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About MadMex

  • Birthday September 12

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  • Location
    Arizona White Mountains
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  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    91-100 mph
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  • Biggest Strength
    Short Game
  • Biggest Weakness
    Driver/Off the Tee
  • Fitted for Clubs

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  1. Well, got the e-mail from the masters and , well, still NADA, ZIP, ZERO, NOTHING, thank you for playing,,,,, Am I with the worse record or is there someone out there with a higher 0 average record?
  2. Exactly, even the wife who was also an addict, she used to threaten to sell clubs because sometimes we “only” played once a week , has not asked to play. Maybe leaving the hustle and bustle of the big cities , Riverside California, for the Mountains of AZ (population 17K) has sort of giving a new view on life.
  3. Allow me to step on my soapbox I retired 3 years ago, moved from California to the Mountains of Arizona, beautiful area surrounded by pines, 2 private courses and about 6 semi-private and municipal courses, so lack of courses is not a problem. I have found myself doing things which I never ever would have thought of while working! Hiking, traveling, doing things around the house, etc,etc,,,l two weeks I finally swung a club, several people were concerned for my health thinking I was having a seizure of some type!! Finally after 4 sessions I looked like I had played the gam e before and was semi-worth of my clubs. So, am I alone? I thought I would be playing at least 2-3 times a week , but somehow the nurse has diminished, wonder if there is drug which gives you the urge to -;any, sort of a golf Viagra,,,,,,,thanks for the rant, now back to your scheduled program.
  4. Since I retired almost two years ago, I’ve started smoking ribs, pork, brisket,etc, etc. Any other smoking aficionados here?
  5. Was in the area for a medical appointment,I live about 2 1/2 hrs away, I went to site and saw an opening at 8:30am , so we took it. It’s free. There is lot’s of golf in the Scottsdale/Mesa area, if you can deal with the 90’s, in May and June you get killer deals.
  6. Not sure if I should get hyped up or this means I have a chance to get one,,,, when I clicked it said if I filled out an order form it did not mean I would get one, but then this showed up in my email!
  7. Having been retired in the White Mountains of Arizona (Pinetop) for two years, specialized healthcare is hard to come by, it’s either a drive to Flagstaff or to the Valley, I chose the later one. I went to the PING website and saw 2 openings for a tour the day after my appointment, so I sign is up. My wife is a recent golf addict and PING player, I said “Hey, want to take the PING factory tour?”, she immediately said yes! Just like PING irons, the facility located in the north Phoenix area is so, well, for lack of better words, plain, so much that we drove by it twice! After finding the building on our third try, we walked into the security office and just like the building, it was rather plain, with a few exceptions, Mr. Solheim’s original milling machine, some photos and other items. First thing we did was to sign a non disclosure agreement followed by a visitor sticker with out names already on them, by the way, we could not keep the sticker for security reasons, yes, they take their security that seriously! It seemed every employee that walked in, knew either the security guard or our tour guide Bill or simply said good morning. The tour started by again being informed that photos would be allowed only in certain places and some history of PING, I won’t write it , as much of it is probably known by most of you. The tour started in what is know as the production area, there was about a dozen rows with different stations, I did not count how many rows or stations were there as I was drooling over the rows of brand new PING toys, all stations were performing different steps, again, too much to describe! it should be noted that all employees change stations every 2 and half hours in order for all employees to be proficient at every task. Next to this area was the components warehouse, it looked like a COSTCO warehouse, row after row of grips, shafts, heads, etc,etc, everything needed to build a club. We were informed that most of the equipment used to assemble the clubs was designed by the Solheim family, Bill said that during one tour John Solheim happened to be on the floor and one of the guests taking the tour asked him what he did there, his answer “Well, just about everything”. The way the clubs go from one end as different components on a cart to the end as a complete club, is worthy of its own separate write up. An hour later , it felt like 15 minutes for a geek like me, we were off to the CNC room, all along Bill was giving stories and facts, keeping it interesting and fun. The CNC room, was rather quiet for the job that is performed there, a display showed how a block of steel is transformed into two putter heads, I asked hoping I could take a photo, the anser , no. One machine was opened and a pair freshly milled PLD ZING 2 putter heads sat on a workers table, number 63 of 88 and 64 of 88, which will be released Tuesday June 13th, the machinist showed us what tools he had used to inscribe the different details, again, no go on the photos. The next part, was were golf bags are put together from many different components, how they make the transfers for customs bags in house and the rows of machines with embroidered panels with names and teams next to them. We headed out of the bag room and started a long walk to what can only be described as the