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Testers Wanted: Precision Pro Titan Elite Rangefinder ×


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Everything posted by xOldBenKenobiX

  1. Can anyone still enter this? Late I know, but I want to participate in the fun
  2. That is fantastic, improving your personal best is awesome, beating someone else whom you have been chasing for awhile is even better.
  3. There are a lot of apps out there, as previously mentioned, swing u as one of them. Personally I have started using the Arccos system so I don't have to manually select the clubs to be tracked, as the app gets the sensor already in the club and register as the shot for me.
  4. I might wait for the next time that it passes by. Kidding, if it is clear tonight I will be taking a look.
  5. Right now I play way better with cold beverages all day long, in the fall probably will play better with some Irish coffee in the thermos. Also I got to say I was more enticed to drink whatever I had in the bag as it stayed cold during the round, as normally I would not finish my drinks after they got warm, a few holes into the round.
  6. The T200s are also amazing looking clubs, also hit those a little better than the 100s, I am dropping hints to the wife that I need a new set of irons form my birthday in a couple of weeks.
  7. Those are some gorgeous irons, I hit a couple balls with them during a fitting I had a few weeks back, I am not at the level to use and master those yet.
  8. I really like that you went above and beyond taking the laser thermometer and checking how cold the drinks stayed during your outings. I did not think about that.
  9. I have not tried it yet, I think I might take it to the range in the early morning when I am alone, just because I know I am going to suck at first.
  10. I got to look into that and see if it is worth for me to pick up everything I see, I already spend a lot of time in the woods.
  11. Dragging the alligator by its tail
  12. I just spent a little bit of time reviewing the data in the spread sheet, over 7 miles per hour faster speeds in average for the first round is absolutely impressive. I know that are a lot more variants to be considered but by all means those are more yards off the tee.
  13. Really nice, I am glad you were able to get the best shaft for your swing, despite wanting something different.
  14. It is annoying but Ok, it takes me about an hour or so to go back to sleep, I have been trying to get evening walks and such, to ensure that I am tired enough to try to get an all nighter.
  15. The extra speed is awesome, this is a review that I am watching close to see the results.
  16. Unfortunately most of the stores near me only have putting greens that are a few feet long, and normally I am putting from outside 25 feet 75% of the time.
  17. My main goal is to get a putter I can trust the line when aiming, it feels like my putter head is no longer properly aligned, to expect being 25 years old. I will keep that in mind and if I get a fitting from them, I will give the fitter as much information as I can about my current misses and my goals with the new putter.
  18. Cool, there is a club champion not too far from me, thank you.
  19. It is in the unwritten golf rules, you play one great round, followed by the worse one ever, knock on wood, it wont happen to you.
  20. Thank you, any suggestions to where to go for a putter fitting? I don't want to limit myself to one brand.
  21. Very well done, congrats, I hate having people watching me.
  22. https://music.amazon.com/stations/A2XEBUI9EJ55OK?ref=dm_sh_b464-f8e5-e104-6201-769a3 Classic rock.
  23. I worked at 4 am for a few years, before transitioning to day time last year, I still wake up at 2:45 every morning and have a hard time going back to sleep.
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