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  • Location
    Southern New Jersey
  • Interests
    Golf, Hunt, Fish, Camp,Anything that involves the outdoors.

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  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    90 mph or less
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  • Player Type
  • Biggest Strength
    Driver/Off the Tee
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  1. As the years have gone by I have tried to lighten the load of my golf bag. A ditty bag with 4-5 large size ball markers, some tees, 2 divot tools,small sunscreen and lip balm, plus my adjustable head tool. Side pockets hold a small medical bag of eye glass repair, tylenol, bandaids. A sealable bag with back, knee and ankle braces, another sealable plastic bag with two spare gloves plus a set of rain gloves. I also have a small collapsable ball retriever. Rain gear, long sleeve pull overs, umbrella and such I leave in the back of the SUV and only pack them as needed. Golf balls will be 8 to 12, depending on the course plus assorted tees and my Bushnell range finder. Bag still feels heavy but that could just be me at my age.
  2. Just saw the announcement that he had another back surgery procedure. One has to ask, when is enough enough to cut into your body just because you want to continue to play competively.
  3. Something in the back of my mind is telling me that those who were in positions of power within the golf world slowly became unsatisfied with the leadership of the PGATour as to how they are handling negotiations with PIF. Not everyone views PIF in the same way as certain bodies in the US and they feel the PGATour may have gotten too big for its britches and is just dragging its feet irregardless as to how it affects the rest of the golf world.
  4. If he can get healthy, Spieth has a chance to win them all. However I don't see many young players who have the mindset and talent to win all four majors.
  5. The Tour is trying to make everyone happy, i.e. sponsors and tv ratings. Just start everyone at even par and let the chips fall where they may. You can easily determine who wins what awards based upon their play during the regular season. Heck, even Scottie is not a fan of the present system.
  6. Depends on the speed of the greens. Fast will bring out my 54 sand wedge while slow that could be anything from a 7 to 9 iron.
  7. Not sure about the Ping Max 10K but I do own the Ping G430 Max (senior flex) and SFT (R Flex) and neither one I would say are distance drivers but boy do the find the fairway, especially my SFT.
  8. When I was younger and playing competively or money games with the guys, sure I always told myself I could have shot 4-5 shots better than what my score was. Now I can always look back after a round and see where I might have played a hole differently, especially when on vacation or golf trip, but I know that I can shoot anywhere from the mid-70's to high 80's on any given course and any given time with my age and body.
  9. Charts are fun to compare yourself to but I have found how your body and swing ages to be a better factor. I know when I hit 60, I started to notice a loss in distance in all my clubs. Where I used to hit driver only on par 4 holes longer than 400 yards, now at 71 going on to the next number soon, I can hit driver and a mid iron into holes under 400 yards. Thankfully, with my continued workouts, my driver can still reach out to 200-210 but my irons are hopelessly being reduced each and every year. Where I used 8-9 iron at 150 now relegated to a 6 or 7. What has gotten a whole lot better is my pitching and chipping where I can get more 1 putts which save my round.
  10. Just wondering what others do, as I am always tempted to adjust the heads of my woods and hybrids as to how I am playing over that particular period of time. I guess this might be a fault of mine since moving away from the old static club heads. Does anyone else have this "temptation" or do you find your setting and it stays there no matter how you have played throughout the season.
  11. Honestly to me, the present Fedex Cup playoff, if that is what you want to call it, is nothing more than a silly end of the season event for a more money grab. A playoff is what it is, win or go home. Yes I know the Tour likes to market the events as such and it feels it will draw the tv crowd in, but really does it? Can you imagine the current three events but reduce each field to simple match play with the winners moving on to the next event. Chance are they will lose big names over time but at least you would have the semblance of a real playoff. This might be far fetched and out of the box thinking but what the heck anything is really better than watching 30 guys teeing off with most having little chance of catching the leader who starts at -10.
  12. No I don't think so only with the fact that my late father, who never followed golf, knew who Palmer was and his background. Palmer had that personality that went beyond golf.
  13. Since I will be adding, hopefully, another year to may age next year, I have invested in a 5 hybrid to go allong with my 4, which will go into the bag next year.
  14. Listening to Monohan's monotonous presser I am of the opinion that there will be no deal with PIF, now or in the future, and the "war" of golf tours will be in full bloom come 2025.
  15. I am currently using the Titleist Tour Speed and AVX balls as they seem to match my slower swing speed a bit better.
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