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About EMJL

  • Birthday December 31

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  • Interests
    Getting better
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  • Age
  • Swing Speed
    101-110 mph
  • Handicap
  • Frequency of Play/Practice
    Multiple times per week
  • Player Type
    Weekend Golfer
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Thanks @MattF! And happy birthday to all the other tax babies out there. Getting on a plane to Barcelona in a few hours. No golf, but I'll happily take some vacation.
  2. I'm working on not letting my body slide forward to start the downswing. I went to the basement, grabbed a short iron, stood in front of the mirror, and swung a little bit. The thought is that once I hit the part of the backswing where I put pressure into my lead side, think of nothing but pushing straight back with my left leg. To me, it feels like I'm hanging back a bit, but that's probably just because I'm not lunging forward. ...it will take some serious reps to get this ingrained, but I'm optimistic it's a step in the right direction.
  3. Good morning all. It's rainy, dreary, and cold. Thank you to all the people who invented launch monitors, projectors, hitting mats, computers, high ceilings, and all the other things that go into indoor golf. Have a good one.
  4. Morning everyone. It's 35 and overcast with a "wintry mix" falling from the sky here in Northern Indiana. They say it will be 56 degrees Friday, so if we get some extra work done, there could be golf in December. Have a great day all.
  5. Sorry for the bad experience. Was that your one and only solo golf trip?
  6. I started using a rangefinder two years ago and will never go back. I would be interested in using a gps unit, but have not so far. Knowing the distance to the pin, within a small margin of error for the rangefinder, has helped a ton in figuring out how far I hit my clubs. I like the idea of the gps telling me distances to clear hazards, front/middle/back of greens and so on, but just haven't taken the plunge yet. In your experiences, is the benefit of gps over a rangefinder really big? I'd guess the answer varies by how well you know the course you're playing.
  7. My wife has played ultimate frisbee for the past twenty years now, and at times, played pretty competitively. As we get a little older, she has expressed interest in golf as a game we can play for many years, but she has no background in anything like it and only plays once or twice a year at this point. Maybe in another five years she'll really get into it. She is very supportive of my golfing habit, to the point that we joined a country club and got a simulator in our basement. She definitely got some wife points for that.
  8. This sounds like a great idea. I'm in Northern Indiana, so I might look into a trip down to the central/southern part of the state (French Lick and a number other interesting places in that area). Go Irish. That makes sense, though I wouldn't mind driving 3-4 hours a couple days to get to a new course. ...I don't seem to find as much time to listen to golf podcasts as I'd like so that could be nice. That sounds ideal. Completely agree. Are you fitting the trips into work travel or are they dedicated golf trips you plan out well in advance? Something else? Always a good goal. Thanks everybody for your thoughts on the subject.
  9. Good to know, thanks. Also related to @fixyurdivot's followup, it seems like golf resorts are set up more for buddy groups than for singles. That was what prompted the question. I don't know anyone that has gone to Bandon or other comparable places on their own.
  10. How/Why play golf? I played a few weekends each year with my dad and/or grandfather when I was a kid. I probably just liked to try to hit the ball as hard as possible. Why keep playing? Golf can be many things. Some days I'm feeling competitive and so I head out to the course with a goal of scoring well. Other days, I want to relax and just enjoy being outside and doing a little exercise. (and yes, my better scores are often on the relax days where there are no expectations).
  11. Has anybody gone on a golf trip alone? Good experience? Bad?
  12. A guy with whom I often play has a speaker and wide-ranging musical taste...pretty much anything with at least a little guitar in it. Recently, it has been heavy on earlier Radiohead albums and other alternative rock from the 90s through the present. Good stuff.
  13. I walk my home course unless it is tournament play. I used to carry my bag, but after getting a pushcart (Sun Mountain Speed Cart), it would be tough to go back to carrying. Riding in the cart is less tiring, but I like the time between shots to mentally regroup and start thinking about the challenge ahead.
  14. 1) Get the handicap below 8 2) Come up with, and stick to, a pre-shot routine 3) On the course, always be positive
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