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About deauxrite

  • Birthday 06/29/1950

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  • Location
    Sierra Vista, AZ
  • Interests
    Golf, Practicing golf and talking about golf
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  • Age
    60 and over
  • Swing Speed
    90 mph or less
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    Driver/Off the Tee
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  1. Thanks for the responses. I did, in fact ask to see that rule in writing. I am still waiting
  2. I have paced off my putts for years to determine the approximate distance. Today a fellow golfer informed me that it is a one stroke penalty for each occurrence. Have I missed something in the rules..or is the fellow incorrect.
  3. I have had this for a couple of years and it has never been to the golf course. I have rolled it on my putting mat a few times, but it is not my cup of tea. Right hand, 35 inches head cover included. I would like to trade it for a Scotty Phantom X5 or X7. Has to be in excellent shape. 34 or 35 inches.
  4. Agree. Too many downers for my golf reading.
  5. I first tried the Sik Armlock. It is a very nice putter, but after 2 months I just could not get the lag putts in the two foot circle that I shoot for. I traded it for a Sik blade putter and it is now my gamer. I really love my Scotty, but I make more putts with the Sik. I think that lag putting with the Sik is much easier for me..whether it is the DLT or just the heavy head I am enjoying the success. BTW: I use an X-putt for my practice. I keep statistics on putter face angles and putt length. I am better at keeping the putter face square at impact with the Sik than with anything else that I have tried.
  6. May I have the Broke 70 badge please. Birdies on 17 and a chip in birdie on 18 today to shoot my first 69. !! Thanks Jerry
  7. Man, that is one ugly putter. I don't think that I would let my other clubs associate with that thing. My putter has to look good!
  8. I really should mention that this has been a lot of fun. It was really frustrating at first. Hitting lots of putts but progress was really slow. Then changing putters, changing stances, changing grips ..trying all kinds of things. The best part has been having the time and the patience to try different things and gear. All of those questions that you have about whether this is the big "thing" that makes the difference..it is fun to try so many different things. Not being afraid to try a claw grip..or a See More putter..this has been really liberating. I should also mention that I have been watching the guys at the club that are good putters. We have two or three that regularly make lots of birdie putts. At first glace they do not seem to have a lot in common..but in watching them closely, they do have a couple of habits in common. They all look at their putts from at least 3 different angles. From behind the ball, behind the hole and from the low side. They all have fairly short strokes. They keep their back strokes short enough that they have to accelerate into the putt. Deceleration is death. I have been playing golf for a long time and it occurs to me that I should have done this 30 years ago. I think that it would have made my game better long ago. Hindsight is 2020 I guess. Thanks for following along. I hope that it has been entertaining.
  9. The spider did take a bit of getting used to. Mostly I have had to adjust my setup on down hill putts. The spider is very easy to drag the rear part of the putter on downhill putts..other than that..it was an easy adjustment.
  10. I am finished. This project took longer that I expected, but it is finally finished. I am happy with the result..better stroke and a better understanding of what goes into making a good putting stroke. Now when I miss a putt, I know if I misread it or if I just did not hit a good stroke. This summer (if we get to play) will be a good test of the stroke and my green reading ability. For now..I will continue to hit practice putts on the mat until we can get back out and play.
  11. Update to 10,000 putts. 9,595 as of today. The local golf courses are still open and the greens are beginning to recover from winter and aeration. I have made one additional change to the stroke. I have shortened the back swing by about a third. It has affected my timing somewhat, but I am working on that. What the back swing change has improved is the putts inside 8 feet. I am getting the ball started on the line better and am not suffering from deceleration as much. It is taking some concentration to make the change, but that is also a good thing. As per the blast swing analyzer my tempo is steady at 1.8 to 1 and rotation change is constant in the .3 to .4 degrees open range. The back swing change did not seem to change those numbers dramatically. Strokes gained putting is slowly getting better. With all of the variables involved in this process, it is difficult to say if it is a result of all of the practice or one of the other changes..no matter as long as it is improving. I will post one more time. Looking forward to being finished now..ready to play more golf and practice a little less.
  12. I remember that day..I actually worked at the golf course that day..it was nuts!
  13. Update to 10,000 putts. Now getting close to the end of this adventure. With the 100 putts that I hit today, I am at 8,610 putts. The stroke is good. More importantly, it is consistent. My green reading skills are beginning to get better as well..just in time for aerification on our club course . It is all good..I can use the time to work on a few other things. An interesting note..I have finally settled on a Taylormade Spider putter. I have fiddled with the weights and finally settled on a bit heavier putter head. It seems to help me get the longer putts to the hole more consistently. During this process, I have tried two different Scotty Camerons, a Bettinardi, two Odysseys, a Ping and two different Taylormades. The spider is a pretty well used putter that I bought from a fellow at the club for $75. I guess that the lesson there is that the price of the putter has little or nothing to do with the final result..find one that works and be happy with it. I took some advice from one of the people that replied to this a while back..I am keeping track of strokes gained (or lost), putting. The trend is getting better and I had a day last week when I had a +2.4 strokes gained putting. Most of the time it is +- 1 stroke, which I think is pretty good..but the +2.4 was a good day with the flat stick..no real long putts, but lots of good solid putts and no mistakes. Maybe one or two more updates before this is finished.
  14. Update to 10,000 putts. I am now at 7,700 putts since December 12th 2019. Since the last update I have pretty much finished with the Blast Motion analyzer. My final numbers are .2 degrees (average) rotation change and tempo is solid at 1.8:1. Both numbers are very consistent through the last thousand putts or so. I am now working at a slower pace and taking more time between putts to work on line, speed and reading each putt. I find this to be a much slower process, but interesting and challenging. If I miss a putt due to misreading it, I spend time looking at the putt and trying to figure out why I misread it..then putt it again until I am satisfied with the results. If I missed a putt because I did not hit my intended line, then I putt that again until I am satisfied that I made a good stroke. I am also doing speed drills every day. It usually consists of 20 putts. 5 from 20 feet, 5 from 30 feet, 5 from 40 feet and 5 from 50 feet..mixed up so that no two putts are hit from the same distance in succession. Putts have to end up within 3 feet..or the exercise begins again. Soon I will begin placing an aim stick behind the hole (3 feet) and require that all putts stop between the hole and the stick..if they don't go in the hole. Using the strokes gained putting calculator, I am seeing -1 to +1 strokes gained putting most of the time. I have not captured enough data to feel comfortable saying that this is a true average..I think that it will take 25 rounds of golf to see where those numbers finally settle. Onward and upward!!
  15. Update to 10,000 putts. I have attached a short (12 seconds) video of the putting stroke as it is right now. The object is to putt the ball down that 1 inch wide, 48 inch long piece of aluminum stock..10 times in a row. This was my first successful run of 10. Since this video was made, I have had numerous runs of 10-20 in a row. Note that when I started this odyssey I had difficulty putting down a 2 inch wide, 36 inch ruler..progress is slow, but it is progress. That is my wellputt mat under the ruler btw. https://youtu.be/ArLTSp6UdZM
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