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Testers Wanted: Vortex Rangefinders ×

ODogs Driver

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Posts posted by ODogs Driver

  1. Honestly a good grip instal is when you do not think  about the way the club feels in your hands when you step into a shot. Everything else is purely cosmetic. Some people I know prefer ribbed grips to be actually twisted for their weak or strong grip. Alignment grips with visible lines are to help you square the face but once a player actually knows what square looks like these are unneeded as well. A bad instal is when you "feel" the grip ie tape bump, ridge in finger line ,or whatever makes you "think" or uncomfortable over the ball. UNLESS its your putter then everything above about alignment and squaring is a lie

  2. I us an app called technique its great to video tape and examine your swing.you can compare side by side with pro swings.start by comparing set ups ie hand position ball position what not and work back from there. The most important thingnfor distance other than ACTUALLY making a full shoulder turn over a full hip rotation is to make sure your left wrist(for righties) is atleast flat if not a la Ben Hogan and cupped down(knuckles down NOT up) at the top of your swing. It will feel very strange at first but you can not impact properly without this position. Hope it helps keep us informed of your progress

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