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Everything posted by GolfSpy_BNG

  1. Josh took care of the answer. It will record the video using your phone camera and they will appear on your phone as videos if you are outside the app and go looking for them. However when you are using the app the videos will be for each specific swing. It’s not a 5 minute video of swings it’s video of each individual swing.
  2. Could be. Haven’t looked too hard yet. Biggest issue may be weather for what I’m looking to do.
  3. Don’t wanna give up too much yet as I’m still not sure exactly what I’m gonna do but I have an idea in my head for a little something around the MN/IA/IL/WI border with some surprises. Good luck with this one. These spy meetups are always fun to follow
  4. I’m in the Midwest in North central Iowa but even this location is almost 8 hours from me. I don’t necessarily see SW Nebraska as Midwest but good luck. Hope guys can make it.
  5. @sirchunksalot and @Luisddavila great intros. Also Luis happy anniversary tomorrow
  6. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • FOR SALE
    • Used

    Up for sale is a Ventus Blue Velocore 5-R shaft with an all fit adapter. I will include the cogs that came with the adapter. Some OEM’s require different screws but I don’t have those. This played about 46” I believe in my Paradym TD driver. I will listen to trades and offers. I’ll even pair this with the Hzrdus 4G for a killer price if interested. Price includes shipping and fees.


  7. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • FOR SALE
    • Used

    Up for sale is a limited edition ion finish Hzrdus 4G 60g 5.5 shaft with an all fit adapter. I will include the cogs that came with the adapter. Some OEM’s require different screws but I don’t have those. This played about 46” I believe in my Paradym TD driver. I will listen to trades and offers. I’ll even pair this with the Ventus Velocore Blue for a killer price if interested. Price includes shipping and fees.


  8. I play in a winter sim league and I never worry about score as a whole. Putting and chipping are so difficult for me without the depth perception. For league we play 8 foot gimmes. If I was playing my own ball with 8 foot gimmies and expect to shoot under par. With no gimmies at all and my putting struggles on a sim, I’d expect to be a couple over.
  9. The OG Velocore blue that I currently have is a 5-R for reference. To me so far the feel of the VF has been what I expected to get from the Ventus Blue. Spin has actually been consistently lower with the VF as well. The VF waggles a little softer than the Blue but never AutoFlex soft even at the 40 gram version. My favorite part is that the kick just seems to be in the right spot even when I really go after one.
  10. I have the VF currently and owned every Ventus at one time or another. It’s still early but the 4-S VF has actually kept my spin down while allowing me to go shorter length(-1”) and swing just as fast. Loving it so far.
  11. @sirchunksalot @Luisddavila @Byrnzee did a little comparison quick before league tonight. Wanted to do more but the guys we were playing were totally hammered and I didn’t want them stepping on it or something. Definitely se the silver dots. I didn’t have any with me as I forgot them but I did use the RCT balls(not meant for the regular Mevo) and there was small discrepancies across the board. Obviously lighting and what not can affect this. My suggestion is to “borrow” a range ball or 2. Put a dot on your normal ball, 1 on the range ball, and a range ball without. Compare those in a net to give ya some difference if you want to hit balls without dots at the range. Byrnzee your mevo will be on its way tomorrow morning sir.
  12. No worries. You just gave me an opening to talk about the comparative side of these reviews. These reviews are a great way for OEM’s to get the clubs into “Average Joes” or “Real Golfers” hands so to speak. Most options for these club reviews are stock options which can help golfers that have similar game but prefer to buy off the rack or can’t get fit. For example, take the Odin X1 ball test getting ready to finish up. Odin says this ball is comparable to the ProV1. So naturally comparing those 2 balls is needed but it’s much more important to let everyone know if it worked for you or not and why.
  13. It’s always a great idea to be thinking how you would test/review before applying. I would only say this to your statement. These tests/reviews are not in anyway meant to be a comparison to what you already have. While that will always be asked about and for sure be part of every review, it should never be the centerpiece. Testing the OEM claims is also important but never never compare fitted clubs to test clubs unless equally fit.
  14. Jamie and Ben laid this out well but let me say this and really think about it IF YOU CANT READ AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS WHY WOULD THE STAFF TRUST YOU TO FOLLOW THROUGH WITH A REVIEW. We as staff lay everything out for every member to have a legit chance at each review(OEM restrictions do make some ineligible but that’s out of our hands). I’m lowballing here but half the applicants don’t even have a profile picture which makes you ineligible before you even apply. Remember these are not giveaways. We as staff say all the time that we hand pick testers and that’s why we lay everything out there so we are as transparent as we can be. If the guys that sign up for everything, don’t follow the rules, then go and complain and bash MGS everywhere they can, would spend half that time and effort to read and follow the rules, they would have gotten an opportunity already.
  15. Iowa is 14th at 14.9. If I carried one I’d be way below that. I’m gonna work on having one this year. My goal is to get it to say +1 so I can say I’m a plus golfer then to sabotage it until spring 2026 so it’s as high as possible by then.
  16. In the exact opposite. Not a huge fan of the navy on the Paradym TD. Shape, footprint, face depth, and performance all forced my hand as it was just too good. My only complaint for the Smoke AI is the hints of blue in the weights and smoke on the crown/sole. I’m more of a yellow/white/grey/black guy with some red as long as there isn’t any yellow of course(eat it cyclone fans). I do like the grey carbon over the navy so I may still change if the performance is even. Gonna be a great and expensive winter for testing now that I’ve got a mevo+ to review.
  17. Since you didn’t ask me by quoting but instead by name I’ll answer anyways lol. For me I have found 7’ for driver and fairways and 5-6’ for irons has been my sweet spot for the mevo. Then I’ve been 10-11’ to the net. I think more ball flight to the net is better than less. I tried a few at 13’ with the driver but I was getting very close to the top of my 7’ net.
  18. Did manage to get my 5x10 Matzilla hitting mat from USA Turf. It holds a real team so I’m curious if any numbers change with the Mevo from a different mat.
  19. I won’t get any swings in until Sunday if I’m lucky. Don’t get to see my daughter often and we have Christmas tomorrow with her. She wants to sleep in on Sunday so I’m hoping to sneak out and get some hits in before church. Fingers crossed
  20. I think it’s very accurate for me. My carry distance for my 6/7/8 irons that I have managed to hit have been right on for good swings. I’ve also seen a couple shots that I know I’ve missed toe or heel when I hit the ball and there has been a 10-20 yard loss depending on how atrocious the miss hit was. I do gotta say that I need to make sure the heat is up when I hit though. Couldn’t handle many swings with the Edel SMS Pros after a couple thin shots jolted my hands.
  21. So far I’m setting it up at what they recommend. I do 10 feet of flight and 7 feet from the Mevo to the ball. They recommend 6-7’ between the Mevo and ball with 7’ the recommended distance for higher swing speeds. So far I have only had 3 non reads but the say a pull will result in those as your body gets between the ball and mevo
  22. Here is the 6-iron video. This is as close to an on course number as I have gotten on any sim/LM
  23. lol yeah it’s the cement floor. The super thin carpet doesn’t stop the ball at all. I wouldn’t worry about it but I don’t wanna hit the mevo
  24. I didn’t get as many swings in as I’d hoped as the wife got cold. I forgot to stop and turn on the heat after work before picking her up. I managed to get the video figured out. Here is the best driver swing.
  25. Not a question but just a thank you for following the rules.
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