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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Everything posted by xOldBenKenobiX

  1. This is for the M3, but it should be the same process The proper tool and follow the manufacturer instructions, with the appropriate torque tool you cannot over tight it at all as the tool wont let you. For my previous TM and other brands, the tool would make that snap sound when it was properly tight
  2. We might have to have a week long trip, spend some time visiting the falls. Get the TXG experience and Wrapped the weekend at the F1 Grand Prix, too bad that the race is called off for this year, maybe next year.
  3. The TXG fitting would be a great experience, I feel that they have all of the tools to get you dialed in.
  4. Some people have great wedge play or superb iron striking, I am good at hitting the asphalt.
  5. I hope you have a swift and successful recovery.
  6. I've have seen some of those, I am trying them a couple times a day, I am trying to get more lose and to be able to have a smother back swing and follow thru.
  7. You don't need to see where you are going at all. About that, many years ago I went to get my license transferred to Florida and at the time I forgot my glasses, I am blind without them, they never tested my vision, although I was squinting to fill up the application.
  8. I have no advise that would be useful to you with the career change, all I can offer is my best wishes to you. Good luck wherever you go, and I do hope you find happiness on your new path. I know that working a job that you enjoy, does not seem like work at all.
  9. I forgot to let the wookiee win. CPO is available I could be Boba's cousin, Bob Fett
  10. I tried the Jedi way, no luck Even Jar Jar is taken here in Michigan.
  11. I'm not a fishing man my self. I guess when in Montana, fish.
  12. Still is pretty dope, now I know what plates to keep a look out for when we go visit our daughter in Maryland. I was surprised to see that mine was available. Oh, maybe I need to get this one next.
  13. Cart path shots are part of my normal game.
  14. Oh hey now, if the wife does not know about it, how can we go about introducing me to Lexi?
  15. Well sir, that was rude, but yeah, when you are right, you are right.
  16. I will try that, no video cameras, because I might fall on my face
  17. nah, probably not, the great thing is that I can get a different plate every year, so maybe, next year I will get a MGS inspired one. or if I get a new bike and go back riding first.
  18. I had posted about them Here They arrived today.
  19. Absolutely great drive, followed by a dreadful second shot, the story of my game. Seriously great drive, I wonder how you all would feel if I intentionally aimed my drive to the street next to the course and let it go for a mile.
  20. This is absolutely awesome. Sorry everyone else, @Headhammer won the week, no need to do anything else this week.
  21. I am trying to figure out the left hand swing, I so a short clip of someone using it left handed to help them develop a longer back swing, I am trying to apply that but without bending my elbow at the top and focusing on turning my back to the target as much as I can, I am just having a hard time keeping my head still looking at the ball. Amazing enough, I found an old video of Tony Finau using it for warm up.
  22. As I make a point to say every time I Get a chance, Thank you for your service, also congrats on being this weeks winner of the cobra challenge goods. I just started using although I got it back in the winter, and I fell that my swing is felling overall better.
  23. I have started with the back and forward swings in a daily basis this week, I have not gone to the course yet, but overall I feel a little longer on the back swing and fell like I am opening up more to the target on the follow thru.
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