      Read. More please

    2. GolfSpy Barbajo

      GolfSpy Barbajo

      Looks promising Matt - have it bookmarked!


  5. My most sincere thanks to everyone for the well wishes regarding Sydney. I am hopeful that she will be home with me tomorrow.

  6. Check out my review of The Last Bag by Club Glove and get a 30% off promo code for www.clubglove.com http://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/5125-the-last-bag-by-club-glove-review/?do=findComment&comment=50622

  7. Looking for more distance? This aid might help you find it. http://forum.mygolfspy.com/topic/4206-the-extra-20-yards-review/

    1. extra20yards


      We’d like to thank Golf Spy Matt for introducing The Extra 20 Yards to the thousands of golfers who read My Golf Spy.


      While we don’t agree with everything in his review and don’t agree with anything stated by Michael Manavian in “The Peanut Gallery” we respect that everyone has an opinion.


      The Extra 20 Yards was not designed for body builders (which Mr Manavian is). In fact it was designed for exactly the opposite type of golfer – the amateur golfer who would ordinari...

    2. extra20yards


      We’d like to thank Golf Spy Matt for introducing The Extra 20 Yards to the thousands of golfers who read My Golf Spy.


      While we don’t agree with everything in his review and don’t agree with anything stated by Michael Manavian in “The Peanut Gallery” we respect that everyone has an opinion.


      The Extra 20 Yards was not designed for body builders (which Mr Manavian is). In fact it was designed for exactly the opposite type of golfer – the amateur golfer who would ordinari...

    3. extra20yards


      We’d like to thank Golf Spy Matt for introducing The Extra 20 Yards to the thousands of golfers who read My Golf Spy.


      While we don’t agree with everything in his review and don’t agree with anything stated by Michael Manavian in “The Peanut Gallery” we respect that everyone has an opinion.


      The Extra 20 Yards was not designed for body builders (which Mr Manavian is). In fact it was designed for exactly the opposite type of golfer – the amateur golfer who would ordinari...

  8. Just joined Twitter. Follow @Golfspy_Matt for updates on product testing & reviews and a variety of other stuff.

    1. GolfSpy Dave

      GolfSpy Dave

      Not seeing you there...


    2. Matt Saternus

      Matt Saternus

      I'm there, I swear. Me an my 2 followers.

    3. MmmmmmBuddy




  9. New product in for testing: The 20 Extra Yards. Here's the site: http://extra-yards.com/ Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GolfSpy Dave

      GolfSpy Dave

      Had the same thought. Would like to buy the golf club handle though.

    3. Matt Saternus

      Matt Saternus

      Fair questions. It is basically a cable tower; the golf club handle seems to be the key thing. Since I don't belong to a gym and don't own a cable tower, I think it will be nice to test.

    4. GolfSpy_X


      think it might be a better idea to promote the handle as well. Guy that already pays a membership fee to a gym and plays golf...it might be a great fit for.


  10. 2nd career eagle today! Holed a 125 yarder with a gap wedge on #18.

    1. JBones


      Nice. I was all over the damn place today.

    2. Matt Saternus

      Matt Saternus

      I didn't scare a single fairway. The eagle was the ultimate sucker shot...it's going to make me play again even though I shouldn't.

  11. Nunchuck shaft just arrived for testing! Keep your eyes out for reviews on the Speed Whoosh and 3 different golf balls coming soon.

  12. Leupold GX-3 Review here:

  13. Tour Striker review posted. Travis Mathew review coming very soon.

  14. Upcoming MGS Gadget Reviews: Leupold GX-3, V-Harness, and Travis Mathew apparel. Tour Striker review coming VERY soon.

    1. Justin66


      Looking forward to the Tour Striker and V-Harness!

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