best driving range I have ever seen! at the end of this driving range and about 300 yards was a net about 100 feet high, Bill said the net was made taller since on one of his first fitting and testing sessions, Bubba Watson was hitting drives over the net, now, some college and up and coming players are coming close to hitting drives over the current net. Three golfers were hitting some towering high, long and straight shots , they appeared to be college students, about 6 older gentlemen were looking at every shot, writing something down ( we were about 75 yards away so we could not tell what was being said), we walked towards another plain white building, flashing red lights over a sign which simply said “Testing in progress”, seconds later the lights went off and a rolling steel door was closed, my inner geek senses started to tingle as I had an idea of the contents of that “plain” white building, should be noted that all fittings to include the VIP fittings, are free . Walking in , I immediately got the scent of what epoxy smells like when it’s heated for a head to be removed from a club, Bill, our tour guide, saw a group walk into a room and simply said, hey, we usually don’t go in there, but let’s piggy back, the large room held singular work stations just like the one we saw earlier, I asked Bill, “ Are we in the WRX section?”, he just smiled and nodded, tapped me on the shoulder smiled and simply said “yup”. We were able to speak with their top fitter and builder, he said when PING pros come to test and be fitted, the entire staff of about 10 can either adjust or completely build a new club for them on the spot within minutes, again, the 20 or so minutes seemed like seconds for me, we were also told of a certain putter maker who has their initials on many custom PING tour putters, the initials? JW. Walking along the hallways, we stoped in another room, a black door, with a keypad and a 5 spoke wheel greeted us, yup, THE PING vault, another PING employee with a camera who we learned had worked his way from the manufacturing room to social media rep. held ZING 2 putter head serial number 0, first one off the line, again, no go on the shot, but I did get to hold it, so I got that going for me. Couple of minutes later, a lady smiled at us, asked us how we were enjoying the tour walked to the black door and then asked my wife to be the “gatekeeper”, she punched several numbers and told my wife to turn the handle and open the door, I was so jealous and envious of her! Her gasps said it all , when she completely opened the door, myself and the other couple with us followed suit with a gasp, there in front of us were dozens of gold putters! We walked in and disbelieve, it got even better when Bill said, please wear these cotton gloves when handling the putters and put them back in the same spot, are you frisking kidding me!! I quickly found the gold putters of three of my favorite golfers when I took up the game, Fuzzy Zoeller , Lee Trevino and Severiano Ballesteros, yes, am dating myself. Also I front of me, two Tiger Woods Amateur Champion gold putters. We spent at least 20 minutes in there, holding those famous gold putters. We walked out and onto the parking lot and then back to were we started, turned in our visitors stickers , thanked Bill and walked out, another item off the bucket list. The only “bummer”, no gift shop to buy some PING paraphernalia.
  8. Here is my two pesos, I would send it to BOS and have them refinish it ($95-$105) since the Cameron Studio will charge you $300+. This way you can continue to honor your father by playing it or display it without breaking the bank, $300-$400 is about the value of this putter. BOS did the finish for Cameron for years (not now). https://bosgolf.com/finishes/
  9. Maybe it’s me but,,,,,, I tried both, along with a PING milled anser 2 ,,,,,,, same.
  10. Second round of golf I had ever played, I “smoked” a drive , 200+ drive (this was 1981), almost hit this man , I apologized told,him it was my second round of golf ever, he gave a couple of etiquette tips. 3 months later I walked in the credit union to see if my loan had been approved for a used firebird, yup, the loan officer was the man I almost hit, I got the loan. Several years later, on a short par 4, I laid up, all of a sudden, ball hits cart, other player simply runs over ball,,,, ended up plugged Now, like many here, once, it’s an accident, twice,,,,, we are having a talk
  11. Still remember the outcry (showing my age!) when Callaway released the Big Bertha, $199 !!
  12. Heard there is already a movement by congress to repeal the PGA’s “non-profit” status. https://www.sportico.com/leagues/golf/2023/pga-tour-tax-exempt-status-congress-bill-1234725406/
  13. Am piling on,,,,,, how about a drunk foursome with a Bluetooth speaker blasting away , playing with rental clubs and range balls in front of them!
  14. Williams AFB AZ, in the 80’s, 115 in the shade. Torrejon AB, Spain , about 45 degrees, 20 mph gusts and torrential rain, but the flowing sangria kept us warm.
  15. We have all watched golf tournaments were the conditions are perfect and any spot not “worthy” is marked under repair. So a though came to mind, how to truly “test” the pro’s by having them play in some of the conditions we have all played under, here is my list: Tees: uneven, some areas bare Fairways: All different heights , some wet, some bone dry Sand Traps: some with less than 1/4 inch of sand, some with rocks and gravel Greens: Same as fairways, different speeds , some wet, some dry and some not mowed Driving Range: Two and one piece balls, dirty balls, some cracked and different brands. Also add some areas with huge gaps and stuff. No under repair areas and of course have a snack cart driving around.
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